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This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of '''''[[Shadows of Self]]'''''. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.
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The trio head further into the slums. Wayne lags behind, and finds an older man sitting next to a doorway, coughing. Wayne mimics the man, learning the accent, as he talks to him, having a mouthful of whisky before trading the flask for the man's hat. He then joins a group of men, fitting right in with his accent and his new hat. He comments about Wax and Marasi, who are trying (in vain) to get information from people around the place. Wayne mentions that there's a thousand notes on Marks' head. The men tell him off, warning him not to be a rat. Eventually the group dissipates, and Wayne trails the man who had lectured him. Eventually the man enters a building, and Wayne overhears him talking to Marks. Slipping on his sets of wooden knuckle-bones, Wayne charges into the building, throwing up a speed bubble and knocking out Marks. Looking around, he sees he place the bubble perfectly, with the other half dozen individuals in the room outside of the bubble. Wayne throws Marks out the window, and then follows him. The speed bubble collapsing after Wayne leaves it, he throws Marks over his shoulder and strolls away, eating an apple.
Meanwhile, Marasi and Wax try to find out where Marks went, still with no luck. Wayne eventually turns up, and Marasi asks where he's been. He tells her that he took care of her problem, at which point she realizes there's a person at his feet. When the go to leave the slums, they get attackattacked, with Marks being killed by a crossbow bolt. Wax shoots off to pursue the assailant. Marasi checks Marks' corpse, but when she realizes that the assassin would double back to check that they made the kill properly, the assassin appears, and manages to take her hostage, as Wax appears. As she reminds herself of her hostage training, she instead instinctively takes a small pistol out of her purse and shoots her captor through the head.
*[http://www.tor.com/2015/09/07/excerpt-brandon-sanderson-shadows-of-self-chapter-three/ Chapter 3 Excerpt]
No one hears Marasi's scream, and she doesn't have enough time to get her gun, so instead she runs forward, grabbing the man and slowing time, having downed some Cadmium earlier. The man fires a shot, but it goes wild. Another one of the guards caught in the bubble knocks the man out, and Marasi drops the bubble, with the governor having been rushed away.
Wax and Wayne discuss Hemalurgy, determining that the killer had stolen Idashwy's fSteel,Steel and used it to kill Winsting and those at his auction. Wayne finds a piece of paper in the woman's pockets: "Someone else moves us, lawman." The same words as Bloody Tan had said before Lessie had been killed.
*[http://www.tor.com/2015/09/28/excerpts-brandon-sanderson-shadows-of-self-chapter-six/ Chapter 6 Excerpt]
