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Having heard Dalinar explain their situation, Taravangian asked him where they would attack next. He said that he had been told that it was the typical Althi strategy, and that Thaylenah seemed like a good place to start. Dalinar realized that, despite his efforts at diplomacy, this was what everyone thought and expected the Blackthorn would do. He tried to tell them that they were not planning on attacking anyone but the [[Voidbringer]]s and that they would create their coalition through peaceful diplomacy, not battles and death. However, he was able to see that Adrotagia and the other Kharbranthians did not believe him, assuming that he was lying to them. This conversation with Adrotagia prompted Dalinar to reconsider his strategy of peaceful negotiations as well as the oaths he had taken as a Bondsmith.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
==== Strategizing ====
Dalinar convened a meeting with Shallan, Adolin, Renarin, Taravangian, Elhokar, [[Kalami]], and the rest of the highprinces and their wives and scribes. He helped Shallan create an illusion of a map of Roshar which they used as a reference. They discussed possible methods of convincing the Thaylens and Azish to join their coalition. Kalami brought up the fact that Iri was moving to conquer some of the land that they had long coveted. THey discussed the large numbers of Voidbringers gathering in [[Marat]] as well as the increasing number of cities going "dark", and having all of their spanreed communication cut off abruptly. The last reports from Kholinar before the shutoff had been to say that large armies were gathering outside the city. Dalinar announced to the assembly that he thought that it was clear that the enemy was making a move to capture as many cities with Oathgates as they could, and their next step would be Azir or Jah Keved. Highprince [[Aladar]] announced his agreement with Dalinar's assessment though [[Ruthar]] was quick to retort with an insult. Aladar moved to summon his Shardblade but Dalinar held him back.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
Shortly afterwards [[Ialai Sadeas]] arrived at the meeting accompanied by [[Meridas Amaram]]. Adolin stepped toward Amaram staring murder at him but Dalinar restrained him from doing anything to the man. Dalinar attempted to welcome Ialai and thank her for joining the meeting. She replied that she had only come because it was a convenient place to find all of the highprinces assembled together. She proceeded to announce that she had chosen Amaram to be the new highprince of the Sadeas princedom, a clear gesture showing her disregard for what Dalinar thought. After Elhokar gave his approval, Dalinar acknowledged Amaram as the new Sadeas highprince, and Adolin called Amaram a bastard and stormed out of the room.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
Afterwards, having retired to a smaller room with Navani, Taravangian, and some others, they received Azir's response to his plea which Teshav read aloud. The Azish said that they had decided to seal off the Oathgate until they could destroy it. They explained that a magical portal into the middle was too large a danger to allow to stand. They said that they would maintain trade relations with Alethkar but asked that Dalinar stop asking them to open the Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
|Surely you see. A queen would have to be either stupid or desperate to let an Alethi army into the very center of her city. I’ve been the former at times, and I might be approaching the latter, but … storms, Kholin. No. I’m not going to be the one who finally lets Thaylenah fall to you people. And on the off chance that you’re sincere, then I’m sorry
|Fen{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Though frustrated by their rebuttal Dalinar did not give up. He asked Teshav to contact Queen Fen of Thaylenah to see if she would speak with him. He realized that with the Natans responding positively and Kharbranth and Jah Keved already at his side through Taravangian if he could convince the Thaylens as well they could form a unified Vorin coalition of the eastern states and hopefully eventually they could convince the nations of the west to join them once they saw what they had achieved. While he was waiting for a response from the queen he noticed a hole in the ceiling and decided to investigate it. He took a chair and stuck it to the wall with Stormlight and used it to climb up and look into the hole. He found a mink carrying a dead rat in its mouth scurrying down a long tunnel as a faint breeze blew towards him. As he was contemplating what he found and the implications it had for Shallan's investigation into the [[Re-Shephir|Unmade]] that was killing people in the city he was interrupted by Teshav who said that Fen had started to write.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Fen said that she was too busy caring for her city which had been hit hard by the Everstorm and didn't have time to be bothered by his attempts at tempting her into a coalition. Dalinar tried to offer her troops and supplies to help her rebuild if they could join together but her refusal was firm. He tried again saying that it wasn't
=== Oathbringer ===