Difference between revisions of "Dalinar's visions"

another vision
m (+ more SA3 junk)
m (another vision)
=== The Lake Fortress ===
In ''[[Words of Radiance]]'', Dalinar had a vision in which he saw himself as a soldier, marching with several other soldiers through a shallow body of water that he believed to be the [[Purelake]]. They were heading towards a massive fortress, which was not known to exist in the Purelake in modern times, and looking for a spren acting unusual. They mention that [[Sja-anat]] made spren act odd. Dalinar saw a spren with red eyes, followed shortly by another, larger spren which animated a massive piece of stone, which ripped itself free of the lakebed to attack them. The soldiers mentioned that the beast was a [[Thunderclast]].
Dalinar revisits this vision after his meeting with queen Fen and after fighting he meets a [[Stoneward]] and sees [[Cohesion]] before pulling [[Navani]] and [[Jasnah]] into the vision, and the Stormfather confirms that it is a vision of the [[Last Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|38}}{{expand}}
== Notes ==