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|image=Plateau Battle by Miguel Sastre.jpg
|participants=[[AlethiAlethkar]] [[Highprince]]s, [[ListenerListeners]]s
|effects=Summoning of the [[Everstorm]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
The '''War of Reckoning''' was a conflict on [[Roshar]] between [[Alethkar]] and the [[Parshendilisteners]]. This name for the conflict was used by Brightness [[Hashal]]{{book ref|sa1|43}} in reference to the originAlethi's goal of the war as an act to bringdelivering justice onupon the Parshendilisteners for their responsibilityrole in the [[Assassination of Gavilar|assassination]] of the Alethi King [[Gavilar Kholin]].
== Background ==
AfterWhile encounteringexploring Parshendia somewhere to theforest south of the [[Shattered Plains]], King Gavilar's brother [[Dalinar Kholin]] encountered a society of non-[[slaveform]] [[singers]] who called themselves '''listeners'''.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Not knowing what they are, Kingand Gavilarseeing startedtheir similarity to establish[[parshmen]], diplomaticGavilar's relations[[stormwarden]]s thatcoined eventuallythe ledterm to'''Parshendi''',{{book aref|sa1|45}} treatymeaning betweenroughly ''parshmen who can think''. "Parshendi" became the official Alethi andterm for the nationlisteners, ofand [[parshmen]]-likeit beings.also Thespread Parshendito wereother invitedcountries toon celebrateRoshar. theThe signinglisteners ofdid thenot treatyshow inany [[Kholinar]]offense for the term.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
OnDiplomatic thatrelations nightwere established, Gavilarand revealedeventually toa treaty was made between the Alethi and the so-called Parshendi. The king invited a Parshendi womandelegation namedto celebrate the signing of the treaty in [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} That night, Gavilar revealed to [[Eshonai]], a member of the delegation who could speak Alethi, his secret intention to bring back the [[Fused|old Parshendisinger gods]] in order to also bring about the return of the [[HeraldsHerald]]s. He mistakenly believed that the Parshendi would welcome this newsidea. In reality, theirthe ancestors of the listeners had abandoned their gods in favor of freedom, and they did not want their gods to return.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
After hearing the news from Eshonai and fearing Gavilar's plans, the Parshendi[[Council leadersof Five]] decided to have the humanAlethi king assassinated that very night.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}} They assigned this task to their newly-acquired slave, a [[Shin]] man[[Truthless]] named [[Szeth]] who possessed [[Jezrien]]'s [[Honorblade]]. After an intense fight, the man who would later be called the '''Assassin in White''' succeeded in killing Gavilar.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} The Parshendi took credit for the assassination then fled from Kholinar.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
On that night, Gavilar revealed to a Parshendi woman named [[Eshonai]] his secret intention to bring back the [[Fused|old Parshendi gods]] in order to also bring about the return of the [[Heralds]]. He mistakenly believed that the Parshendi would welcome this news. In reality, their ancestors had abandoned their gods in favor of freedom, and they did not want their gods to return.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
While the rest of the listeners fled from Kholinar, three members of the Council of Five—[[Gangnah]], [[Klade]], and [[Varnali]]—remained to take credit for the assassination. The Alethi had the three hanged.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
After hearing the news and fearing Gavilar's plans, the Parshendi leaders decided to have the human king assassinated that very night.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}} They assigned this task to their newly-acquired slave, a [[Shin]] man named [[Szeth]]. After an intense fight, the man who would later be called the '''Assassin in White''' succeeded in killing Gavilar.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} The Parshendi took credit for the assassination then fled from Kholinar.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
During Gavilar's funeral service, thehis son and successor King [[Elhokar]] made the Alethi highprinces vow to avenge his father's death. This '''Vengeance Pact''' broughtbetween the highprinces and the new king became Alethkar's todeclaration of war against the Parshendi.{{book ref|sa3|105}}
== Participants ==
=== Alethkar ===
TheEach Alethiprincedom armyin isAlethkar comprisedhad ofits tenown armies,army. eachThere from one princedom, and led bywere ten [[highprince]]s:, namely [[Roion]], [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], [[Aladar]], [[Dalinar Kholin|Kholin]], [[Loradar Vamah|Vamah]], [[Ruthar]], [[Thanadal]], [[Hatham]], [[Bethab]], and [[Turinad Sebarial|Sebarial]].{{map ref|AlethiEach warcamps}}committed <!---part Kingof their armies into fulfilling their Vengeance Pact with [[Elhokar|King Elhokar]], and had aset complexup towarcamps himselfon butthe ledleeward noside armyof as he belonged tothe [[HouseShattered KholinPlains]]. andEach thehighprince respectivehad armyhis wasown ledwarcamp bybuilt Dalinar.on -one E.of isten kingcrater-like androck thereforeformations hasthat nowere "house"once norinhabited anby ownthe armylisteners.{{map Iref|Alethi thinkwarcamps}}{{book --->ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}
On the edge of the Shattered Plains there were ten warcamps, each of them serving as a base of operations for each highprince fighting on the plains. The ten warcamps were situated in hollows on the leeward side of the [[Shattered Plains]].{{map ref|Alethi warcamps}}
[[File: {{map|Alethi warcamps}}|700px|center]]
The majority of the Alethi armies were composed of [[darkeyed]] spearmen organized into battalions and led by [[lighteyed]] officers. Darkeyed soldiers were only allowed spears{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}, so Alethi archers and swordsmen were all lighteyes.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
=== Parshendi ===
The Parshendi were a single army. Ever since the start of the war, their camp had been on the ruins of [[Stormseat]], at the center of the Shattered Plains. They called this central place Narak, which in their language meant '''Exile'''.
Aside from regular weapons, the Alethi also had around twenty [[Shardblade]]s.{{book ref|sa1|52}} It is uncertain exactly how many of these were used in the war and how many remained in Alethkar, but there were more than thirty official [[Shardbearer]]s in the warcamps, a few of whom had both Plate and Blade.{{book ref|sa2|5}}
The Alethi also had [[fabrial]]s, some of which, like [[grandbow]]s, had military applications.
=== ParshendiListeners ===
Unlike the Alethi, the listeners had a single unified army. Their society was governed by the [[Council of Five]], whose members each represented one of the five [[Singer#Forms|singer forms]] that the listeners used. The Council member who used [[warform]], which is the singer form used by listener warriors, served as the general of the army.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
At some point during the war, Eshonai became the warform member among the Five and started leading the fight for survival against the Alethi. She also possessed the listeners' only remaining set of Shardblade and Shardplate, and used these in addition to warform during battle.{{book ref|sa1|68}}{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
Warform gave listener warriors a carapace armor as well as increased strength.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Though not as strong or resilient as someone with Shardplate, warform listeners were a real threat to regular human soldiers. Their strength allowed them to use heavy weapons like battleaxes, hammers, and sometimes clubs and swords.{{book ref|sa1|40}} They were also capable of jumping far enough to cross chasms{{book ref|sa1|27}}, something that only those with Shardplate could do on the Alethi side.{{book ref|sa1|55}}
While they also used archers just like the Alethi, the listeners' combat strategy also involved using '''warpairs'''{{book ref|sa1|26}}, or pairs of warriors who fought side by side as partners. These listener warpairs would jump around the battlefield in coordinated maneuvers and attack enemy troops with heavy weapons from multiple directions.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
The Parshendi were a single army. Ever sinceWhen the startwar ofstarted, the war,listeners theirmoved camp had been onto the ruins of [[Stormseat]], located at the center of the Shattered Plains. They called this central place [[Narak]], which in their language meant '''Exile'''. It served as the base of operations for their army as well as refuge for the rest of their people.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}
== History ==
=== Beginning of the Siege ===
In order to fulfill the Vengeance Pact as quickly as possible, the Alethi highprinces initially planned a full-scale attack on the Parshendi. However, they were unable to immediately locate the Parshendienemy's center of operation, and upon arriving at the Shattered Plains, the highprinces realizerealized that a full-scale attack on the plateau in the center of the Plains would present huge risks because of [[highstorm]]s.
The Shattered Plains{{map ref|Shattered Plains}} arecover an enormous area, and armies must cross chasms to get between plateaus, making a campaign to the center of the Shattered Planes center vulnerable to a highstorm while exposed on the plateaus.{{book devastatingref|sa1|43}} Therefore, the armieshighprinces decided upon a siege strategy.{{book ref|sa1|4315}}{{book ref|sa1|18}} As the Shattered Plains are only accessible from the leeward side, the plan assumed the Parshendi would leave their camp from hunger and face the Alethi.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
The highprinces decided upon a siege strategy.{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{book ref|sa1|18}} As the Shattered Plains are only accessible from the leeward side, the plan assumed the Parshendi would leave their camp from hunger and face the Alethi.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
=== The Impact of Gemhearts ===
Once the Alethi settled on the border of the Shattered Plains, they discoveredbegan that [[chasmfiend]]s live inharvesting the chasmschasmfiends betweenfor plateaus. Chasmfiends containtheir gemhearts, which hold enormous amounts of [[stormlightStormlight]] and are excellent for use in [[soulcastingSoulcasting]]. This enabled the armies to Soulcast metal for weapons, wood for bridges, barracks of stone and food for troops.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
The safest way to win a gemheart of a chasmfiend would be to wait for a chasmfiend to climb on a plateau, where it would pupate.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Once this happens, the chrysalis could be opened with a [[Shardblade]]{{book ref|sa1|26}} or more slowly with hammers and chisels.{{book ref|sa1|40}}
Both the Alethi and Parshendi used these gems to sustain their armies, prolonging the siege.
Both the Alethi and the listeners used these gems to sustain their armies, prolonging the siege and greatly extending the duration of the war. Whenever a chrysalis is spotted on a plateau, a race between the listeners and Alethi highprinces would occur.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Whoever arrived first would have to retrieve the gemheart from the chrysalis before the opposing army arrives, otherwise a battle would occur.
=== Rivalry between highprinces ===
In order to cut the supplies of the Parshendi, the highprinces raced each other to the gemhearts before the Parshendi can claim them.
For five years, the war was fought mostly through these skirmishes over gemhearts.
The safest way to win a gemheart of a chasmfiend would be to wait for a chasmfiend to climb on a plateau, where it would pupate.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Once this happens, the chrysalis could be opened with a [[Shardblade]]{{book ref|sa1|26}} or more slowly with hammers and chisels.{{book ref|sa1|40}}
=== Loss of Unity Between Highprinces ===
Whenever a chrysalis is spotted on a plateau, a race between the Parshendi and Alethi highprinces would occur.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Whoever arrived first--Alethi army or Parshendi--was usually attacked by the other. Since every highprince worked on his own, depending on where the chasmfiend was pupating, several Alethi armies could attempt to get to the chasmfiend first. Whenever an army arrived and another Alethi army was already there, the second army turned back home.{{book ref|sa1|17}} This led to rivalry between the highprinces because success in gaining gemhearts meant wealth and appreciation from King Elhokar.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
Over the years the result was that the Alethi army lost its original purpose—to fulfil the Vengeance Pact—and their unity. The ten armies fought on their own instead of fighting united against the Parshendi.
{{image|Battle of the Tower.jpg|side=right|height=300px|A map of the Battle of the Tower}}
=== The Battle of the Tower ===
[[File:Battle''Main of the Tower.jpg|thumb|right|200px|A map of thearticle:'' [[Battle of the Tower by [[Isaac Stewart]]]]
The [[Tower (Roshar)|Tower Plateau]] is a very large plateau not far from the center of the Shattered Plains. Because of this, the Parshendilisteners always arrived first whenever a chasmfiend pupated on the Tower Plateau, and they usually had enough time to arrange themselves into battle formation and prepare their defense. Consequently, no Alethi army had ever won a battle at the Tower during the first six years of the war.
{{for|Battle of the Tower|more information}}
The [[Tower|Tower Plateau]] is a very large plateau not far from the center of the Shattered Plains. Because of this, the Parshendi always arrived first whenever a chasmfiend pupated on the Tower Plateau, and they usually had enough time to arrange themselves into battle formation and prepare their defense. Consequently, no Alethi army had ever won a battle at the Tower during the first six years of the war.
When Dalinar worked together with Sadeas, a chasmfiedchasmfiend was spotted on the Tower.{{book ref|sa1|64}} According to their plan, Sadeas, whose armies were faster than Dalinar's, had to clear a space on the Tower for Dalinar's troops, who were better trained, to engage the Parshendi.{{book ref|sa1|64}} This worked as planned until Sadeas abandoned Dalinar, leaving noDalinar way to retreat for Dalinartrapped.{{book ref|sa1|65}}
Dalinar and the remnants of his army were saved by [[Bridge Four]] led by [[Kaladin]]. In the aftermath, Dalinar made his nephew, King [[Elhokar]], declare him Highprince of War. It was Dalinar's goal to re-purposefocus the Alethi armies into tofinally fulfilling the Vengeance Pact and to unite them again.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
=== Stormform and the Failed Peace Talks ===
Seeing the steady decline of her people and becoming war-weary, Eshonai was eager to find a way out of the protracted war. She had been planning to approach Dalinar Kholin and sue for peace. However her sister, the scholar [[Venli]], did not believe such a plan would work. Instead, Venli argued that they should use a [[Singer#Forms_of_Power|Form of Power]] in order to defeat the Alethi.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}
GuidedSecretly guided by the voidspren [[Ulim]],{{book ref|sa3|i|3}}, Eshonai'sVenli sisterhad [[Venli]]previously captured a [[stormspren]], a spren that granted the [[Singer#Forms_of_Power|Form of Power]] called [[Stormformstormform]]. This formForm of Power was believed to allow the summoning and control of storms.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Eshonai, now the general of the Parshendi army, initially protested the idea due to itsthe form's connection to [[Fused|their hated gods]]. However, after the other leaders sided with Venli, Eshonai ended up volunteering to tryexperiment bondingwith the stormsprenstormform to see what it does.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
Prior to bonding the stormspren, and with the help of Dalinar's son [[Adolin]]{{book ref|sa2|26}} and the listener warrior [[Thude]], Eshonai was finally able to arrange a meeting with Dalinar to discuss a possible end to the war. The plan was for the meeting to happen in seven days. Having received confirmation of the arrangement, Eshonai went out to experiment with stormform.{{book ref|sa2|i|5}}
Stormform gave Eshonai a different kind of armor and the ability to jump chasms more easily. She started attuning to a new set of [[Singer#Rhythms|Rhythms]] that were more aggressive.{{book ref|sa2|i|8}} More importantly, the new form changed Eshonai's personality, making her more arrogant and belligerent. Prior to bonding the spren she had a meeting arranged with the Alethi to discuss peace{{book ref|sa2|i|5}}, but sheShe abandoned her plan to negotiate after her transformation. Instead, she challenged the Alethi to try and destroy theher Parshendipeople if they could.{{book ref|sa2|51}} She planned to lure the whole Alethi army out far away from their warcamps and destroy them with a summoned highstorm.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}}
Along with Venli, Eshonai organized the adoption of Stormformstormform for all Parshendiof their people. A few of the Parshendilisteners did not agree to this plan and managed to escape.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} [[Rlain]], a Parshendilistener spy who infiltrated the Alethi army and joined [[Bridge Four]], returned from his espionage mission, and discovered the new Stormformstormform army. He decided not to join them.{{book ref|sa2|78}}
=== The Battle of Narak ===
:''Main article:'' [[Battle of Narak]]
After thenegotiations peacewith negotiationsEshonai fell failedthrough, Dalinar proposed a joint assault on the Parshendi camp, located deep within the Shattered Plains, in order to end the war and fulfill the Vengeance Pact once and for all.{{book ref|sa2|51}} Out of all the Alethi highprinces, only [[Aladar]], [[Roion]], and [[Sebarial]] joined him in the end. They set out near the start of the [[Weeping]], expecting no highstorm to impede their attack.{{book ref|sa2|76}} Along the way they met up with Rlain, who reported to Dalinar what had happened to his people.{{book ref|sa2|78}}
Upon the arrival of the Alethi armies in Narak, a large number of the stormform listeners initiated the ritual song to summon a storm, while the rest prepared to fight the invaders.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
=== The Parshendi discover Stormform ===
Guided by the voidspren [[Ulim]]{{book ref|sa3|i|3}}, Eshonai's sister [[Venli]] captured a [[stormspren]], a spren that granted the [[Singer#Forms_of_Power|Form of Power]] called [[Stormform]]. This form was believed to allow the summoning and control of storms.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Eshonai, now the general of the Parshendi army, initially protested the idea due to its connection to [[Fused|their hated gods]]. However Eshonai ended up volunteering to try bonding the stormspren to see what it does.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
The battle was fought on three plateaus. Aladar, Roion, Adolin each led soldiers on their own designated plateau while Dalinar gave orders from the command tent on another plateau. Sebarial's army reinforced Aladar's and Roion's, as Sebarial himself did not fight.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
Stormform gave Eshonai a different kind of armor and the ability to jump chasms more easily. She started attuning to a new set of [[Singer#Rhythms|Rhythms]] that were more aggressive. More importantly, the new form changed Eshonai's personality, making her more arrogant and belligerent. Prior to bonding the spren she had a meeting arranged with the Alethi to discuss peace{{book ref|sa2|i|5}}, but she abandoned her plan to negotiate after her transformation. Instead, she challenged the Alethi to try and destroy the Parshendi if they could.{{book ref|sa2|51}} She planned to lure the whole Alethi army out far away from their warcamps and destroy them with a summoned highstorm.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}}
The stormform listeners showed the ability to shoot red lightning, which they successfully weaponized against the Alethi. Roion's army was eventually defeated, but Adolin and Aladar managed well enough on their plateaus.{{book ref|sa2|82}}
Along with Venli, Eshonai organized the adoption of Stormform for all Parshendi. A few of the Parshendi did not agree to this plan and managed to escape.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} [[Rlain]], a Parshendi spy who infiltrated the Alethi army and joined Bridge Four, returned from his espionage mission and discovered the new Stormform army. He decided not to join them.{{book ref|sa2|78}}
Having been warned by Rlain that the Stormformsstormforms' song will bring destruction, Dalinar instructs his soninstructed Adolin to stop the singers.{{book ref|sa2|81}} Adolin found a way to get to the singers and killed many of them, but Eshonai attacked before he could finish the task.{{book ref|sa2|83}} In the end, even though he defeated Eshonai, he was unable to prevent the song from being completed. The summoned storm turned out to be the [[Everstorm]], and it came towards them from the west, bringing red lightning.{{book ref|sa2|84}} In addition, the [[Stormfather]] sent an unexpected highstorm, coming from the east as highstorms usually do.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
=== The Battle of Narak ===
{{for|Battle of Narak|more information}}
After the peace negotiations failed, Dalinar proposed a joint assault on the Parshendi camp, located deep within the Shattered Plains, in order to end the war and fulfill the Vengeance Pact once and for all.{{book ref|sa2|51}} Out of all the Alethi highprinces, only [[Aladar]], [[Roion]], and [[Sebarial]] joined him in the end. They set out near start of the [[Weeping]], expecting no highstorm to impede their attack.{{book ref|sa2|76}} Along the way they met up with Rlain, who reported to Dalinar what had happened to his people.{{book ref|sa2|78}}
[[Kaladin]]Szeth arrived inon timethe tobattlefield saveon Dalinara mission from Szeth,[[Taravangian]] whoto hadassassinate beenDalinar, sentbut therewas tothwarted assassinateby the highprince[[Kaladin]].{{book ref|sa2|86}} [[Shallan Davar]] managed to find{{book ref|sa2|84}} and activate the ancient [[Oathgate]] within the city, and the surviving Alethi army was safely transported to [[Urithiru]] before the combined Everstorm and highstorm destroyed the whole city of Narak.{{book ref|sa2|84}}{{book ref|sa2|86}}
They arrived at the Parshendi city of [[Narak]] (which was once [[Stormseat]], the capital of the Silver Kingdom [[Natanatan]]) near the middle of the Weeping. Upon their arrival, a large number of the Stormform Parshendi started singing a ritual song to summon a storm, while the rest prepared to fight the Alethi.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
The surviving remnants of the Stormformstormform army eventually ended up as vessels or subjects offor the [[Fused]], the immortal commanders of [[Odium]]'s army that returned through the Everstorm. The exception was Venli, whom Odium spared for his own purposes.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}} Aside from Rlain, it is currently unknown whether any non-Stormform Parshendi survived.
The battle was fought on three plateaus. Aladar, Roion, [[Adolin]] each led soldiers on their own assigned plateau, while Dalinar remained on another plateau with the rest of the Alethi expedition to command the army. The Stormform Parshendi showed the ability to shoot red lightning, which they successfully weaponized against the Alethi. Roion's army was eventually defeated on their plateau{{book ref|sa2|82}}, and Roion himself was killed by [[Szeth]] later in the battle.{{book ref|sa2|85}}
The non stormform listeners who escaped into the chasms survived with the help of a chasmfiend.{{book ref|row|115}}
Having been warned by Rlain that the Stormforms' song will bring destruction, Dalinar instructs his son Adolin to stop the singers.{{book ref|sa2|81}} Adolin found a way to get to the singers and killed many of them, but Eshonai attacked before he could finish the task.{{book ref|sa2|83}} In the end, even though he defeated Eshonai, he was unable to prevent the song from being completed. The summoned storm turned out to be the [[Everstorm]], and it came towards them from the west, bringing red lightning.{{book ref|sa2|84}} In addition, the [[Stormfather]] sent an unexpected highstorm, coming from the east as highstorms usually do.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
[[Kaladin]] arrived in time to save Dalinar from Szeth, who had been sent there to assassinate the highprince.{{book ref|sa2|86}} [[Shallan Davar]] managed to find{{book ref|sa2|84}} and activate the ancient Oathgate within the city, and the surviving Alethi army was safely transported to [[Urithiru]] before the combined Everstorm and highstorm destroyed the whole city of Narak.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
The surviving remnants of the Stormform army eventually ended up as vessels or subjects of the [[Fused]], the immortal commanders of [[Odium]]'s army that returned through the Everstorm.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}} Aside from Rlain, it is currently unknown whether any non-Stormform Parshendi survived.
== Warfare ==
TheHaving locationto ofbattle theon war—thethe [[Shattered Plains]]—brought, with its unique chasm-filled terrain, brought some notable characteristics withto the itwar.
=== The useUse of bridgesBridges betweenBetween plateausPlateaus ===
While Parshendiwarform listeners were able to jump the distance between plateaus, an Alethi army could only cross a chasm with a wooden bridge from an adjacent plateau. There was no way to climb a plateau from a chasm. The bridges were made of wood.{{book ref|sa1|6}} ItPermanent wasbridges could only possiblebe to construct permanent bridgesconstructed next to the warcamps because any permanent bridges built further on the Plains, permanent bridgesplains were destroyed by Parshendilistener raids.{{book ref|sa1|17}}
During a race for a gemheart, mobile bridges were used by the Alethi armies. There were two main types of bridges.
;Heavy Bridge
;heavy bridge
:Bridges that functioned like siege-towers. Those were very heavy and needed to be pulled by chulls and thus were very slow. Their advantage was that they offered cover for the Alethi army until the bridge was lowered over the chasm.{{book ref|sa1|55}}{{book ref|sa1|28}}
;Light Portable Bridges
;light portable bridges
:These were only light in comparison to the bridge-towers. At least 25twenty five men were needed to carry a bridge, though the bridges were constructed with spaces for forty men.{{book ref|sa1|6}}. Their advantage was that they could be carried even while running, so they were much faster than the bridge-towers. Instead of offering cover, the bridgemen were exposed to the Parshendilistener archers during the approach of the final plateau.
Sadeas was the first one to use the light bridges <!--- he was first? ---> and had much success with them because of their mobility. He also used the exposed bridgemen on purpose to attract enemy fire that would otherwise have centered on his own soldiers.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{book ref|sa1|32}} That is also why bridgemen were neither armored nor trained.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Sadeas waspioneered the firsttechnique{{book oneref|sa2|8}} toof useusing the light bridges, <!---advantageous hefor wastheir first?mobility, --->manned andby hadbridgemen muchwho successwere withleft themexposed because of their mobility. He also usedfor the exposed bridgemen on purpose toof attractattracting enemy fire that would otherwise have centered on his own soldiers.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{book ref|sa1|32}} That is also why bridgemen were neither armored nor trained.{{book ref|sa1|15}} When others of the highprinces saw Sadeas' success, they began using his system as well.{{book ref|sa2|8}}
Dalinar did not use those because he was convinced that officers shouldn't demand anything from their soldiers that they would not do themselves.{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{book ref|sa1|65}} He reproached Sadeas for wasting lives. Later Sadeas and Dalinar worked together. Sadeas could reach a plateau faster than anyone else, because he used the light bridges and left his main army with Dalinar<!--- main army with Dalinar? --->. Dalinar followed with the slow bridges, using the light bridges to cross the chasms. At the final plateau, Dalinar put his own bridges forward, not to waste bridgemen's lives. <!--- not in the Tower Battle? --->
Dalinar did not use those bridges because he was convinced that officers shouldn't demand anything from their soldiers that they would not do themselves and reproached Sadeas for wasting lives.{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{book ref|sa1|65}} HeLater, reproached Sadeas for wasting lives. Laterthough, Sadeas and Dalinar worked together. Sadeas, who could reach a plateau faster than anyone else, becausewith he used thehis light bridges, andwent leftahead hiswith mainmost armyof withhis Dalinar<!---force mainand armysecured witha Dalinar? --->.foothold; Dalinar followed withat the slowpace of his chull-drawn bridges, usingalthough he could reach the lightcontested plateau twice as quickly because he crossed on some mobile bridges Sadeas had lent him so he didn't need to crossstop theand lower his own bridges at each chasmschasm. At the final plateau, Dalinar would put his own bridges forward, so as not to waste bridgemen's lives.{{book <!--- not in the Tower Battle? --->ref|sa1|58}}
Kaladin was the first to train a bridgecrew of a light bridge{{book ref|sa1|14}} and had considerable success with it.{{book ref|sa1|59}} Not only he managed to make them faster than other crews, he also managed to figure out a way of carrying the bridge so it could offer protection for the crew.{{book ref|sa1|32}} <!--- fits passage about Kaladin (and Side Carry) in here? --->
Kaladin was the first to train a bridgecrew of a light bridge{{book ref|sa1|14}} and had considerable success with it.{{book ref|sa1|59}} Not only did he manage to make them faster than other crews, he also devised the method of "side carrying" the bridge so that it could shield arrows from bridgemen.{{book ref|sa1|32}} Although this method significantly protected the bridgemen, it was a strategical failure to Sadeas' army. The [[Parshendi]] archers realized [[Bridge Four]] were too well protected and focused their arrows on the bulk of soldiers instead, causing heavy loss of trained soldiers instead of expendable bridgemen. Other bridgecrew who awkwardly tried to imitate them failed to deliver the bridges and this resulted in a lost battle. As punishment, [[Lamaril]] was executed and Kaladin was left out for the [[highstorm]].
=== The use of Shardbearers ===
<!--- fits passage about the parshmen bone shield in here? --->
When an army arrived at a plateau and the enemy army was already formed up for battle, the only way for the attackers often was to send in [[Shardbearer]]s who could jump over the chasm and clear a space for the bridges to land.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
=== The useUse of Shardbearers ===
Also, Shardblades were a very effective way to cut open the chrysalis in order to get the gemheart.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
When an army arrived at a plateau and the enemy army was already formed up for battle, a great slaughter would ensue; the only way for the attackers oftento prevent this was to send in [[Shardbearer]]s, who could jump over the chasm and clear a space for the bridges to land. This was a terrible risk, however, and not all highprinces did this.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
The Alethi Shardbearers were the only ones who could stand up to the Shardbearers among the listeners. As such, the highprinces without a full set of Plate and Blade were at a disadvantage during the times they faced such an enemy and often had to retreat.{{book ref|sa1|24}}{{book ref|sa1|54}} Shardblades were also a very effective way to cut open the chasmfiend chrysalis in order to get the gemheart.{{book ref|sa1|26}} Apart from that, Shardbearers had the same use as in every other battle during that time on Roshar.
Apart from that, Shardbearers had the same use as in every other battle during that time on Roshar.
=== Chasm dutyDuty ===
During battles on the plateaus, falling into chasms was a real risk for both Alethi soldiers and ParshendiListener warriors, oftenand fellmany intodied thein chasmsthis manner. The dead who were left after a battle were also blown into the chasms during highstorms. At the bottom of the chasmsThere, the dead were flooded to the leeward end of the chasms, where they stayed until another flood pulled them elsewhere.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
SoldiersSearch teams consisting of soldiers or bridgemen were periodically sent down into the chasms to gather weapons, armor, spheres, or anything other of value from the dead. Chasm duty was dangerous because of the risk of another highstorm flooding the chasms and because of chasmfiends who could come upon a search- team.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
== Notes ==
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