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(→‎Assault on the Royal Palace: Confronting the queen)
When Kaladin and Azure led an army from the Wall Guard to the tailor, Elhokar rushed outside to great them.{{book ref|sa3|82}} Azure informed Elhokar that the voidbringers had arrived and could start their attack at any moment. In turn, Elhokar commended her for her work with the Wall Guard. When everyone gathered, Elhokar gave the last instructions, including tasking Kaladin with getting the queen and the heir to safety. Right then drums had begun sounding in the distance, the wall was under attack. Azure made the case to attack right away, and Elhokar ordered to march on the palace. Elhokar quitely gave a spanreed to the ardent from the wall guards, with instructions to alert Urithiru at all costs.{{book ref|sa3|83}}
Together with Adolin and Azure, Elhokar led the assault on the steps of the palace. Each made for their own doorway and created an opening into the palace. They quickly took the entrance hall. The cooridor to the Eastern Gallery was heavily guarded with a shield wall, but Elhokar commanded Azure to assault and clear the way. When the gallery was cleared and Kaladin and his men had secured the Sunwalk, Elhokar eyed the stairways. Elhokar and Kaladin led a group up the stairs to find the queen and heir.{{book ref|sa3|83}} Near the top, Kal and the king went first to clear the landing with their Blades. Elhokar tried to appeal to the loyalty of the palace guards, to no avail. The cross the corridors and eventually Elhokar heard Aesudan's voice. Elhokar talked to Aesudan and asked about his son, who was playing with his 'friends'. The king questioned the queen who was clearly not thinking straight. In the mean time Kaladin found Gavinor surrounded by red glowing spren and freed him. The queen started boasting about her grand plans, but when the king heard his son scream he rushed over and took his son. Kal questioned the motives of the being behind the queen, but Aesudan answered that [[Yelig-nar]] served her. Kal ordered the retreat.{{book ref|sa3|84}}
|Elhokar, be a hero to the one you can save
Together with Adolin and Azure, Elhokar led the assault on the steps of the palace. Each made for their own doorway and created an opening into the palace. They quickly took the entrance hall. The cooridor to the Eastern Gallery was heavily guarded with a shield wall, but Elhokar commanded Azure to assault and clear the way. When the gallery was cleared and Kaladin and his men had secured the Sunwalk, Elhokar eyed the stairways. Elhokar and Kaladin led a group up the stairs to find the queen and heir.{{book ref|sa3|83}} Near the top, Kal and the king went first to clear the landing with their Blades. Elhokar tried to appeal to the loyalty of the palace guards, to no avail. The cross the corridors and eventually Elhokar heard Aesudan's voice. Elhokar talked to Aesudan and asked about his son, who was playing with his 'friends'. The king questioned the queen who was clearly not thinking straight. In the mean time Kaladin found Gavinor surrounded by red glowing spren and freed him. The queen started boasting about her grand plans, but when the king heard his son scream he rushed over and took his son. Kal questioned the motives of the being behind the queen, but Aesudan answered that [[Yelig-nar]] served her. Kal ordered the retreat.{{book ref|sa3|84}}
=== Death ===
