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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|Is water of life. It is connection to gods. If Unkalaki swim in it, sometimes they see place of gods.
| Rock on the Horneater oceans{{book ref|sa2|46}}
The '''Horneater Oceans''' are a series of lakes, or thermal hot springs, onin the [[Horneater Peaks]]. on [[SigzilRoshar]]. alsoThey callsare themsometimes "Thecalled the '''Emerald Pools''' for their distinct color."{{book ref|sa2|46}} They house [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]].{{book ref|sa3|93}}
Most high mountains in the Horneater Peaks have a crater filled with water at their top. This water is hot, providing pockets of livable space around each Ocean. The temperature drops drastically at a short distance from the lakes, however, making survival in the Peaks without them all but impossible.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
== Myths and Traditions ==
[[Rock]] says that swimming in the oceans is death to any non-[[Unkalaki]] and not because they execute violators. He says that the top of the oceans are water, but that "Beneath, is not. Is something else. Water of life. The place of the gods." He claims they can visit and commune with the gods, and that he has seen Lunu’anaki, the god of travel.
According to one story, the Oceans were created when the [[Unkalaki]] people sought to find a place to live where they wouldn't be hunted down. The ''tana'kai'', the leader of the Unkalaki, asked the gods of the sea and of the forests to hide them, but they could not help as they, too, were being attacked by men. When the ''tana'kai'' asked the same of the gods of the mountains, they told him that helping his people was impossible for them, as their slopes were uninhabitable, but if the Unkalaki could find a way to make them livable, the gods would agree. And so, the Unkalaki begged the gods of the sea for water to drink, the gods of the forest for the fruit to eat, and the gods of the mountains for the heat of their heart, thus creating the Oceans.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
In the modern day, swimming in the Oceans is death to any non-Unkalaki. This is partly becacuse any foreigners are executed for making an attempt, but there are also other, more mysterious reasons. On the other hand, the Unkalaki are free to swim in the Oceans. Doing so may sometimes allow them to see the "place of gods" and commune with its inhabitants.{{book ref|sa2|46}} This most likely refers to the Oceans' nature as a [[Perpendicularity]].
Rock insists that they were given to his people from the Gods of the waters for bringing the three gods together to help the Unkalaki.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
According to the Unkalaki, gods sometimes visit them through the Oceans. Amongs those is Lunu'anaki, the god of travel, who cannot hurt humans and has white hair and an angular face, making it possible that this is [[Hoid]].{{book ref|sa2|46}} He is, however, far from the only visitor: all [[worldhopper]]s are treated like gods by the people of the Peaks.{{wob ref|9501}}
== Lunu’anaki ==
Rock claims to have met Lunu’anaki at the Horneater oceans. He describes him as Alethi, with white hair, and an angular face. Further he states that lunu'anaki cannot hurt humans. This is a description very similar to [[Hoid]].{{book ref|sa2|46}}
== SpeculationPerpendicularity ==
{{for|Cultivation's Perpendicularity}}
The presence of Hoid, described as the god of travel, and the mysterious substance under the water, make it possible the Horneater oceans are a [[Perpendicularity]].{{wob ref|1358}}
Though on top, the Oceans are water, beneath that later there is a different, though still liquid substance that is emerald in color.{{book ref|sa2|46}} This marks the Oceans as the [[Perpendicularity]] of the [[Shard]] [[Cultivation]], allowing [[worldhopper]]s to travel between [[Roshar]] and [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa3|93}}
It's the only stable Perpendicularity on Roshar; for [[worldhopper]]s travelling there, the Horneater Oceans are the place where they emerge into the [[Physical Realm]].{{book ref|sa3|93}} However, during the [[True Desolation]], the area in [[Shadesmar]] surrounding it has been overtaken by the [[Fused]], and many [[spren]] ships travelling there are never seen again.{{book ref|sa3|101}} At the moment, most spren refuse to sail in that direction, and even in the [[Physical Realm]], the presence of the [[Fused]] can be felt by the people living around the Oceans.{{book ref|sa3|102}}{{book ref|sa3|37}}
Apparently, [[Worldhoppers]] are treated like gods by the Horneaters.{{wob ref|9501}}
== Notes ==
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