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|Ivans' reflections on her relationship with Cobb{{book ref|Skyward|i|1}}
Prior to the Battle of Alta, Ivans was Cobb's flightleader, and the banter between the two of them reminded Spensa of her own relationship with Jorgen.{{book ref|Skyward|43}} The two worked together to bring down Chaser after he started attacking their flight and are likely the only two who know the truth of what he did in the Battle of Alta.{{book ref|Skyward|39}} Cobb is the only surviving pilot from Ivans' own time as a pilot, and they remain respectful towards each other, as evidenced by Cobb waiting for her to finish a letter to the family of a dead pilot before starting an argument with her.{{book ref|Skyward|i|1}} However, they also disagree sharply about Ivans' policies for the DDF, which she believes are necessary to defend Alta Base and Igneous, but he feels get pilots and cadets killed needlessly and likens to "firing on full auto while simultaneously stealing ammunition from the stores." She is also shocked that he is willing to let Spensa fly after seeing what the defect did to Chaser.{{book ref|Skyward|i|1}} After Cobb takes over as Admiral of the Fleet, he begins to better understand her complaints about being in charge and how those in command rarely understand what is truly going on.{{book ref|Starsight|5}}
=== Rikolfr and DDF Staff===
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