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;Plot Summary
Spensa is leashed to a wall with a light-line, and she is set to greasing parts. Spensa wasis glad for the work, glad she hadhas something to make her angry. She talks cytonically to Chet, who has been shot by a destructor. Spensa learns to whisper when talking cytonically so as not to draw delver attention. Spensa confesses that she changed the plan in case he’d betray her, and felt his great pain and feeling of betrayl from him. She apologizes, and Chet tries to act as if he doesn’t care. Spensa observers the Broadsider, and sees that they only have nine starfighters. The human pirate, who introduces himself as Maksim, gives Spensa more things to grease at her request. Maksim talks to Spensa, trying to find out more about her past life, but Spensa doesn’t say much. Chet talks to Spensa again, and expresses his self doubt about who he really is. He says that if he isn’t a gentlemanly hero and explorer, he doesn’t know who he is. Spensa apologizes again, and Chet accepts it.
=== Chapter 19 ===
