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Odium stumbled back in surprise as he heard what Dalinar had said. Dalinar shouted at Odium that '''he''' had been the one to kill the people of Rathalas, not Odium. He said that while Odium had been there with him it had been '''his''' choice that caused Evi to die. He said that he accepted responsibility for what he had done and that Odium could not take it away from him. As Dalinar shouted at Odium he noticed that gloryspren were gathering around him and circling him in the air. Odium asked Dalinar what he hoped to gain by doing this. Dalinar replied that if he pretended that he had not done the things he had done it would mean that he could not grow to become a better person. Dalinar felt a familiar warm calming lite within him and he heard the words ''Unite Them'' echoing in his head. Dalinar said that a journey cannot be a journey if it does not have a beginning. A thunderclap sounded in his head and he felt the Stormfather return to him, surprised and frightened by what was happening. Dalinar then swore the Third [[Immortal Words|Ideal]] of the [[Bondsmith]]s:{{book ref|sa3|119}}
|I will take responsibility for what I have done, if I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.
|Dalinar swearing his Third Ideal{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Dalinar heard the voice in his head saying ''Unite Them'' once again as thousands of gloryspren streamed around him. Beyond them Odium stumbled back looking smaller than ever. As the voice saying ''Unite Them'' was even louder in his mind Dalinar thrust his left hand out and grabbed hold of the [[Cognitive Realm]] and he stuck his right hand out and grabbed hold of the [[Spiritual Realm]].{{book ref|sa3|119}}
{{image|Dalinar Perpendicularity.png|side=left|width=300px|Dalinar summoning [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]}}
|<big>I am Unity.</big>
|Dalinar to Venli{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Venli approached him and asked him what he was. As he stood with his arms stretched out listening to the silence Dalinar heard a familiar woman's quiet voice{{wob ref|13765}} saying that she forgave him. Dalinar opened his eyes and told Venli that he was Unity. Dalinar slammed both of his hands together and summoned [[Honor's Perpendicularity]] as a tower of light extending all the way up to the sky.
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
