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An Inquisitor who was a Seeker before his transformation would therefore have an enhanced ability to use bronze. This simple fact explains how many Inquisitors were able to pierce copperclouds.}}
;Characters: [[Vin]]
*[[Vin]] (point of view)
*[[Reen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Breeze]] (mentioned only)
*[[TenSoon]] (mentioned only)
Vin confronts Reen, demanding who or what he really is. She tries a duralumin zinc blast but nothing happens, proving the creature is not a kandra. She goes on the offensive, though Reen only backs away defensively, not attacking, and asks her to stop to talk. The lights go out, but Vin is still not able to hit the impostor. In the dark, she focuses on the allomantic pulses and realizes they match the ones from the Well of Ascension, and that the creature is Ruin. Ruin tells her that all things must end and that he is not her enemy. It also says that it has always been with her, even when she couldn't see it, since she was a child.
Ruin's prison, however, was fabricated of that power. Therefore, it was attuned to the power of Preservation—the very power of the Well. When that power was released and dispersed, rather than utilized, it acted as a key. The subsequent "unlocking" is what finally freed Ruin.}}
;Characters: [[Sazed]], [[Spook]]
*[[Sazed]] (point of view)
*[[Spook]] (point of view)
*[[Allrianne Cett]]
*[[Quellion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Trelagism|Trell]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
Sazed, Breeze and Allrianne await Spook's return to the storage cavern, and speculate on his actions and his ability to jump two stories without being severely injured. Sazed thinks that are no known examples of an allomancer gaining new powers after snapping.
Which was why Ruin became so obsessed with finding the hidden part of his self.}}
;Characters: [[Elend Venture]]
*[[Elend Venture]] (point of view)
*[[Ashweather Cett]]
*[[Vin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tindwyl]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ferson Penrod]] (mentioned only)
*[[Conrad]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Elend stands in the mists, worrying about Vin, but also having faith in her ability to take care of herself. Lord Cett tells Elend that the siege isn't working, and that they should attack Fadrex then return to Luthadel. They are interrupted by a disturbance and Elend leaves to investigate and it turns out to be a brawl between mistfallen and other soldiers which Elend helps break up. Elend orders Demoux to march with the mistfallen back to Luthadel to assist Penrod. Elend goes to Noorden's tent to change his battle tactics against Yomen.
He was also able to affect and control far more people than before. Where he had once influenced only a few select individuals, he could now direct entire koloss armies.}}
;Characters: [[Vin]]
*[[Vin]] (point of view)
*[[Reen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zane Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Alendi]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
Vin ruminates on all the knowledge she has about Ruin to try to figure out how to defeat it. Having no light, it takes her some time to explore the cavern. She finds the metal plate and reads it by touch. The Lord Ruler wrote that Ruin had spoken in his mind, that he tried to be a good ruler, and that he cared despite the fact that if anyone read these words that meant he was dead, and that he hid Ruin's body well and that Ruin is not omnipotent.
Thus, Ruin needed a much more indirect way to achieve his purpose. He needed someone he hadn't tainted too much, but someone he could lead by the nose, carefully manipulating.}}
;Characters: [[Sazed]], [[Spook]]
*[[Sazed]] (point of view)
*[[Allrianne Cett]]
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Fedre]] (mentioned only)
*[[Straff Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Quellion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tindwyl]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Durn]] (mentioned only)
On the time scale of gods and their power, this very tricky timing was as precise as an expert cut performed by the most talented of surgeons.}}
;Characters: [[Vin]]
*[[Vin]] (point of view)
*[[Telden Hasting]]
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ruin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Vin uses her last allomantic vial and exits through the cave door past several men, using a steel push to try to escape using the ceiling trapdoor but she fails because the trapdoor has weights on top to keep it from opening. The first man who entered, dressed as a noble, is Telden Hasting, and he tells her that she will be freed from the cavern if she agrees to drink drugged wine. Vin tries to bluff Telden but he doesn't fall for it, so she takes the wine and falls unconscious.
To achieve such things, he apparently began with people who already had a tenuous grip on reality. Their insanity made them more open to his touch, and he could use them to spike more stable people. Either way, it's impressive how many important people Ruin managed to spike. King Penrod, ruling Luthadel at the time, is a very good example of this.}}
;Characters: [[Elend Venture]]
*[[Elend Venture]] (point of view)
*[[Vin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sazed]] (mentioned only)
*[[Breeze]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ashweather Cett]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Elend uses steelpushes to travel toward an area where a koloss army was sighted. He locates the army attacking a village and starts fighting and killing koloss. After a while, he uses a duralumin pull to successfully control the army. Then he returns to his camp.
In the end, the entire system fell apart. Ash fell so steadily that it smothered and killed, and the world's plant life died off. The microbes had no chance of keeping up, for they needed time and nutrients to reproduce.}}
;Characters: [[TenSoon]], [[Wellen]]
*[[TenSoon]] (point of view)
*[[Wellen]] (point of view)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ferson Penrod]] (mentioned only)
*[[Straff Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zane Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[OreSeur]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Teven Renoux]] (mentioned only)
*[[Skiff]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jaston]] (mentioned only)
*[[Breeze]] (mentioned only)
*[[Ruin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
TenSoon goes to Luthadel to find Vin, but finds instead an overcrowded ash-filled city. He proceeds to Keep Venture to eavesdrop on a couple of guards but doesn't learn anything about Vin's whereabouts. He thinks of a new plan however, going to where OreSeur buried Kelsier's bones and absorbing them as a new disguise.
Ruin, of course, eventually acquired the ability to end the world and gain the satisfaction he wanted. But, then, that wasn't originally part of the bargain.}}
;Characters: [[Spook]]
*[[Spook]] (point of view)
*[[Goradel]] (mentioned only)
*[[Quellion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Allrianne Cett]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Straff Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hammond]] (mentioned only)
*[[Breeze]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
Spook talks with Beldre, who tells him that she is half-skaa and that she was going to be executed but was saved when the Final Empire was overthrown. Beldre says that Spook is like Quellion but he denies this. Spook speaks of his life in Kelsier's crew and of Sazed and Breeze allowing him to give orders even though he feels like he isn't really in charge. He speaks of Vin and Elend, and promises to try to save the city and not harm Quellion, then leaves to go out to the city.
And Preservation eventually broke it.}}
;Characters: [[Vin]]
*[[Vin]] (point of view)
*[[Aradan Yomen]]
*[[Ruin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
Vin awakes in chains, and with no metals in her stomach to burn. Yomen describes all the precautions that are in effect to keep Vin from escaping. Yomen took Vin's earring to examine it, and it confuses him, since it is made of silver and bronze, a combination of little use to an allomancer. He allows her to take the earring and she does, putting it back in place. One of Elend's soldiers is escorted in to ask Vin a question to verify that she is still alive and not a kandra impostor. Yomen says that she was captured to be executed for the murder of the Lord Ruler, though he will allow her to speak in her own defense. Ruin whispers to her to kill Yomen.
These two minds were, of course, independent of the raw force of their powers. Actually, I am uncertain of how thoughts and personalities came to be attached to the powers in the first place—but I believe they were not there originally. For both powers could be detached from the minds that ruled them.}}
;Characters: [[Elend Venture]]
*[[Elend Venture]] (point of view)
*[[Vin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sazed]] (mentioned only)
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Elend walks back to the camp at Fadrex accompanied by his new army of thirty thousand koloss. He feels heavily burdened by the hardships of his job and kneels down in the ash, ready to give up. The mist figure appears, kneeling next to him. It points to the northeast when Elend asks what it wants him to do, but Elend says he is confused. Elend manages to communicate with it using yes or no questions, with the figure waving its arms for yes, so that Ruin can't change its message, and Elend asks questions about the figure, the mists, the ashfalls and Ruin. The figure indicates that it doesn't want him to attack Fadrex, and that the mists are not killing people, and points at Elend's metal vial, then vanishes after saying that they maybe can survive. The encounter revigorates Elend though he isn't sure why.
As it was, the corpse was left alone to be buried in ash. The world was dying. Its gods had to die with it.}}
;Characters: [[Spook]], [[Sazed]]
*[[Spook]] (point of view)
*[[Sazed]] (point of view)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Quellion]] (mentioned only)
*[[Durn]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tindwyl]] (mentioned only)
There is more to this. Much more that even I do not yet comprehend.}}
;Characters: [[Vin]]
*[[Vin]] (point of view)
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Reen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Zane Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Preservation]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Ruin's voice gives Vin insights about the creature. She thinks that it acts similar to emotional allomancy. She realizes that she can still communicate with the thousand koloss but can't communicate intelligent thoughts to them and can't think of any other valuable way to use them.
Or, at least, keep him from destroying things too quickly. Once his mind was "freed" from its prison the destruction accelerated quickly.}}
;Characters: [[Spook]]
*[[Spook]] (point of view)
*[[Allrianne Cett]]
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Clubs]] (mentioned only)
*[[Dockson]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hammond]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Sazed instructs Spook on how to activate the water flow mechanism to divert the water back to the canals and verifies that they will be clear of people. Beldre pleas for more time for Quellion, but Spook declines, as Beldre's letter to Quellion was met with a cold response.
