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{{for|Final Ascension|[[Harmony]]'s ascension to godhood,|pre=This article is about the Lord Ruler's Ascension}}
The '''Ascension''' is the name given to the event surrounding the rise of [[Rashek]] as the Lord Ruler of the [[Final Empire]] by taking the power at the [[Well of Ascension]].{{citeref|b|mb1|e|}}
{{cite note}}
The '''Ascension''' is the name given to the event surrounding the rise of [[Rashek]] as the Lord Ruler of the [[Final Empire]] by taking the power at the [[Well of Ascension]].{{cite}}
During the time he held the power of the Well he changed all other living [[Feruchemist]]s into [[Mistwraith]]s and his close friends into the first generation of [[Kandra]]. He did this because he saw and understood the power and risks of Feruchemy.
He was told of the power of [[Hemalurgy]] by [[Ruin]] but was not told about its cost. While he still held the power of the Well he created three new species through Hemalurgy, [[koloss]], Kandra and [[Steel Inquisitor]]s
He also created the [[Ashmounts]] during this time.{{ref|b|mb3|e|}}
== Notes ==