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Elend asks Hammond if attacking the city with his koloss is the right thing to do, and Hammond replies that it isn't. Elend orders the camp packed up, and for them to return to Luthadel.
Yomen watches as a soldier states that Elend's army is leaving Fadrex. Ruin says this is very odd, and Vin decides to bluff him, saying they knew his plan all along, and that he can't find the atium cache on his own since it blinds him, and that they already located and hid the cache right under his nose. Marsh grabs Vin and yells at her to reveal the atium's location but Vin refuses. Marsh then orders Yomen to attack Elend's army and Yomen complies.
Elend and Hammond observe Yomen's inferior force charge out to attack their army, but is suspicious of this and orders the koloss to retreat, since it is similar to his own strategy when he took control of the koloss.
Ruin taunts Vin that she was the one who was played, and that he was only letting her control the koloss while it served his ends.
Elend feels control of the koloss ripped away from him. The koloss start attacking his army.
Marsh tells Vin that the Lord Ruler made an army of Inquisitors and koloss that would be taken over by Ruin eventually as Ruin patiently waited. Marsh shakes Vin again, but she manages to steal a metal vial from his sash and ingest it. She then removes her earring and duralumin pushes it into Marsh's forehead. Marsh drops. Vin yells at Yomen to withdraw his forces but he refuses. Vin orders her koloss to attack Yomen's soldiers. She loses control of them to an external force, but is able to convince Yomen to change his mind, and he orders a retreat as well as safe passage for Elend's army. Marsh recovers from his wound, and Vin hits him with a duralumin soothing but Marsh resists, and grows in size like a feruchemist, choking her. Vin draws upon the mists, and Pushes on Marsh's emotions, breaking through the resistance successfully, and seeing through his eyes briefly. She loses control and Marsh flees.
Elend and his army fight desperately against the koloss. Vin arrives, ordering a retreat into Fadrex.
== Chapter 66 ==