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== Chapter 12 ==
Having lost his old hat, Wayne trades for the carriage drivers' hat.
Wayne exchanges hats with someone. They check out the latest crime scene. Miles attacks.
Having taken a train the Outer Estates and then a carriage further in, Wax, Wayne, and Marasi investigate one of the scenes of the robbery, beside a canal paralleling the train tracks. Having an ear for accents, Wayne notes that Marasi uses more elevated diction around Wax than she did himself, as though she was trying to impress his friend.
They discuss potential scenarios for the robbery when Wayne turns to a personal subject with Marasi.
{{quote|"You're pretty enough, particularly through the coppers." "The coppers?" "Sure. Word with a lot of curves like you."|Wayne & Marasi discussing "personal" stuff.}}
Wayne seems to think Marasi would be a good match for Wax, who is busy inspecting the scene to overhear.
Back on the train, Wax is still pondering what Miles' motives are when a distant scream alerts him moments before the bullet tears into the carriage. Miles is no ordinary criminal that would go to ground. Being a former lawman he was accustomed to hunting, and Wax had upset his plans.
== Chapter 13 ==
