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Although she was raised by varvax, Brade still feels connected to humans, as she displays confliction when Spensa asks her how she feels about destroying the humans on Detritus.{{book ref|sky2|31}} She is loyal to Winzik to a fault, due him overseeing her upbringing, evident in her support of his coup{{book ref|sky2|31}} and her continual defense of his ideas and methods from Spensa's attacks.{{book ref|sky2|30}} 
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Pilot ===
Brade is an extremely talented pilot, considered by [[Spensa]] to be superior to her.{{book ref|sky2|40}} Brade flies a Krell interceptor{{book ref|sky2|21}}, and is adept at using the [[Starfighter#Light-Lance|light-lance]]{{book ref|sky2|15}}, the destructors, and maneuvering in tight spaces. She is able to handle the stress of flying in the compact space of the delver maze while taking on dozens of embers at a time exceptionally well.{{book ref|sky2|30}} She is also well accomplished in dogfighting, being able to outmaneuver and stay ahead of an enemy at extreme speeds in the vacuum of space.{{book ref|sky2|40}}
=== Cytonics ===
Brade is a trained cytonic. Her training of these abilities allows her to sense other cytonics,{{book ref|sky2|17}} hyperjump,{{book ref|sky2|42}} perform mental prods,{{book ref|sky2|11}} picture cytonic coordinates and destinations in her mind, and more. She has not demonstrated the ability to use [[Cytonics#Mindblades|mindblades]], but may already possess this ability.
Perhaps most frightening of all, Brade has displayed the ability to summon a [[delver]] from the [[nowhere]] by projecting a cytonic scream within her mind into the nowhere, thus attracting the baleful attention of the beings.{{book ref|sky2|40}}
[[Winzik]] took Brade from her parents at an early age, probably recognizing her cytonic abilities, to use her to form the secret core of the Delver Resistance Program. On its surface, the program espoused defense of the [[Superiority]] by fielding a fleet of pilots to navigate a delver maze, reach its heart, and detonate a weapon that feeds the delver the cytonic coordinates of the human preserve on [[Detritus]]. The true purpose of this program, however, was to provide Winzik with a core of powerful cytonics, such as Brade, with which he could summon delvers at will and direct them to wipe out rebellious groups.{{book ref|sky2|35}}
== History ==
After the delver disappeared, Winzik enacted his coup, in fear of the truth getting out about his summoning of the delver. Brade helped him with his coup, but decided to shoot down a military ship intended to kill Spensa because she believed Spensa to be too useful an asset to simply kill off. Their conversation ended when Spensa ran off to the Department of Protective Services' Special Projects building.{{book ref|sky2|45}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Pilot ===
Brade is an extremely talented pilot, considered by [[Spensa]] to be superior to her.{{book ref|sky2|40}} Brade flies a Krell interceptor{{book ref|sky2|21}}, and is adept at using the [[Starfighter#Light-Lance|light-lance]]{{book ref|sky2|15}}, the destructors, and maneuvering in tight spaces. She is able to handle the stress of flying in the compact space of the delver maze while taking on dozens of embers at a time exceptionally well.{{book ref|sky2|30}} She is also well accomplished in dogfighting, being able to outmaneuver and stay ahead of an enemy at extreme speeds in the vacuum of space.{{book ref|sky2|40}}
=== Cytonics ===
Brade is a trained cytonic. Her training of these abilities allows her to sense other cytonics,{{book ref|sky2|17}} hyperjump,{{book ref|sky2|42}} perform mental prods,{{book ref|sky2|11}} picture cytonic coordinates and destinations in her mind, and more. She has not demonstrated the ability to use [[Cytonics#Mindblades|mindblades]], but may already possess this ability.
Perhaps most frightening of all, Brade has displayed the ability to summon a [[delver]] from the [[nowhere]] by projecting a cytonic scream within her mind into the nowhere, thus attracting the baleful attention of the beings.{{book ref|sky2|40}}
[[Winzik]] took Brade from her parents at an early age, probably recognizing her cytonic abilities, to use her to form the secret core of the Delver Resistance Program. On its surface, the program espoused defense of the [[Superiority]] by fielding a fleet of pilots to navigate a delver maze, reach its heart, and detonate a weapon that feeds the delver the cytonic coordinates of the human preserve on [[Detritus]]. The true purpose of this program, however, was to provide Winzik with a core of powerful cytonics, such as Brade, with which he could summon delvers at will and direct them to wipe out rebellious groups.{{book ref|sky2|35}}