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finally making some more progress. (tho the byte count is misleading)
(finally making some more progress. (tho the byte count is misleading))
Renarin is soft-spoken and thoughtful, and tends to pause and consider responses before giving them. This can occasionally make him seem calculating or unnerving to those with whom he speaks, though those close to him know him to be otherwise.{{book ref|sa1|12}} He is non-confrontational, and attempts to avoid Wit's mockery through silence. He often attempts to keep Adolin from starting fights.{{book ref|sa1|12}}{{book ref|sa1|15}} He has a small box that he fiddles with on occasion.{{book ref|sa2|22}}
Despite his subdued personality, Renarin has courage and wants to be useful, even in situations where he does not have experience or extensive training.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Renarin values the lives of his family over his own, and is willing to put himself in great danger if it might help the people he loves.{{book ref|sa2|56}} Renarin rarely
Renarin has an inquisitive streak, especially in regards to fabrials.{{book ref|sa1|52}} He inspects fabrials around him and asks questions about their functions. Despite this, he is not interested in joining the ardentia to become an engineer.{{book ref|sa1|60}} He seems to enjoy being knowledgeable upon specific subjects, and will speak about them if asked. He is well versed in the different [[Roshar#Wines|wines]] of Roshar.{{book ref|sa2|49}}
|Renarin{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Renarin has a "blood weakness" (epilepsy), which prevents him participating in activities of great physical stress, including combat. The weakness affects him in episodes, during which he grows pale and his limbs go weak, to the point of trembling or possible collapse.{{book ref|sa1|52}} Kaladin believes that these are symptoms of [[Wikipedia: myoclonus|myoclonic seizures]].{{book ref|sa2|41}} Renarin is on the [[Wikipedia: Autism spectrum|autism spectrum]]{{wob ref|7099}} and also suffers from [[Wikipedia: Anxiety|anxiety]].{{wob ref|6824}} After becoming Radiant his abilities curedcure his epilepsy and he no longer has ordinary seizures. However, his bond causes him to have a different type of fit, the visions of the future, instead.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
=== Shards ===
Renarin was part of Jasnah's plot to remove [[Ruthar]] from his position as highprince. She had him wait outside of the tent they were in and called for him to heal Ruthar after she stabbed him through the throat. Afterwards, Renarin apologized to Dalinar for net telling him about the plan. Renarin also told Dalinar that he had had another vision, and they agreed to meet the next day to discuss it.{{book ref|sa4|50}}
The next night Dalinar
|Does it strike you as cruel of fate, Father? My blood sickness gets healed, so I can finally be a soldier like I always wanted. But that same healing has given me another kind of fit. More dangerous than the other by far.
|Renarin to Dalinar{{book ref|sa4|54}}
The next night, while Renarin was eating the nightly stew with the [[Windrunner]]s listening to [[Sigzil]] tell a story, Dalinar arrived to discuss his vision. Renarin told him that he was reconsidering whether or not it was wise to share what he had seen with anyone else, since he suspected that Odium could influence what he saw. Dalinar told him that even if Odium was influencing the visions, it would still be worth knowing what was shown in the vision. Renarin relented and they left the circle of Windrunners to discuss.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
== Relationships ==
{{image|Kholin Brothers by clarinking.jpg|side=leftright|width=300px|Renarin with [[Adolin]]}}
=== Adolin ===
Renarin is very close to [[Adolin]], and respects him greatly almost to the point of hero-worship.{{book ref|sa1|18}} The brothers share a high level of trust and friendship. Renarin occasionally acts as a mediator when his brother and father have disagreements, and he often restrains Adolin from acting rashly towards Sadeas and others who insult Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|12}}{{book ref|sa1|15}} Adolin often encourages Renarin{{book ref|sa2|26}} and he helps him to learn how to use his Shards.{{book ref|sa2|44}}{{book ref|sa3|10}} While other people see Renarin as awkward and slow-thinking, Adolin knows that this is actually because Renarin is thoughtful and takes time to consider his words before speaking.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Renarin often worries about Adolin's safety and will intervene, often at great danger to himself, to try and help his brother.{{book ref|sa1|13}}{{book ref|sa2|56}}{{book ref|sa3|120}}
=== Bridge Four ===
After Renarin joins [[Bridge Four]] the other members, especially [[Moash]], were hostile and unwelcoming towards him,{{book ref|sa2|41}} but he quickly develops a very close relationship with the other [[bridgemen]].{{book ref|sa2|68}} After he reveals to everyone that he is a Truthwatcher and the other members of Bridge Four become [[Windrunner]] [[squire]]s, Renarin begins to feel that he is too different from the other men and considers leaving the squad, but Rock reassures him that he belongs in the group.{{book ref|sa3|37}} Renarin is very friendly with [[Rlain]] and often goes out of his way to speak with him.{{book ref|sa3|55}} When Renarin started attending meetings with the other scholars and began learning how to read, the other members of Bridge Four, notably [[Skar]] and [[Drehy]], were made uncomfortable by what he was doing, but [[Kaladin]] and Rock reassured them.{{book ref|sa3|55}} Renarin is most comfortable when he is around the men of Bridge Four and the other Windrunners.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
=== Rlain ===
Renarin is very friendly with [[Rlain]] and often goes out of his way to speak with him.{{book ref|sa3|55}} Renarin has romantic feelings towards [[Rlain]], though he has not yet told anyone else about it.{{wob ref|14483}}{{wob ref|14549}}
== Quotes ==
[[Category: Viewpoint characters]]</pre>
== saved stuff/notes ==
|Renarin set his bowl beside his seat. It was easy to fall into the habit of underestimating Renarin. He always moved in this deliberate, careful way. It made him seem fragile.
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}
|When he glanced over at his son, Renarin was smiling. A reserved grin; you rarely saw teeth from Renarin. However, the lad didn't have his box out, the one he often used to occupy his hands. He was relaxed here among these people.
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}
|Don't forget, part of Dalinar thought. When you were broken on the floor, consumed by your past, this boy held you. Don’t forget who was strong, when you—the Blackthorn—were weak.
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}
|The youth stood up, then gestured for Dalinar to follow. They left the circle of firelight, waving farewell to the others. Lopen called out, asking Renarin to "look into the future and find out if I beat Huio at cards tomorrow." It seemed a little crass to Dalinar, bringing up his son's strange disorder, but Renarin took it with a chuckle.
|{{book ref|sa4|54}}
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