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Thaylen City is built on the mountainside, and divided into a number of districts, called Wards. The '''Ancient Ward''', located in the city's center, is Thaylen's oldest section. It's built out of stone and rises slightly above the surrounding ground, with a street layout following a [[cymatics|cymatic]] pattern.{{book ref|sa3|58}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}
From the west, the Ancient Ward is followed by the '''Low Ward''', where numerous businesses and government buildings are located. The Low Ward is bracketed from the west by a long wall going north to south between the mountain slopes. The city wall served as a minor windbreak for those fortunate enough to have lived right by it when the Everstorm arrived.{{book ref|sa3|58}} A southern portion of it was breached during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], though the gap was later filled in with [[Soulcast]] metal by [[Jasnah Kholin]].{{book ref|sa3|120}}
Past the city wall lays the area now known as the '''Thaylen Field'''. Prior to the [[True Desolation]], this areapart of the city was well-developed, with numerous taverns, warehouses and shops. The famous Thaylen docks were located on the shore there, stretching across the southern portion of the peninsula.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} Unfortunately, the docks area was not built to withstand violent weather, due to the protection offered by the mountainside. As such, it was swept away by the [[Everstorm]], leaving it ruined and empty.{{book ref|sa3|58}}
Surrounding the Ancient Ward from north and south are the '''North Ward''' and the '''South Ward'''. To the east, the city begins to climb up the mountain slope in a series of tiered terraces called the '''Loft Wards''', which climb up to the '''Royal Ward'''. The Royal Ward is the city's representative sectionsector. It includes numerous palaces and mansions, including the Royal Palace, the seat of the Thaylen monarchs, as well as ten temples dedicated to the [[Herald]]s of the [[Almighty]]. Following the Everstorm, those temples were mainly used to house the numrousnumerous wounded and homeless citizens.{{book ref|sa3|58}}{{book ref|sa3|59}}
The city's [[Oathgate]] is locatatedlocated on the same level as the Royal Ward, albeit further north, closer to the oceanside cliffs leading to the ocean. A small ramp leads up to it from the city proper. To the east, right past the Royal Palace, a trio of roads leadsdeparts outsitethe city, forming Thaylen's only land connection to the rest of the island.{{map ref|Thaylen City}}{{book ref|sa3|58}}
In the past, the city hashad a developed system of aqueducts, cisterns and sewers to deal with the water; however, most of it has been torn apart by the first passing of the Everstorm.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
=== Landmarks ===
==== The Oathgate ====
The ancient [[Thalath]] Oathgate is located on the northern-eastern edge of Thaylen City, next to the Royal Ward. Back in the [[Silver Kingdoms]] Epoch, it would've been beyond the city limits, in contrast to how other major settlement of the era, like [[Kholinar]] and [[Stormseat]], were arranged.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} In the presentPresently, it has been turned into a sculpture garden, and provides an excellent viewpointview to observeof the city.{{book ref|sa3|58}} It's eventually unlocked by [[Kaladin]] and [[Shallan]], who fly there after Queen [[Fen Rnamdi|Fen]] agrees to ally with [[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa3|51}}
While the Oathgate has beenwas locked along with all the others, the Thaylens have retained some memory of the platform's original purpose. The local folklore refers to it as a "portal of worlds", claiming that only the most [[Passions|Passionate]] would be able to reopen it. While the story is particularly popular among young girls, the Oathgate holds great religious significance for all the Thaylens.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
==== Docks ====
The Thaylen docks had been one of the city's greatest points of pride before the Everstorm swept them away.{{book ref|sa3|58}} They were locatedlay outside the fortifications, taking upon the entire southern part of the shore, taking advantage of a natural bay formed there.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} They were constructed primarily of wood, which is why they were so easily destroyed.{{book ref|sa3|58}}
The area surrounding the docks hashad developed greatly over time into a market and warehouse district.{{book ref|sa3|58}} A notable feature there was the grand bazaar, a marketplace famous even in [[Alethkar]].{{book ref|sa3|59}} Unfortunately, as the structuresarea were,was like the docks,entirely constructed from wood, the Evestorm all but flattened the areait.{{book ref|sa3|12}} This part of the city was eventually renamed to '''Thaylen Field'''.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
==== Temples ====
[[File:Renarin seeing the future.jpg|thumb|right|350px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Madison Coyne|Madison Coyne]]</small></center> Renarin seeing the future in the temple of Pailiah]]
Like most major cities, Thaylenah has ten major temples, each dedicated to one of the [[Herald]]s. The temples are all located in the Royal Ward, and when visiting Thaylen, it's traditional to visit all of them, which allows the local ruler to show off both the city's most representative section and its piety. Following the Everstorm, the temples wereare instead used as makeshift hospitals and shelters for people injured and displaced in the Everstorm.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
The most notable temples are:
* '''The Temple of [[Battah]]''' - located in the northwestern part of the Royal Ward, it's the second-oldest temple in the city. It's particularly notable for the [[Simulacrum of Paralet]], a massive statue that once adorned the plaza in front of it. The Simulacrum was knocked over by the [[Everstorm]], sending large chunks of it into the Loft Wards; Dalinar rebuilds it with his [[Bondsmith]] powers upon his first visit to the city.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
* '''The Temple of [[Ishi]]''' - the oldest temple in the city.{{book ref|sa3|59}} It sits in the southern portion of the Royal Ward.{{map ref|Thaylen City}}
* '''The Temple of [[Talenelat]]''' - located in the central part of the Royal Ward, onin a stone plaza dedicated to the Herald. A set of steps leads up to an arched enterance, whileand both the surroundingouter and inner walls are covered in mosaics showing Taln standing fast against the [[Voidbringers]]. The temple has fared poorly against the [[Everstorm]], with the entire roof having collapsed from a lightning strike; it's, possiblepossibly thatbecause [[Odium]] targeted it deliberately out of vengeance. It's in the temple of Telenelat that Dalinar discovers his ability to mend buildings; as such, it's the first he fixes.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
* '''The Temple of [[Pailiah]]''' - located in the northeastnorth-eastern part of the Royal Ward.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} It's open, allowing wind to flow through it.{{book ref|sa3|118}} [[Renarin]] goes there to pray when he begins to seeseeing visions of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]].{{book ref|sa3|117}}
==== Gemstone Reserve ====
