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Wax also uses his ability to form a defensive bubble around himself that doesn't affect his own metal items but Pushes bullets coming at him off course slightly; to enhance the velocity of his bullets, Pushing them after being shot to force them through an opponents cover;{{book ref|mba1|prologue}} and to travel in the air, in combination with his Skimmer ability to regulate his mass.{{book ref|mba1|1}} Wax doesn't appear to use the most obvious ability of a Coinshot very often, as he had to be reminded that he could launch a bullet without a gun,{{book ref|mba1|19}} although he always uses steel for his third vest button as an extra metal reserve or to use as a weapon in emergencies.{{book ref|mba1|9}}
While trying to stop the Set in Bilming, Wax burned a small amount of [[lerasium]], making him a Mistborn.{{book ref|mb7|71}}{{book ref|mb7|72}}
==== Feruchemy ====
As a Skimmer, using iron metalminds, Wax can store his weight at the cost of being lighter than normal, and tap the storage to become heavier. Wax constantly stores his weight to make him about three-quarters of his normal weight, making him lighter on his feet.{{book ref|mb4|1}} He also uses this ability to navigate vertically in combination with [[Steel#Allomantic Use|steelpushing]] and a shotgun. Wax doesn't tap into his weight very often, preferring to store it to be lighter, as a result, the sheer amount of weight he can tap in to allows him to quite easily fall straight through a floor with no effort. He uses this power to his advantage many times. He eventually embedded his ironminds deep into his skin to protect them from Allomancers.{{book ref|mb7|25}}
{{image|Waxillium Ladrian by Dan Watson.jpg|side=right|width=350px}}
==== Hemalurgy ====
Waxillium has an [[Wax's earring|earring]] with a slight [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] charge. It is unknown what type of charge it is. The earring is a feature of [[Pathism]], adherents to the religion often wear metal earrings while praying. This enables [[Harmony]] to communicate directly with him.{{book ref|mba1|3}} It was given to him by the [[kandra]] [[MeLaan]].{{wob ref|10004}}
While trying to stop the Set in Bilming, Wax gave himself an [[Electrum]] spike in his lower chest, granting him Allomantic [[duralumin]].{{book ref|mb7|69}} He also extensively studied Spook's notes about Hemalurgy.
=== Law Enforcement ===
Wax is a talented marksman, preferring to use two guns at once. Miles Hundredlives stated that Wax was the finest marksman he had ever seen, and had seen him make shots that he would have thought impossible. He has been shown to shoot a bullet that was put off course by the speed bubble of a [[bendalloy|Slider]], scoring a lethal shot as a result.{{book ref|mb4|19}} However, due to a traumatic misfire that resulted in the death of a loved one, [[Lessie]], Wax tends to act nervously when faced with hostage situations.
Wax alsois practicesskilled basicat metallurgy as a hobby, and he is shown to be a talented investigator.{{book ref|mb7|13}}
== History ==
