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==Royal Epilogue (Not a Chapter)==
One week later, they all wait for Attica in the chamber of the Council of Kings. Bastille has been restored to knighthood and is there with full armor and a new sword. Folsom and Himalaya are there; they are moving to the Hushlands to start an underground movement of good Librarians. Attica finally arrives and tells of his time in the Library of Alexandria. He announces that he knows how the Smedry Talents were originally bestowed. He plans to do more research in order to give ''everyone'' a Smedry Talent. He mentions going to the Royal Archives, and Alcatraz interrupts to tell him that Shasta stole it already. Attica is disappointed and decides that he must search for the book. The king questions the idea of giving everyone dangerous Talents, but Attica dismisses any danger. His real motivation seems to be the fame it would bring him. Alcatraz determines to watch over his father and stop him if necessary.
