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In the ensuing battle, [[Vin's earring]] is torn out of her ear, finally allowing her to absorb the power of the mists. In a devastating show of power, Vin levels most of the city and kills the Inquisitors, but is vaporized herself to take up the [[Shard]] Preservation and attempted to right the world but failed in almost the same way as [[Rashek]].
With the knowledge of the Atium stashes location, Elend sets out for the kandra homeworld. On his journey he is left wondering why so many people had gotten sick longer than others when they had been exposed to the mists. Upon arriving at the kandra homeworld he discovers the Atium in the [[Trustwarren]] and comes to the realisation that those sick for longer had become Atium [[Misting|Mistings]]. Using this powerful force they meet the approaching koloss army on the fields outside the homeworld. Fighting until their Atium is used up, Elend confronts a Ruin controlled Marsh.
Watching the fight between Elend and Marsh fueling the former with mist-power, Vin witnesses her husband die and with nothing left to lose, she hurls herself at the form of Ruin, destroying them both and leaving Sazed to pick up the two Shards. As the new shard of [[Harmony]] he sets out to work on righting the world through trial and error. As [[Scadrial]] is now safe, Sazed, as Harmony, leaves Spook a note, explaining how Elend and Vin are happy together and he makes Spook a Mistborn.