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The '''Sea of Spears''' is a large inland body of water situated in southeast [[Alethkar]] on [[Roshar]].{{map ref|Alethkar}} It borders the [[Thanadal]], [[Sebarial]], and [[House Kholin|Kholin]] princedoms, along with the [[Eastern Crownlands]]. The ruins of [[Rathalas]] are situated near the northern tip of the sea and [[Davinar]] lies on the western shore.{{map ref|Alethkar}}
The sea is described as shallow, with rock formations jutting out of the water's surface.{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{ref|text=Although this perspective is seen in a dream by [[Kaladin]], the vision appears to come from the [[Stormfather]] and likely reflects reality.}} [[Adolin Kholin]] refers to it as a lake.{{book ref|sa2sa3|97}}
The [[Shadesmar]] counterpart of the Sea of Spears is an island that contains the major city of [[Celebrant]].{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}{{book ref|sa2|99}}
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