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Wax is tall{{book ref|mb6|21}} with an intense face and eyes that are sometimes described to be as cold as icicles.{{book ref|mb6|21}}. Though the twenty years he spent living in the Roughs have taken their toll on his appearance{{book ref|mb6|21}}, leaving his hands calloused{{book ref|mb6|31}} and his dark hair streaked with gray, he still maintains the lean, muscular body of his youth.{{book ref|mb4|13}}. Accustomed to regularly sitting for a shave {{book ref|mb6|1}}, Wax still believes he could use a nice scar on his face, in good Roughs fashion.{{book ref|mb4|13}}
In addition to his metalminds, a pair of [[iron]] bracers he wears on his upper arms typically hidden by the cuffs of his sleeves{{book ref|mb4|2}}, Wax favors wearing an [[aluminum]]-lined, Roughs-style hat, as well as a long, mistcloak duster over his fine city suit, vest, and cravat.{{book ref|mb5|5}}. Wax tends to be unnaturally light on his feet, due to his habit of nearly constantly filling his metalminds with a small percentage of his weight.{{book ref|mb2|prologue}}
When on patrol, Wax adds a shotgun to the pocket of his tasseled mistcloak and straps on a gunbelt fully stocked with spent bullet casings and whiskey-filled metal vials, to compliment the dual pistols holstered on his hips.{{book ref|mb4|1}}
=== Early Life ===
Waxillium is a descendent of [[Breeze|Edgard Ladrian]] and [[Allrianne Cett]]. He is of mixed hertiage;[[Terris]] on his mothers side and [[Noble]] on his fathers side, {{book ref|mb5|6}} he is said to have more Terris blood than most.{{book ref|mb5|5}} He was raised under a noble house and lived a life of luxury, something he detested .{{book ref|mb6|0}}. He and his sister were mostly raised by his uncle.{{book ref|mb5|5}} At the age of 12, his uncle began grooming him to run a family operated [[First Central Bank |bank]]. Wax became disgusted by the unethical practices of the bank and distanced himself from the role. {{book ref|mb5|8}}
=== Living in the Village ===
| Wax thinks like a lawkeeper. This is the best way to find our hideout—stay with the cargo you know will be stolen, even if you’reyou're not sure precisely how. No. He’llHe'll have guessed how we’rewe're doing it. That’sThat's the risk of being as good as he is. As good as I was. You start to think like a criminal.
| Miles {{book ref|mb4|17}}
Making use of a large amount of dynamite smuggled alongside him in the Breaknaught, Waxillium fought his way through the Vanishers' hideout, unfortunately losing Vindication in the fray. Successfully springing a trap made specially to capture Hundredlives, Wax was then forced to flee when the outlaw opted to blow himself up with a personal explosive, rather than be captured.
Escaping into the mists, Waxillium briefly experienced a conversation with [[Harmony]], which culminated in the realization that Harmony had worked behind the scenes to orchestrate the delivery of Wax's old, lost weapons to the Vanishers' hideout, just in time to help.{{book ref|mb4|18}}. Newly re-armed, Wax located and rescued Steris, killed numerous members of the Vanishers gang and destroyed their hideout with a tremendous feat of metalborn power.
As the building collapsed, several surviving Vanishers, led by the now fully-healed, Miles Hundredlives, held Marasi at gunpoint.
Newly rescued, Steris suggested to Wax that their shared ordeal afforded the two of them an opportunity to speed up their marriage contract and announce their engagement much sooner then previously planned. Initially hesitant, Wax agreed that the couple should move forward with Steris' suggestion, endeavoring to push away any potentially romantic thoughts of Marasi and bury his painful memories of Lessie.
Due to his invaluable contributions toward the resolution of the Vanishers case, Wax was granted a citywide deputized forbearance by the [[Elendel#Government|Elendel Senate]] as well as certain allowances to practice his Roughs-style justice in the city. {{book ref|mb4|20}}
====Tormented by the Past====
Months later, while steel-pushing through the crowded city streets in hot pursuit of bank robber the [[Marksman]] (an Allomancer connected with the [[Set]] who featured in Edwarn's appointment book), Wax was stunned and deeply disturbed to recognize the face of an onlooker on the sidewalk below —Bloody Tan, Lessie's murderer. {{book ref|mb5|2}}
Shaken and unable to locate Tan among the crowds, Wax enlisted the help of Wayne and Marasi to continue the chase into the [[Breakouts]]. Eventually catching Marks, Wax was prevented from bringing the man in for questioning when Marks was suddenly killed by an assassin's crossbow.{{book ref|mb5|3}}
Approached by a number of constables, who arrived late on the scene, Wax learned that Constable-General [[Claude Aradel]] would like to quietly enlist his assistance in investigating the recent murder of Elendel Governer [[Replar Innate]]'s brother, [[Winsting]], who had been killed among 30 of Elendel's most notorious criminals. Examining the scene, Wax determined that Winsting was stabbed by someone familiar to the man, citing the location of the killings, the position of the bodies, and the sheer number of victims —details which also dictated that Feruchemically enhanced speed would have been required to perform the grisly feat. Wax steeled himself, knowing he was now on the trail of a [[Steelrunner]].{{book ref|mb5|4}}
Starting his search in the best place to find word of a rogue Feruchemist, Wax visited the [[Terris]] [[Village]] to obtain the counsel of his grandmother, [[Vwafendal]]. Recognizing the name [[Idashwy]], a Steelrunner from his past who had recently left the Village, Wax continued his investigation elsewhere, enlisting Wayne's help to discover the woman's address in the city. {{book ref|mb5|5}}
Blindsided by another momentary glimpse of Bloody Tan on the crowded streets, Wax began to doubt his own senses. Shaking off the distraction, Wax joined Wayne in discovering Idashwy's corpse, laying in her kitchen with a large hole bored through her chest.
====Pursuit of a Mad Woman====
While attending Lady ZoBell's party with Steris, Wax met the Faceless Immortal, [[MeLaan]], sent to help in the hunt for Bleeder by Harmony himself. In between chats with various nobility of the city, Wax began to hear a new voice in his head, mocking him and the people of Elendel. Wax soon realized he was hearing the voice of Bleeder, who had somehow learned to use the same Hermalurgic connection to him that Harmony had.{{book ref|mb5|9}}. Using their connection to discover Bleeder's location at the party, Wax attempted to apprehend her, giving chase out a window and through the Mists of the city outside.{{book ref|mb5|10}}
His pursuit of Bleeder waylaid by a dozen armed men, Wax was convinced that she must be aligned with the Set. Wax listened closely as Bleeder spoke in his mind of her plans to kill the governor and free the city from Harmony's influence, but first she claimed she would need to murder Wax's father. Guessing that she must have been threatening Lord Harms' life, Wax raced across the city, spiriting the old man and Steris to separate, secret locations. Finally believing he had moved one step ahead of Bleeder, Wax reported to Governor Innate to warn him of the dire threat to his life, only to discover that during his absence Bleeder had brutally killed [[Father Bin]], the [[Survivorist]] priest who was to perform his marriage ceremony to Steris.{{book ref|mb5|12}}
In the weeks that followed, Wax bitterly grieved his wife's final death, greatly distancing himself from Harmony for keeping Bleeder's identity secret from him. Forsaking even the mists he used to cherish, Wax largely shied away from his public responsibilities, showing little interest in following up on the city intrigues Wayne, MeLaan, and Marasi had uncovered while Bleeder's plan unraveled. Offering little in the manner of resistance, Wax even agreed to postpone the wedding with Steris as he flirted with surrendering to his depression.{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}}
| In the back of his noggin, he’llhe'll be relieved that I stopped the wedding. He’llHe'll figure it was me, deep in his subcontinence, and will pay for the damages—no matter what the assessor says. And he won’twon't say anything, won’twon't even investigate. Watch.
| Wayne speaks with Marasi{{book ref|mb6|2}}
Wax's patience wearing thin, VenDell explained that these evanotype images had been taken by another Kandra, [[ReLuur]], who was obsessed with the Bands and convinced they were Identity-less [[metalmind|metalminds]], which held the potential to grant anyone Metalborn powers to rival those of the [[Lord Ruler]]. Dismissing the idea outright, Wax was shocked to see another evanotype impressed with an image of his sister [[Telsin]], who was being dragged somewhere against her will. VenDell informed him that ReLuur had been accosted by the same thugs in [[New Seran]], where one of his spikes had been stolen. Convinced of the danger and worried for his sister, Wax agreed to help.{{book ref|mb6|3}}
| What is it about you that makes me want to punch you, even when you’reyou're saying something helpful?
| Wax speaking with VenDell{{book ref|mb6|3}}
Splitting from Marasi and MeLaan, who went in search of ReLuur's stolen spike, Wax and Wayne entered the warship, determined to locate Edwarn himself. Using a spyglass borrowed from MeLaan, Wax immediately changed their plan when he located the chamber where Telsin was being held. Easily bypassing the workmen and engineers blocking his path, Wax quietly entered the room dead set on saving his sister. Finally reunited, Wax was surprised when Telsin immediately took brutal retribution on one of her captors. The years had really changed her, just as, he supposed, they had changed him.{{book ref|mb6|18}} Fighting their way out, accompanied by a generous helping of speed bubble assistance from Wayne, Wax joined in a grand escape after [[Allik]], a masked man that Marasi had rescued, revealed the existence of a second, smaller ship which could detach from the main vessel and lift into the sky.{{book ref|mb6|20}}
| You were always the quiet one. The thoughtful one. How did you get here? I … Your face, Waxillium. You’reYou're old.
| Telsin{{book ref|mb6|19}}
Halted by a door which was inscribed with writing that none of them could decipher, Wax returned to the entrance of the temple, where Steris, Marasi, and Wayne held Edwarn at gunpoint, whose expedition had arrived at the temple just before Wax's return. Edwarn claimed to know the secret to opening the temple's final door and threatened Wax that he had an overwhelming force of Allomancers and goons surrounding the temple who would not hesitate to kill every member of Wax's pitiful group, unless he was allowed to join them in collecting the Bands.{{book ref|mb6|25}}
When the temple's last chamber proved to be missing the Bands, Wax suddenly found himself in an armed standoff with Telsin, who he had rightly suspected to be a mole for the Set. Both siblings fired at once. Wax's bullet went wild and missed, but Telsin's shot hit Wax just below the neck. A number of bullets later, Wax fell into a pit, below the Bands' supposed resting chamber.{{book ref|mb6|26}}. Trailing blood and weakening by the moment, Wax was soon tracked down by Edwarn, now fully revealed as an Allomancer, by way of Hemalurgic spike. Edwarn cruelly triggered another of the temple's traps, which collapsed the roof and crushed Wax's already wounded body under a punishing avalanche of rubble. In a daze, Wax was forced to watch helplessly as his uncle approached, unholstering his pistol and intent on finishing him off. When Wayne arrived to attempt his rescue and broke down at the sight of him, Wax used his remaining breath to tell his friend to go on living and keep fighting.
No longer able to hold on, Waxillium Ladrian died.{{book ref|mb6|27}}