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axing this to make my monthly contribs less screwed by user pages :)
This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of '''''[[The Original]]'''''. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

<div style="float:right; padding-left:1em z-index: 20;">__TOC__</div>

=== Chapter 1 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
*[[Dr. Hall]]

Holly wakes up in a hospital bed, disoriented and confused. A doctor asks her questions, wanting to know the last thing Holly remembers. Holly asks where her husband, Jonathan, is, but the doctor doesn’t answer any of Holly’s questions, which frustrates Holly. The doctor asks more questions about Holly’s past, and then signals to one of the men in the room. The man pulls a knife out and moves to attack Holly. She responds quickly, stopping his attack and wrapping her IV line around the man’s neck. She released, him, aghast and wondering how she’s gotten those skills. The doctor tells her that she is a [[provisional replica]], a clone of her original self but with special skills edited into her. The third man in the room, Skyler, hands Holly a pamphlet about living as a provisional replica, then informs her that she has murdered her husband.

=== Chapter 2 ===

*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]

Holly sits on the edge of the bed, holding a gun in her hand. The gun feels disturbingly confrtomble in her hand, due to the muscle memory edited into her. Holly is assigned to kill her original, because she killed her husband and went off grid. Her gun is set to only harm her original, and Holly is given four days to hunt her original down. If she fails, she will die, and if she succeeds, she can replace her original and returned to normal. Skyler shows Holly a virtual replication of the murder scene, which took place in their apartment. Skyler doesn’t include the body in the simulated room, but there are signs of a struggle. Skyler plays a recorded report of the murder, and the report lays out the details of the murder. Jonathan was killed with a knife, and his head was mutilated, spiraling lines carved into it. Angry but with little other choice, Holly sets out to find and kill her original.

=== Chapter 3 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
*[[Jill Preston]]

Outside the hospital, Holly is taken aback at the blank white surroundings. Without her personal theming, everything seemed strange and different. She walks past some slums, and encounters an old woman who asks if she’s a [[checkout]]. Holly struggles to understand what happened with Jonathan, and can’t imagine herself ever killing him, much less them getting into a fight. Holly comes to the conclusion that maybe her original was framed. She decides that she needs to find and talk to her original, and find out what happened,

=== Chapter 4 ===

*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
*[[Frederique Gorski]]

Holly goes to the [[Riverside Market]], and is again shocked at how different the market is without her theming on. She walks to the citrus stand where she first met Jonathan and where they often hang out. She suddenly realizes that there might be dangerous people out to get her if her original was framed, and that she had just come to the most obvious spot people would look for her. She surreptitiously looks around her, and spots a sniper in a third story window. The woman fires her energy rifle at Holly, and she is knocked unconscious.

=== Chapter 5 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
*[[Carl Newton]]
*[[Frederique Gorski]]
*[[Zoba Moss]]
*[[Andy Blackwell]]

Holly wakes up, but feigns unconsciousness. She is dumped onto a table in a restaurant, and she listens to four people talking about what to do with her. Holly, using her edited skills, uses their voices to discern where everyone is in the room. She moves slightly, and the team sees the movement is alerted. Holly leaps into an attack, attacking one of her opponents and taking back her gun. She shoots him, but her gun can’t harm him. Holly runs into the kitchen, using a set of knives and a cutting board there to fight her attackers. She is familiar with the restaurant because it belongs to a friend of Jonathans, and she opens a manhole and escapes into the sewer.

=== Chapter 6 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]

In the sewers, Holly discovers that she is edited with infrared vision. She contemplates what just happened, and is disturbed by the ease with which she could kill people. She wonders if she is the same person anymore. A timer appears in the corner of her vision, telling her that she has three hours until nanite depletion. Holly is confused and concerned, wondering why she needs to go to the renewal station so soon. Holly feels dizzy and numb, and decides to go to a renewal station.

=== Chapter 7 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]

Holly reaches the renewal station without incident, and as she lays down the system automatically calls Skyler. She asks him about the nanite depletion. He tells her that if she doesn’t check every day to get new nanites, she will die. He notices the damage to her hands, and asks what happened. He tells her that the government can’t watch private places like the marketplace. He reveals that he can look through her memories, which shocks and horrifies Holly. She tells him about the attack and her escape, and he tells her that they are likely members of ICON, a terrorist group.He gives her access to all documents on ICON, so that she can research them freely. At Holly’s request, Skyler gives her gun the ability to shoot checkouts, which make up the majority of ICON members.

=== Chapter 8 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
Holly goes to her apartment, against her better judgement. It looks strange without her theming, though some real decorations remain. Holly sees a bowl of oranges, and begins carving it. She takes a bite, but it is shockingly acidic. She had edited her taste buds as a kid to make oranges sweeter, now making it taste awful in comparison. Holly sits at the table and weeps.

=== Chapter 9 ===

*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]

Holly looks at some keepsakes from her and Jonathan’s time together. Several of them are real, though some of them are missing. Holly goes to her computer and begins researching ICON, and sees videos of them murdering people and blowing up renewal stations. Holly wonders what connection her original has with ICON, and tries to figure out what her original would do. She sees a clip of Jonathan giving a talk about the phycology of checkouts. Holly hears voices outside her apartment, and moments later several ICON members break in. Holly fights back, disabling a few of her attackers. She gets shot in the leg by an antique revolver, then escapes by jumping out her window.

=== Chapter 10 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]

Holly is in a renewal station, restoring her nanites. The system calls Skyler, and Holly angrily yells at him. Skyler patiently explains himself, then tells Holly more about ICON. He shows her information about the members in the fire team, and about Jill Preston, the infamous leader of ICON. HOlly remembers that Jonathan used to know Preston, but Skyler said that Jonathan wasn’t connected to ICON. Skyler tells her that the government can’t trespass in the slums where ICON is hiding, but that Holly can as a provisional replica. Jonathan tells her that she has some funds in a bank account, and that she can find a hotel to rest and research. Holly almost goes to her favorite hotel, but realizes that ICON would be looking for her there. She uses a pair of dice to pick a random hotel, and goes there instead.

=== Chapter 11 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]

Holly arrives at the hotel, which is blank and generic without theming. Holly’s room has an in-room fabricator, and she tries multiple times to print weapons. Holly tries to figure out what ICON wants, and decides that they want some sort of memories stored in her head. She wants to figure out who really killed Jonathan, so that she can prove that her original didn’t do it. She decides that she needs to meet with her original, but on her own terms. She picks the Jolly Racer nightclub, a place that she and Jonathan have strong connections to.

=== Chapter 12 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
*[[Carl Newton]]]
*[[Zoba Moss]]
*[[Frederique Gorski]]
*[[Holly Winseed (Original)]]

Holly enters the Jolly Racer nightclub, hoping to isolate one of the ICON members and get some answers. She wears a physical disguise that she printed at the hotel. She brushes against dancers to hear the music, allowing her to dance to the rhythm and blend in. She uses her dancing to disguise her search for ICON members. She spots Carl Newton and Zoba Moss, then accidentally bumps into another ICON member. Holly keeps dancing, and spots Frederique Gorski on the balcony. Holly goes to the bar and orders a drink, but Carl Newton sneaks up on her and puts a gun to her head. She attacks him, stealing his gun and shooting him with a paralyzing shot. Holly uses the crowd of dancers for cover, and both her and the fire team have trouble shooting accurately with all the dancers. She shoots an ICON member in the knee, then is attacked by Zoba. Both of them roll across the dancefloor as they fight, and Holly emerges victorious, pointing a gun at them and demanding answers. Zoba tells Holly that they have a voice recorder with a message from her original. A security guard comes over and pulls them apart, then zaps Holly with an energy gun when she tries to resist.

Holly wakes up in a room with a security guard, only having been asleep for a short time. The guard tells her that fighting is not allowed in the Jolly Racer. He tells her that her friends are already gone, and that they left a voice recorder for her. She takes it, and the man leaves. The voice recording is from her original. She tells Holly that she is going to save Holly a lot of pain by telling her that she was not framed, and that she killed Jonathan.

=== Chapter 13 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
Numb and in shock, Holly processes the news. She goes up to the roof of the nightclub, angry. She crosses from rooftop to rooftop, then stops atop a building to think. She wonders again why she would've killed Jonathan, and what he could've possibly done that would've made her so angry. She reasserts to herself that the only way she would get answers would be to talk to her original. She decides to hunt her original down carefully, then make her tell her what happened before killing her.

=== Chapter 14 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
Holly goes to a bar late at night and orders two drinks on the rocks. She gets some physical pencil and paper, and wonders what information her original put under a biolock. She realizes that her original mightve used dice to randomize where she went. Holly makes a list of eleven places her original might go, then puts them in an order that feels natural. Since seven is the most commonly rolled number, she looked at six and seven, which said to get a hotel room and to change her name. She writes down a list of possible fake names she might use, then sees that her nanites are depleting again. She heads to the renewal station, deciding that Skyler could look up some of the fake name ideas.

=== Chapter 15 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
*[[Jill Preston|Jane Doe]]
The system places a call to Skyler when Holly enters the renewal station, and he is slow to reply due to the late hour. She gives him the list of fake names, and asks him to check hotel registries. He tells her that PR's that shift to working things out on paper statistically have a higher success rate. She realizes that her original could've looked up her name in the hotel registries too, and Skyler books her a room in a hotel with a fake name. The hotel is pubic property, so Skyler can keep an eye on her. After he hangs up, Holly looks up another one of Jonathan's speeches on the psychology of checkouts. He talks about rising suicide rates, saying that many people stop finding meaning and purpose in life. He shows an interview with an old woman named Jane Doe, and Holly recognizes her from the checkout slums. Jane says that she took up smoking because she liked the danger and risk of it. Holly wants to know how she knew Jonathan, and decides she needs to go to the checkout slums to meet with her.

=== Chapter 16 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
Holly goes to an old fashioned hotel, where almost everything is real. She gets a good night of sleep, then tries to figure out where her original could've gone. She rolled dice again to pick from a list of places, and comes up with camping as the result. She decides to go to the forest and try and find her original there.

=== Chapter 17 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
*[[Jennie-May Barker]]
*[[Pardeep Bryant]]

Holly arrives at the forest, and is shocked to find it packed with people. She had thought it to be nearly empty when she had been there, but the theming there shows people being by themselves. She is horrified at how much her and Jonathan been deceived, and she vomits. Holly sees two of her friends talking to each other, but they can’t see her. She realizes that even if she succeeds and takes her original’s place, she can never go back to normal. She wonders if her original turned off her theming and saw all the deception, then somehow snapped. Realizing that her original isn’t here, Holly leaves the forest.

=== Chapter 18 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]

Holly sits on a maglev, riding back to town. Skyler calls her, telling her that he found a hotel where her original had registered using a fake name. He tells her that she wasn’t there, but that she left a voice recorder with a biolock on it, as well as a pair of dice that matches Holly’s. Skyler tells her that she needs to come in to unlock the recorder.

=== Chapter 19 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (Provisional Replica)]]
*[[Holly Winseed (Original)

Holly enters the government building where Skyler works, which is made to look like an old noir film. Skyler greets her, wearing a real suit. He tells her that he doesn’t use theming, since a lot of criminals use theming to hide. He leads her into an interrogation room, and they sit down at the table. He hands her an evidence bag with the recorder in it. She unlocks it, and reluctantly plays it.

Her original apologizes for putting her in this situation. Her original tells her not to trust the government, and that she badly wants to meet with her. Her original tells her that Jonathan’s death must be hurting, and Holly furiously turns off the recorder and doesn’t want to hear the rest of it. She asks if originals usually leave clues, and he says that they do it when they feel guilty about what they’ve done. Skyler tells Holly that he is a PR, along with many other government agents. She asks about her violent tendencies, and he tells her that they didn’t edit her personality at all. Holly resumes the recording, and her original tells her to leave a message at the marketplace. She decides that she needs to go into the checkout slums to confront ICON.
=== Chapter 20 ===

=== Chapter 21 ===

=== Chapter 22 ===

{{The Original}}
[[Category: The Original|*1]]

Latest revision as of 06:40, 2 January 2022

axing this to make my monthly contribs less screwed by user pages :)