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Character lists
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(Character lists)
== Chapter Doug ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Janie]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Kamiko]]
* Unnamed man wearing European-looking crown.
* Unnamed dark-skinned monarch in a colorful hat.
* [[Supremus Rex]]
* [[Brig Dartmoor]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
Alcatraz is being outfitted by Janie for a public appearance as the former monarch of [[Mokia]]. He is presented with several costumes, including a those of a clown, a dog, and a frog, which are apparently the traditional wear of a Mokian former monarch. It is implied that this is so those monarchs cannot change their minds and stage a coup to take control of the country again.
== Chapter Lilly ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* Reginald
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kamali]]
* [[Aluki]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Biblioden]]
The chapter begins with a "fairy tale", which is actually a summary of Alcatraz's life, with an added happy ending, which Alcatraz claims to be a lie.
== Chapter Norton ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
In this chapter's chapter intro, Alcatraz informs the reader that the reason for the chapter intros is in order to delay the inevitable ending, once again referring to himself as a coward. He also claims that he is also probably too much of a coward to include this section in the book.
== Chapter Bob ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Brig Dartmoor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Janie]]
* [[Sing Sing Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dif Smedry]] (mentioned only)
They discuss ways to break in to the Highbrary, most of them involving crashes or explosions, and Alcatraz notices that [[Draulin]] is on board the ship. Grandpa Smedry and Draulin jokingly insult each other, causing Alcatraz to wonder if they are actually somehow friends. Draulin then punches Shasta in the face in order to test her defense field, discovers and destroys a listening device, and reveals that she also brought [[Bastille]] so that they can revive her as quickly as possible and count on her for help once they find the antidote to her coma in the Highbrary. Grandpa sends Draulin off in search of more listening devices, and Alcatraz follows her.
== Chapter Lilliana ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Draulin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aunt Pattywagon]] (mentioned only)
In this chapter intro, Alcatraz discusses Aesop and his fables, mentioning that as time progresses and we retell them more and more, the endings tend to get happier.
== Chapter Mary ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Draulin]]
* Unnamed voice 1
* Unnamed voice 2
* [[Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka]]
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
In this chapter's introduction, Alcatraz continues the train of thought of the previous chapter, speculating that maybe the reason that we have changed the endings of originally dark stories is because we need to be able to believe that happy endings are possible.
== Chapter Trillian ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* Unified Free Kingdoms Air Guard
The introduction to this chapter is Alcatraz instructing the reader in a very specific way to make a sandwich, and then requesting the reader to travel back in time and teleport to his house in order to deliver it to him as he is writing.
== Chapter Deckard ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka]] (mentioned only)
The introduction to this chapter is Alcatraz discussing the wooly sea sloth in order to fool Librarians who may be reading over your shoulder that you're actually reading a science book and not his biography.
== Chapter Frog ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Allekatrase]] (mentioned only)
* [[Himalaya Smedry]]
* [[Folsom Smedry]]
* [[Frank]]
The introduction to this chapter is Alcatraz mentioning the odd numbering of the chapters so far, and offering a cookie (not a dog biscuit) to anyone who noticed it.
== Chapter Alice ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Himalaya Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
The introduction to this chapter is to "enlighten" the reader as to the grossness of human beings, especially with regards to disgusting noises that people make.
== Chapter Marco ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Himalaya Smedry]]
* [[Folsom Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Dif Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kazan Smedry]] (mentioned only)
The introduction to this chapter is Alcatraz explaining that after all of his tricks and deceptions to the reader throughout the series, they won't expect him to actually fail when he says so. However, he insists that he is being honest, and that this is the best way to really make the readers feel his pain.
== Chapter Melissa ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* Unnamed Librarian Girl
* [[Himalaya Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Blackburn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka]] (mentioned only)
* Unnamed Librarian Woman
Dif, Shasta, and Alcatraz head off together and are met by several [[Alivened]] monsters. Alcatraz uses the Shamefiller's Lens on the floor of the cavern, causing it to explode and destroy the Alivened. They proceed into an indexing room and force the librarians there to give their robes to them for a disguise. They head into the library to find a higher-ranking librarian in order to get a map of the place. Alcatraz and Shasta argue about which way to go, so they try to set some rules for how they will interact. As they argue about which one gets to decide what to do with Attica, they run into a troop of librarian soldiers led by a [[Dark Oculator]]. They are summarily conscripted.
== Chapter 13 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dif Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kyle]]
* Unnamed Librarian Woman
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
The Dark Oculator leads them in a march to an unknown destination. Alcatraz is alarmed as the Shamefiller's Lens spontaneously starts working, but he manages to power it down. Dif somehow escapes the troop. The others speculate on their mission -- perhaps it is to deal with the [[Curators of Alexandria]] that have been reportedly seen. As they engage Alcatraz in the discussion, one of them starts to recognize him, but luckily the oculator orders them to be quiet. They stop at an empty corridor. Savage roaring sounds emanate from the tunnel, and she orders the group forward to investigate. She dons her lenses and notices Alcatraz. He pretends to be on an errand for the Scrivener, and while that saves him from discovery, it means he has to go into the tunnel by himself to find out what the noise is.
== Chapter Shu Wei ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Allekatrase]] (mentioned only)
Alcatraz creeps fearfully down the tunnel. Dif suddenly appears, running after him to join him. Alcatraz is buoyed by the company. They encounter a large pit with a rope bridge, and Dif starts across first, Alcatraz eventually following. They pause to look at the carvings on the walls and the huge fan below them, feeding the ventilation system. Alcatraz gets out his Truthfinder's Lens to use against the monster, and Dif sweeps his arm around and knock the lens out of his hands. It rolls off the bridge and breaks on the fan below. Dif is very sheepish and Alcatraz is furious, but he realizes that he's had many blunders himself and forgives him. They get to the other side of the bridge and head into a doorway on the left. They find a [[Dinosaur|tyrannosaurus rex]] with bloody teeth. Alcatraz is relieved.
== Chapter 15 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Douglas]]
* [[Charles]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Margaret]]
* Unnamed female dinosaur with four horns
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kazan Smedry]] (mentioned only)
Douglas, the T. Rex, has bitten his lip, which can cause substantial bleeding with his teeth. The other dinosaur researchers are here too to observe the Librarian reaction to his speech. Alcatraz chats with the dinosaurs, but Dif refuses to join in, looking on in disdain. Alcatraz tries to enlist their help, but they decline, seeing as they are not soldiers. They do agree to make a lot of noise to give the impression of a fight. Alcatraz wanders over to a mirror and sees a vision of the destruction of the [[Incarna]]. He examines the mirror with his Oculator's Lenses but sees nothing special. He asks Dif if he's sure that his Talent is still working and explains that everyone else's isn't. Dif suggests that they sneak out the back way, but Alcatraz insists that they won't know where to go.
== Chapter 16 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Douglas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Himalaya Smedry]]
* [[Folsom Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Charles]] (mentioned only)
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
They head back over the bridge. Alcatraz shows the waiting Librarians the bloody sword. Suddenly the fan starts going much faster, and Dif and Alcatraz hang on in the swirling vortex. Their hoods are thrown back from the wind, and when the Dark Oculator looks toward Alcatraz, she screams and runs away, the other Librarians following. Only Shasta remains, holding an authenticator lifted from the Dark Oculator. She refuses to use it until she and Alcatraz agree on how to handle Attica: Alcatraz can talk to him first, but she may deal with him once it's clear that he won't change his mind. She turns it on and projects an image of the Highbrary. They find the room where [[Forgotten Language]] texts are kept and head that way. Alcatraz calls Himalaya, and she reports that they are pinned down and cannot escape. As they continue on, he turns down a different corridor to first get to the medical storage, hoping to find the antidote for Bastille. The authenticator grants them access.
== Chapter 17 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Bastille]] (mentioned only)
* [[Himalaya Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Folsom Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]]
They go through the doorway and spy two technicians, arguing about the appearance of the Curators. Shasta pretends to have authority and orders them to help with wounded outside. As a pretext for getting some of the antidote, she tells them that the rebels are using some of their own weapons on them. One of them proffers a tiny vial of highly concentrated antidote that smells of cinnamon. Shasta demands to have it, but they refuse since it's a "level-eight superchemical," so she orders them out to the inner sanctuary where the fighting is. They leave, but the cabinet with the antidote is locked. Alcatraz fails in his attempts to break into it and suddenly spies his reflection in a glass case. He talks to his reflection -- he asks it if it is the Talent, but the reflection shakes his head no. It claims that it is he (Alcatraz) and is tired of taking the blame for things that aren't its fault. Shasta worriedly approaches, and Alcatraz angrily again tries to summon his Talent on the cabinet, but he can't quite get it. Instead he uses the Shamefiller's Lens on the wall behind, making it explode and knocking over the shelving, which is open on the back side. He grabs a vial and they escape as the Lens goes haywire and destroys the whole room. As they run away, Alcatraz puts on the Courier's Lenses and talks to Grandpa. He had turned on the fans full blast to cause chaos. He has also activated the self-destruct mechanism to further distract the Librarians. They agree to meet in the Forgotten Language room. Next he phones Kaz and tells him to rescue Himalaya's group and retreat. They make their way into the room and it appears that no one is there, but Alcatraz has already figured out how his father got in there. He's using Disguiser's Lenses to appear as a Curator of Alexandria.
== Chapter 18 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]]
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]]
* [[Allekatrase]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kazan Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Himalaya Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Draulin]]
Shasta compliments Attica on his disguise, and then pulls out a handgun. Alcatraz reminds her of her promise, but the fate of the world is more important. She hesitates, however, and tries to convince Attica herself, but he won't change. Alcatraz convinces her to let him have a chance, and she lowers her gun. Attica hits her with his Concussor's Lens and invites Alcatraz over to show off what he has learned. He tries to keep him talking, hoping for Grandpa to arrive to help deal with him. Attica has learned that it wasn't the Talents that destroyed the Incarna but a power source that they couldn't control. Alcatraz figures out that the Incarna created the Smedry line to carry the power source, but that when the Talents go away or betray them, as [[Allekatrase|Alcatraz the First]] complained had happened, the power goes out of control since it has "nowhere to go." Attica needs to go to the Worldspire to give everyone Talents, but it's unknown what will happen if non-Smedry's obtain them. Attica is not really listening to Alcatraz, so he tries the Shaper's Lens on his father. He sees him on a pedestal, receiving adulation from the people with Alcatraz and Shasta at his side. Grandpa arrives with Draulin, and Dif confirms that this is everyone in the party. Then he shoots Grandpa in the face.
== Chapter 19 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Dif Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]]
* [[Biblioden]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Himalaya Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shasta Smedry]] (mentioned only)
Grandpa crumples to the floor and Draulin and Attica attack while Alcatraz simply stands there, stunned. Draulin is brought down by coma shots and Dif shoots Attica's lenses with the gun. He then holds it to Alcatraz's head and commands Attica to stand down. Alcatraz realizes that Dif is really [[Biblioden]]. He starts to read through Attica's notebooks at lightening speed. As he does so, Alcatraz looks through the Shaper's Lens at him and sees nothing but a terrible empty darkness. Biblioden finishes reading and calls Kaz on the mobile phone. He pretends to be Dif again and asks Kaz to wait instead of taking off, but it doesn't matter because the penguin is disabled as they speak. They throw the phone away and head out of the room. In desperation, Alcatraz runs back toward the room, holding the antidote. One of the soldiers knocks him down, and he pretends to accidentally drop it. The vial falls over the edge of the walkway. Biblioden reveals that he is going to create a bloodforged Lens in order to extract the power from the Smedry line, then use it at the Worldspire to make everyone in the Free Kingdoms a power source, destroying them like the Incarna. They head toward the altar.
== Chapter 20 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Biblioden]]
* [[Attica Smedry]]
* [[Shasta Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kazan Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Himalaya Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bastille]]
* [[Roger]] (mentioned only)
Alcatraz is tied to the altar by Librarians of the Order of the Shattered Lens. He smiles at Biblioden because he thinks he'll be rescued, as it always seems to happen. Looking toward his other captive, Biblioden announces that he will release one of them if one is sacrificed willingly. Suddenly, the smell of cinnamon is reported by one of the soldiers, and Biblioden realizes that Alcatraz dropped the antidote on purpose. Bastille emerges from the penguin and begins to attack. As she makes headway, Biblioden realizes he has to speed things up, so he puts the gun to Alcatraz's head and demands the choice, counting down from three. When he gets to one, Alcatraz yells for him to kill his father instead, while at the same time Attica volunteers to die.
== Chapter 21 ==
* [[Alcatraz Smedry]]
* [[Attica Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bastille]]
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
* [[Draulin]]
* [[Leavenworth Smedry]] (mentioned only)
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
Alcatraz lays in a stupor as Draulin, Kaz, and Bastille arrive. Attica's bloody corpse lies on the altar. Biblioden and the other soldiers were picked up by a ship and have flown off. The self destruct has not been turned off; apparently, Biblioden has rigged it so it will go off and kill all witnesses to the day's events, even at the cost of the Highbrary. They carry Alcatraz away.