Difference between revisions of "Summary:Mistborn: Secret History"

=== Chapter 3 ===
Preservation is spending more time near the Well. His appearance is becoming less human-like, with half of his face missing and other parts of his "body" decaying away. He has a plan in place that he can't remember. He tells Kelsier that the power must not be released, but Vin will probably do just that, thinking it's right, just like [[Alendi]] would have. Ruin has confused Vin and made her distrust Preservation. Leras tries to stop her, but Ruin's tools are too strong. Kelsier suggests that he could take the power instead, but Leras tells him that wouldn't work in his current state, and in any case, he doesn't have enough Connection to him. Vin and Elend enter the chamber, and Kelsier gets an idea to motivate Vin to use the power instead of releasing it. He tells Leras to stab Elend, but he can't do it, so Kelsier grabs his arm and slashes Elend for him. Vin is distraught, but she releases the power anyway, being deceived by Ruin. The power rips through Ruin's prison, and he escapes.
Kel stabs Elend with Leras's knife, releasing Ruin...oops
=== Chapter 4 ===
Leras gets Vin's attention and has her feed Elend the last bead of Lerasium. Elend's soul lights up as he is [[Investiture|Invested]] with Preservation's power and survives his wound by burning pewter. Vin is obviously happy and Kelsier compliments Leras, then leaves.
