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The '''invasion of [[Arelon]]''' took place on the planet of [[Sel]] just before [[Raoden]] and [[Sarene]] were crowned king and queen of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]].
Under the instructions of [[Dilaf]], the armies of [[Wyrn]]'s empire entered [[Arelon]] and attacked Elantris and [[Kae]]. They slaughtered New Elantrians and piled them together with the [[Hoed]] to burn.{{book ref|b|wb|cElantris|57}}
At the same time, Raoden was taken to the [[Shardpool|Pool]] by [[Galladon]] and [[Karata]], after being mortally wounded. He returns from the Pool and runs down to Elantris to fix the [[Aon]] it represents. As a result, the Elantrians [[Reod]] completes, and they start beating the invaders back.