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=== Heraldic Epochs and Era of Solitude ===
[[File:Thaylen city map.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The ancient Thaylen City; in the present, this part is known as the Ancient Ward]]
Thaylen City is one of the oldest settlements on [[Roshar]], though its exact origins are uncertain. The modern history dates it as about four thousand years old; however, the existence of the [[Oathgate]] and the [[cymatics|cymatic]] pattern of its appearance suggestssuggest that it is's much older than that.{{book ref|sa3|12}}{{file ref|Four Cities.jpg|Four Cities}} During the [[Heraldic Epochs]], it was located in the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] of [[Thalath]].{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}} Its proximity to the Thalath Oathgate indicates that it might've been the capital even back then. At the time, it was a far smaller city, consisting only of the district now known as the Ancient Ward.{{book ref|sa3|58}}
The ultimate fate of Thalath and how it became [[Thaylenah]] is unknown. Thaylen City, however, retained its high status, and in the [[Era of Solitude]] it remained the capital of the newer kingdom, as well as a major shipping and banking hub. It grew far beyond its original constraints, becoming one of the greatest metropoleis of [[Roshar]] alongside cities such as [[Vedenar]] and [[Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa3|58}} In the closing years of that age, it came to the attention of people researching [[Dawncities]], who investigated it due to the cymatic pattern of the Ancient Ward. Among others, [[Kabsal]] used its perfectly symmetrical shape as a proof of the existence of the [[Almighty]].{{book ref|sa1|33}}
| [[Fen Rnamdi]]{{book ref|sa3|12}}
When the [[listener]]s summoned the [[Everstorm]] in the [[Battle of Narak]], [[Dalinar Kholin]] tried to warn the various cities of the world, including Thaylen, about the upcoming catastrophe.{{book ref|sa2|88}} The Thaylens believed him only after gettingconfirming ahis confirmationinformation of the Everstorm fromwith [[New Natanan]], one of the cities struck earlier, and strove to prepare. There wasn't enough time, though, particularly as [[Odium]] targettedtargeted the city deliberately, both as a strategically -important location and as the stage for his confrontation with Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|12}}{{book ref|sa3|107}} The once-extensive docks, along with the entire seaside districtsdistrict, were all but wiped out; muchmost of the city's other sectorsWards were washeavily ruineddamaged by lightning, strong winds, and even debris falling from the terraces above.{{book ref|sa3|58}} The temple of [[Talenelat]] in particular was wrecked near-utterly, possibly out of grudge Odium might have against Taln for holding out for as long as he had.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
Along with the Everstorm came the awakening of the city's [[Parshmen]] population. While the Thaylen were warned of this, they again didn't have enough time to respond properly. As a result, when the Parshmen awoke, they stole the remaining ships, both the military and private vessels, and sailed away, escaping their former captors.{{book ref|sa3|12}} They would later become the crews of the [[Voidbringer]] fleet.{{book ref|sa3|115}}
=== Alliance with Urithiru ===
[[File:Thrill.png|thumb|right|350px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Ashley Coad|Ashley Coad]]</small></center> Dalinar confronting Nergaoul on Thaylen Field]]
Following the revelations of the [[Eila Stele]], Thaylenah was one of the few countries to remain with [[Urithiru]], mostly because they had no other choice in their weakened state.{{book ref|sa3|113}} It was then that the [[Voidbringer]] armies, led by Odium himself, arrived on the shores of Thaylen City, having sailed there from the nearby country of [[Marat]]. Though the defenders attempted to prepare for battle, things changed dramatically when Odium first summoned a pair of [[thunderclast]]s, and then released [[Nergaoul]] intoupon the Amaram troops, turning them against the people they were supposed to protect.{{book ref|sa3|115}}
One of the thunderclasts breached the wall and made for the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]], intending to secure the [[King's Drop]], a [[perfect gemstone]] that could trap Nergaoul. At the same time, Dalinar went down into the Thaylen Field to face Odium directly.{{book ref|sa3|116}} In the ensuing confrontation, Dalinar managed to open [[Honor's Perpendicularity]], providing the [[Knights Radiant]] present with much-needed [[Stormlight]].{{book ref|sa3|119}}
What resulted was a pitched battle between the defending forces -- mostly the Knights Radiant and Thaylen troops, later reinforced by [[House Kholin]] soldiers brought by [[General Khal]] through the Oathgate -- and Odium's soldiers, consisting of the two thunderclasts, the Amaram troopsarmy and the [[Fused]]. Much of the city was ruined in the process, although the city wall was patched by [[Jasnah Kholin]] soulcasting the air in the breach into metal. Ultimately, Nergaoul was trapped in the King's Drop and the remaining Voidbringer forces withdrew.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
The battle once more left Thaylen City in shambles, now augmented by the corpse of one of the thunderclasts. Massive surgeon stations were set up in the Low Ward to care for the numerous wounded, and the various alliance members pitched in to aid with the rebuilding.{{book ref|sa3|121}}{{book ref|sa3|122}} However, much work remains to be done, and whether the city can be brought back to its former glory is questionable.