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Clubs is generally a surly individual who often displays a grim and pessimistic demeanor. He has a gnarled face that's often compared to a piece of knotted wood. Upon first meeting others, he can come across hostile and untrusting. Although he appears to be older than [[Breeze]], he is still physically fit. In spite of this, he walks with a limping gait. The source of which is a long twisting scar that runs up his calf and thigh, which he received during a skirmish while in the employ of [[The Lord Ruler]]{{book ref|mb1|ch5}}{{book ref|mb1|35}} He generally regards those around him with disapproval, but viewed as loyal and trustworthy by [[Kelsier]]. He fiercely distrusts [[Soother]]s and [[Rioter]]s due to their ability to manipulate peoples emotions. Even though he is immune to their [[alomancy]], he stills see's both mistings as manipulative. However, he later comes to enjoy being around [[Breeze]], to the point of drinking with him every night.{{book ref|mb2|36}}
To those that know him very well, Clubs is a man of rare understanding and humor.{{book ref|mb2|52}} When he smiles, it has a decidedly twisted look on his face. {{book ref|mb1|5}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
