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{{gld|Atad Mountains|(A) The Aonic word for the mountains separating Arelon and Fjordell. (See also [[#D|Dathreki Mountains]])}}
{{gld|Atara|(A) Duke Telrii's wife.}}
{{gld|Atsuko|An [[JindoeeseJinDo]] artist who visited the [[Rose Empire]]{{tes ref|76}}}}
{{gld|Chamrav|A famous artisan in the [[Rose Empire]]{{tes ref|12}}}}
{{gld|Dashe|(A) An Elantrian. Karata's second in command, a good warrior who is known to be hot-headed.}}
{{gld|Dathreki Mountains|(F) Fjordell name for the mountains separating Arelon and Fjorden. (See also Atad.)}}
{{gld|DeHwo|(J) The original Jindoeese[[JinDo]] name for the man named Dereth in Fjordell. He was a student of Keseg, and originally founded the Derethi religion.}}
{{gld|Day of Empire|A day prophesied by the [[Wyrn]] where [[Jaddeth]] would return to [[Sel]]{{book ref|Elantris|3}}}}
;Delbahad: relatively new holiday {{tes ref|17}}
;Do: (J) Book.
{{gld|Do-Kando|(J) The holy book of Shu-Keseg. It was from this book that Dereth and Korath developed their separate beliefs.}}
;DoMin: (J) The Jindoeese[[JinDo]] word for Domi, or god.
;Doloken: (D) Hell
;Domi: (A) The God of the Korathi religion. The religion claims that he is a loving parent of humankind.
{{gld|Eventeo|(A) King of Teod; Sarene's father.}}
{{gld|Ferrin|(J) A bird common to the Jindoeese[[JinDo]] marshes.}}
{{gld|Fjeldor Monastery|(F) A Derethi monastery that trains spies.}}
{{gld|Fjon|(F) Head Arteth in Kae's Derethi monastery.}}
== H - M ==
{{gld|HaiKo|(J) A Jindoeese[[JinDo]] shrimp dish. Often cooked with crayfish from the JindoJinDo marshes instead.}}
;Hama: (D) Grandmother
;Haona: (A) An Elantrian woman.{{ref|group=nb|name=onlyGlossary|text=only mentioned in the glossary}}
;Ja: (F) The Vulgar version of 'Jaddeth,' God of the Derethi religion.
{{gld|Jaador|(F) A nation to the east. Its people are racially Jindo[[JinDo]], but religiously Derethi. They are fond of dueling.}}
;Jaadorian: (F) A word to describe someone or something from Jaador.
;Jaddeth: (F) The historical Fjordell god of the underworld. Upon Wulfden the First's adoption of Shu-Dereth as the official state religion, Jaddeth was adapted to become the official god of the religion. Hold-overs from the ancient pantheistic Jaddeth still exist, however, such as the tradition that Jaddeth's Kingdom lies beneath the earth, not in the heavens.
{{gld|Jesker|(D) The Duladen religion. It is the oldest theological system still practiced in the modern world. Historically, Jesker is a peaceful religion suited to the Duladen light-hearted lifestyle. It teaches that all men must bring themselves in harmony with the 'Dor,' thereby living in harmony with nature. The Jeskeri Mysteries have taken many precepts from Jesker and, according to strict Jesker believers, vulgarized them into a horrid approximation of the religion's true teachings. (See also 'Dor,' 'Jeskeri Mysteries.'}}
{{gld|Jeskeri Mysteries|(D) A descendant of the original Jesker religion, the Mysteries combine traditional Jesker beliefs with new tenets. While Jesker teaches one to bring oneself in harmony with the Dor, the Mysteries teach that the better way is to try and influence the Dor—or fate—in one's favor. Through secret rites focusing on the creation and destruction of life, Jeskeri followers believe they can bring good fortune to themselves or downfall to their enemies. Because many of these rites involve fertility rites, sexual practices, and live sacrifices, most people fear or hate Jeskeri. The religion is most hated by the country where it found birth—Duladen. Despite its unpopular practices, the Mysteries continue to be a force in most nations. Many monarchs have tried, unsuccessfully, to stamp the religion out. Popular times for Jeskeri rites are during times of celestial import—such as the full moon or eclipses. Some Jeskeri sects are known to practice human sacrifice, but these are quickly stamped out when monarchs learn of them.}}
{{gld|JindoJinDo|(J) A country directly east of Duladel. JindoJinDo is the birthplace of both Shu-Dereth and Shu-Korath. An unassuming people with dark brown skin and fine features, the JindoeeseJinDo are soft-spoken and uncombative. About a century ago, JindoJinDo finally submitted to allow Derethi priests past its borders. Not long after, the country officially converted—its people believe that to submit is better than to waste energy resisting.}}
;Jindoeese: (J) A word describing a person or thing from Jindo.
;Kaa: (A)
{{gld|KeHwo|(J) The honorific name given to Keshu to signify his status as a great teacher.}}
{{gld|Keseg|(F) The Fjordell name for Keshu.}}
{{gld|Keshu|(J) Keshu was an elderly Jindo[[JinDo]] philosopher who ended up spawning two of the most powerful religions in the world. Keshu was a revolutionary thinker who combined traditional JindoeeseJinDo ideas—such as the power of unity—with such concepts as a single, omnipotent god and an organized ministry. Keseg didn't see himself as a revolutionary; his teachings were meant to clarify what the JindoeeseJinDo already believed. His two disciples, however, collected his teachings in the Do-Keseg, then carried them through the world.}}
{{gld|Ketathum|(F) A Hraggish pork dish.}}
{{gld|Kike|(S) A common fish found in the Sea of Fjorden.}}
;Kimess: (A) The feminine version of Kimeon.
;Kmeer: (D) The Duladen name for a fencing sword.
{{gld|KoHwo|(J) The Jindoeese[[JinDo]] name of Korath. One of Keseg's two disciples, Korath carried his teachings to Teod.}}
;Kolo: (D) A tag question commonly used in Duladen, especially amongst the commoners. It means 'Isn't that right?' or 'Don't you think?'
{{gld|Korath|(F) One of Keseg's two disciples. Korath believed that all men would be unified by love. His teachings found root in Teod, which is where his religion originated. The name they use for him, ironically, is his Fjordell one.}}
{{gld|Maare|(A) An Elantrian woman.}}
;MaeDal: (A) Second day of the week according to the Aonic calendar.
;Maipon sticks: (J) Eating utensils used in Jindo[[JinDo]].
{{gld|Mareshe|(A) An Elantrian. Before the Shaod took him, he was a jeweler.}}
{{gld|Meala|(A) Head maid in Iadon's castle.}}
{{gld|Opais|(A) Young daughter of a guard in Iadon's palace.}}
;OpeDal: (A) Sixth day of the week according to the Aonic calendar.
{{gld|Opelon|(A) The Aonic word for the continent containing Arelon, Fjorden, Jindo[[JinDo]], and all of the other nations except Teod. (See also Sycla.)}}
;Overspirit: (D) Another word for the Dor.
;Ragnat: (F) Rank in the Derethi priesthood directly below Gyorn. They usually oversee a region of Derethi worshipers.
{{gld|RaiDel|(J) A spicy peper favored in Jindo[[JinDo]].{{book ref|Elantris|47}}}}
{{gld|RaiDomo Mai|(J) 'Meat with a fiery skin.' A Jindo[[JinDo]] delicacy.{{book ref|Elantris|47}}}}
{{gld|Rain|[[Arelish]] town{{book ref|Elantris|3}}}}
{{gld|Ralkalest|A metal which cannot be [[Forgery| Forged]]{{tes ref|2}}}}
;Revertiss: (F) A famous food dish.
{{gld|Riil|(A) An Elantrian man. Before the Shaod took him, he was a bricklayer.}}
{{gld|Rivercrawler|(J) A type of Jindoeese[[JinDo]] crawfish.}}
{{gld|Roial|(A) An elderly Arelis Duke. Roial is one of the richest, and most influential, men in Arelon. His wealth is only matched by Duke Telrii. Roial is known for his fondness of political games—which he wins more often than not.}}
;Ruda: (D) Feminine of Rulo.
;Shaod: (A) 'The transformation.' This is the name for the mystical event that changes a regular person into an Elantrian. The Shaod takes only minutes, and it is irreversible. It chooses people with apparent randomness, though it does follow a couple of rules. It only takes people who live in Arelon or northwestern Duladel, and it only takes people of Aonic blood—meaning either Teos, Arelenes, or Dulas. Before the Reod, the Shaod transformed a person into a glowing, quick-healing being with god-like powers. After the Reod, the Shaod instead began to change people into corpse-like creatures with blotchy skin.
{{gld|Shaor|(A) An Elantrian. One of the three gang leaders of Elantris, Shaor controls the market section of the city.}}
{{gld|ShinDa|(J) A popular board-game that originated in Jindo[[JinDo]].}}
;Shu: (J) 'Path of.'
{{gld|Shu-Dereth|(J/F) The name given to the religion founded by Dereth. Shu-Dereth interpreted Keseg's teachings to mean that all men must be united beneath the rule of one nation. Dereth taught that once all men bow before a single monarch, proving their unified nature, God would come to live amongst them. Though Dereth's ideas were originally rejected in his native Jindo[[JinDo]], they were embraced by the Fjordell. Wyrn Wulfden the First converted, and so, therefore, did most of his people. Since that time, Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden, and has spread to all of the eastern nations. Fjorden's militaristic society stratified and organized Dereth's teachings into an almost martial level.}}
{{gld|Shuden|(J) A young baron in Arelon. Though Shuden is racially Jindo[[JinDo]], he is nationally Arelene, where he holds lands and a title. Both were given to his father by King Iadon in exchange for opening a caravan route from Jindo[[JinDo]] to Kae.}}
{{gld|Soine|(A) Youngest daughter of Duke Telrii. She died when she was very young, though it is rumored she was actually taken by the Shaod.}}
{{gld|Stonelark|A beach bird which digs holes in wet sand{{book ref|Elantris|47}}}}
{{gld|Sourmelon|A delicious fruit that will only grow in the Duladen highlands.}}
;Sule: (D) Friend.
{{gld|Svorden|(S) Easternmost nation in Sycla. Svorden is a political alley of Fjorden. However, unlike most nations to the east, Svorden has been able to maintain a strong national identity, despite Derethi encroachment. It is the only eastern nation besides Jindo[[JinDo]] that has maintained its own language, and it is the second most politically important eastern nation. It is known for its university, its culture, and its naval prowess.}}
;Svordish: (S) A word for someone, or something, from Svorden.
{{gld|Svrakiss|(S) A Svordish concept integrated into the Derethi Religion. The Svrakiss are beings forbidden entrance to heaven. They are forced to wander the world, preying on the living. They are half-ghost, half-demon, in the Derethi religion, and are often used to represent all that is evil.}}