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→‎Thaylen City: Typo fix on King's Drop
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(→‎Thaylen City: Typo fix on King's Drop)
On the day of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], Rysn was preparing for an important auditor to visit when Vstim was brought into her office by a guard. Noting Rysn's apparent discontentment with her present situation, Vstim offered her the captain's cord to an expensive frigate--the ''[[Wandersail (1174 ship)|Wandersail]]''. Rysn declined the offer, though Vstim insisted that she take time to consider before revealing that he was the auditor. They proceeded with the audit--Rysn doing her part in opening the gemstone vault. She was carried by guards along to Vault Thirteen, which held the [[King's Drop]]. The party suddenly came under attack by one of the queen's guards, and Rysn was dropped to the ground. She pulled herself along the floor, tying the King’s Drop to her leg with the captain’s cord after the traitor dropped it while fighting with the other guards, and made her way towards the door--grabbing the crossbow of a fallen guard as she did. She tried to wield the crossbow when the traitor, a [[Fused]], turned on her. Rysn was unable to cock the bow as she could not stand, so she tied the captains cord to the crossbow and her chair in a makeshift pulley. She watched as Chiri-Chiri fed on the [[Voidlight]] the Fused was holding, then shot the Voidbringer through the chin.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}}
Rysn was later found lying next to Vstim's injured body by [[Dalinar]], after the Gemstone Reserve had come under further attack. She informed Dalinar that the enemy had stolen the King'ds Drop.{{book ref|sa3|116}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
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