Difference between revisions of "Nicelle Sauvage"

== Attributes and Abilities ==
Sauvage is a [[leecherLeecher]], granting her the ability to remove [[investitureInvestiture]] from objects so long as she can touch itthem whilst burning her metalchromium. AsShe well as this shealso claims that she was trainedtaught under [[Baz-Kor]] monks who trained her specifically on howa tofighting fightstyle inthat orderlets toher get close enough to use her abilities against an opponent, as well as this the training gave her insight on general self -defence techniques. As a child, she was also trained in ballet, something which she claims helps her achieve feats of alethicismathleticism in the present time.{{file ref|New Ascendancy broadsheet.jpg|The New Ascendancy broadsheet}} Over time, Nicelle also came to learn about the wider Cosmerecosmere and developed anat least a basic understanding of its workings, even if rudimentary.{{file ref|The Two Seasons broadsheet.jpg|''The Two Seasons'' Broadsheet}}
== History ==
