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'''Valda Mendez''' is a [[National Assembly Leader]] (NAL), and a former Defiance Defense Force ([[DDF]]) pilot.{{book ref|skyward|i|3}} She's an experienced cargo pilot, having served in the DDF for sixteen years.{{book ref|sky1|1}}
She's the mother of [[Arturo Mendez|Arturo]], and her family lives in the [[deep caverns]].{{book ref|Skyward|52}} The Mendezes owns severalthree private shipsfighters{{book ref|sky1|48}} that are used as escorts during trading operations.{{book ref|sky1|35}} These ships are not accessible to the DDF during times of need as they are primarily reserved to evacuate the Mendez family if they are in danger.{{book ref|sky1|48}} They have a private radio frequency, 1250.,{{book ref|sky1|37}} as well as a private radio that is able to unscramble the pilot frequencies.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
== Appearance and Personality ==