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On the day of the expedition, Amaram accompanied Dalinar as he inspected his troops and their preparations for the departure.{{book ref|sa2|75}} Leaning on his authority as head of the Radiants, Amaram attempted to get Dalinar to reconcile with Sadeas before leaving on the trip, claiming that Sadeas hoped that the expedition would fail and pointing out that Dalinar had no idea where the Parshendi lived. Dalinar ignored requests, much to Amaram's annoyance, as he believed that Dalinar was unable to permanently give away authority to others. Dalinar asked after the results of Amaram's investigation into Taln's Shardblades. Amaram lied to Dalinar, telling him that he believes what Bordin said, but believes Taln's words to be the ravings of a madman. When Kaladin and Shallan returned unexpectedly from the chasms, Amaram avoided seeing Kaladin.
Later that day, Amaram and his honor guard mustered on the edge of the Shattered Plains with the armies of the [[KholinHouse warcampKholin|Kholin]] and [[Roion]] princedoms[[Shattered Plains|warcamps]].{{book ref|sa2|76}} When it became apparent that [[Sebarial]] intended to join the group, Meridas expressed his distrust for the man and he was truly stunned when [[Aladar]] joined the force as well. Amaram unsuccesfully attempted to convince Dalinar to turn the two highprinces away in order to make their success all the more glorious. When Kaladin came to watch the preparations, Amaram attempted to avoid him, but Dalinar forced him to speak to the man. Dalinar asked Amaram directly if there was any truth to Kaladin's claims that Amaram stole his Shards and killed his men. Amaram denied the allegations forcefully. Upon Amaram's denial, Dalinar revealed that he orchestrated the story of the Shardblade cache on the Plains, ordering Bordin to leak the rumor to Amaram's men and lead the highlord to a cave where they had already hidden the madman's Blade. At that point Amaram attempted to summon his Blade, but Dalinar summoned the madman's Blade himself first and held it to Amaram's throat. Dalinar revealed that he had bonded it before it was placed in the cave. Dalinar explained to Amaram that after he knew Amaram had recovered the Blade, he had asked Amaram to investigate the madman's claims, hoping Amaram would tell Dalinar about his discovery. After Amaram told Dalinar that he had found nothing in his investigation, Dalinar waited to confront Amaram, hoping the man would come forward with the truth. When Amaram did not do so, Dalinar determined that Amaram was not a trustworthy ally. With his treachery revealed, Amaram admitted to having killed Kaladin's men and stolen his Shards, claiming that he had done it for the good of Alethkar and accusing Dalinar of doing much the same by sending men to fight and die for gemhearts. Dalinar removed Amaram as head of the Knights Radiant, demanding that he surrender his cloak. Amaram removed the garment and left the expedition with his honor guard. Dalinar allowed him to leave, intending to try him for his crimes upon his return from the expedition.
=== Retrieving Taln ===