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After the congratulations had wound down, [[Kadash]] arrived to confront Dalinar. Kadash said that he would have to report what he had seen to his superiors who would not be pleased that Dalinar had tried to circumvent them. Dalinar tried to persuade him, but was unsuccessful. During their discussion, Dalinar remembered more of his past, that what had happened at Rathalas had been horrific for Kadash, but few more details than that. Kadash did not succeed in getting Dalinar to recant his heresy and Dalinar did not succeed in convincing Kadash that his visions were legitimate.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
With things at Urithiru under some control, Dalinar and the current leadership turned their eyes to the rest of the world, wanting to find some way to reach out to them. While they studied the map, Shallan and Dalinar’s powers interacted, creating a three-dimensional image of the world out of Stormlight. This allowed Dalinar to get a better grasp of the situation and create a plan. He decided that they would focus on protecting the cities with Oathgates as that was their key advantage over the Voidbringers, with an initial focus on Thaylenah, Azir, and Jah Keved for their strategic importance.{{book ref|sa3|8}}
The scout [[Lyn]] interrupted this meeting to inform them all of a second, copycat murder.{{book ref|sa3|8}} They went to see the body, and found it murdered in the same manner that Sadeas had been killed. Dalinar assigned Adolin to Aladar’s team to continuelead investigatingthe thereinvestigation into Sadeas' death.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
Elhokar, frustrated at his lack of power, tried to abdicate the Alethi throne to Dalinar, who refused to let him do it. Instead, Dalinar gave up his claim to the Kholin lands entirely in exchange for leadership of Urithiru, outside of Alethkar’s authority. Elhokar’s anxiety was for the safety of the Alethkar capital, [[Kholinar]]. Dalinar didn’t want Elhokar going on his own, and Elhokar asked that [[Kaladin]] to go with him.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
==== Looking Outward ====
Later Dalinar convened a meeting with Aladar, Navani, Kalami, and Teshav to receive the communications of the other monarchs. The Azish were the first to reply. Dalinar tried inviting them to Urithiru and explore the tower. Their reply ignored his invitation and simply thanked him for warning them about the Everstorm. Dalinar offered them aid to fight off the singers. They replied that they would welcome an exchange of aid and asked for reports of what they knew about the Voidbringers. They said that their city was in relatively good shape and they were negotiating with the freed parshmen. Dalinar tried asking them to let him come to Azimir through the Oathgate so they could speak in person. The Azish then claimed, falsely, that the portal was not functioning and sent documents to prove this. They then promised to contact him again and signed off.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
Dalinar’s attempts to reach out to other world leaders began badly. Though he could contact them through spanreed conversations, they were reticent to give him anything. Dalinar’s reputation as a warmongering general had harmed his attempts at peacemaking. The [[Gawx|Emperor]] of [[Azir]] refused to budge, telling the Alethi that their Oathgate didn’t function as a portal. The [[Fen|Queen]] of [[Thaylenah]] wrote over spanreed that the Voidbringers had sailed off and that there was no need for a coalition. However, one person answers Dalinar’s plea to join forces: King [[Taravangian]].{{book ref|sa3|12}}
Next they turned to Fen. Dalinar tried to invite her to Urithiru so they could talk in person but she refused. She said that her city had been devastated by the Everstorm, and the parshmen had stolen all of their ships and so she did not have time to go on a sightseeing trip. Fen said that while she was interested in the economic opportunities the Oathgates provided, she was not interested in joining any coalition.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
After the meeting with Fen had come to an end and the others had departed, Elhokar came into the room and confronted Dalinar. Elhokar told Dalinar that he was a better king than himself, and then announced that he was swearing fealty to Dalinar. Dalinar asked him what he intended in that and Elhokar explained. Dalinar would be the Highking of Urithiru. He would abdicate his princedom to his heir, Adolin, and must remove himself from the affairs of Alethkar. Dalinar could give orders to Elhokar, but Elhokar had the power to decide how to carry them out. He would only be able to command the highprinces when they were in his domain, which included Urithiru and the Shattered Plains. They decided to delay making the official announcement until later when all of the details could be worked out.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
Elhokar then told Dalinar that he wanted to go to Kholinar with an army to secure it and sort out the riots that were happening there. Dalinar said that he thought it was a good idea, but that it made more sense to take a small force into the city to unlock the Oathgate and transport the troops to Kholinar through the portal. Dalinar at first hesitated at sending the king into a possibly hostile city but then decided that it was a good idea, as it give a much needed boost to his nephew's morale and self-esteem. They decided to wait for Kaladin to return so he could lead Elhokar on his mission.{{book ref|sa3|12}} As Elhokar was leaving they received word from Kharbranth that Taravangian had located a new Radiant in his city and that they would be using her Shardblade to come to Urithiru, through their Oathgate, and join Dalinar's coalition.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
* The inspection of the Honorblade Dalinar had in his possession led him to the discussion of Odium and his weaknesses, namely whether Odium could be bound by oaths. The Stormfather confirmed that he could be bound. The suggestion that a contest of champions between Odium and the Knights Radiant could hold Odium off were his champion to be defeated. Winning time would be a worthy goal for Dalinar’s side, whereas time was meaningless to Odium.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
Dalinar wanted to spar to work through these plans, but no ardent was willing to spar with him. Dalinar’s ardents were being pushed to a decision between loyalty to the Almighty, or to Dalinar the known heretic. Instead of one of his ardents, Dalinar ordered [[Aratin]], one of [[General Khal]]’s sons, to spar with him in a wrestling match, which he lost. As the match finished, Navani arrived with word that the [[Iri]]ali queen wanted to speak earlier than scheduled.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Though frustrated by their rebuttal Dalinar did not give up. He asked Teshav to contact Queen Fen of Thaylenah to see if she would speak with him. He realized that with the Natans responding positively and Kharbranth and Jah Keved already at his side through Taravangian if he could convince the Thaylens as well they could form a unified Vorin coalition of the eastern states and hopefully eventually they could convince the nations of the west to join them once they saw what they had achieved. While he was waiting for a response from the queen he noticed a hole in the ceiling and decided to investigate it. He took a chair and stuck it to the wall with Stormlight and used it to climb up and look into the hole. He found a mink carrying a dead rat in its mouth scurrying down a long tunnel as a faint breeze blew towards him. As he was contemplating what he found and the implications it had for Shallan's investigation into the [[Re-Shephir|Unmade]] that was killing people in the city, he was interrupted by Teshav who said that Fen had started to write.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Fen said that she was too busy caring for her city which had been hit hard by the Everstorm and didn't have time to be bothered by his attempts at tempting her into a coalition. Dalinar tried to offer her troops and supplies to help her rebuild if they could join together, but her refusal was firm. He tried again saying that it was not the time for her to try to fight on her own, but again she refused. She said that she was not gullible enough to allow Alethi troops into her city. Dalinar thanked her for her time, told her that his offer remained on the table, and left the room to find some fresh air and clear out his frustration.{{book ref|sa3|28}}