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→‎Plot Summary: american metals *grumbles*
m (→‎Plot Summary: american metals *grumbles*)
Steris is taken hostage while Wax attempts to calm Wayne. Marasi is also kidnapped but in the ensuing gun battle instigated by Wax and Wayne she is able to break free of her captors and provide assistance in the fight. Steris is kidnapped and the trio manage to overcome the staggering number of Vanishers without causing a single casualty amongst the bystanders.
In the aftermath, while Wax has an arguement with the local Octant's constable Captain, [[Brettin]], Wayne steals an [[aluminiumaluminum]] gun from the evidence pile, giving it to Wax.
The next day, Marasi visits the Ladrian mansion to find Wax deep in his work with metallurgy, trying to determine the exact alloy of the gun Wayne had given him. Realising he'd been up all night, Wax shows her what else he'd been working on, pulling out a genealogical tree plotted by himself using information in his uncle's library. Marasi leads him to a startling discovery before Wayne shows up with a report on his own investigation; Wayne had infiltrated the Fourth Octant constabulary to gain knowledge of the Vanishers' hideout from the prisoners.
Meanwhile, Miles talks to [[Mister Suit]], their mysterious benefactor. He berates Miles for failing at the Yomen party and losing so many men and equipment and Miles is forced to assure Suit that Wax will be dealt with.
In the Outer Estates, Wax investigates the scene of one of the Vanishers' robberies with Wayne imposing personal and what he probably thinks, important, questions on Marasi about her affection for Wax. They discuss their theories before heading back into the city via train. There it is Miles attacks Wax and almost kills him in the their fight. Using his skills Wax is able to knock Miles from the train. Needing a place to lay low for awhile [[Ranette]] gets a visit she's most unappreciative of, shoving a shotgun in Wax's face. Wayne bribes their way into her affection by giving her Wax's aluminiumaluminum gun, much to his dismay.
Ranette provides Wax with a set of Hazekiller rounds and a new gun - a prototype that she named "Vindicator" after the [[Vin|Ascendant Warrior]]. Sending Wayne and Marasi on supply runs, Wax sits down to plot where the Vanishers will strike next. The Tekiel's [[Breaknought]] seems the prime target set to make it's maiden trip tomorrow. With a craftily planned distraction, Wax manages to slip aboard the Breaknought and it sets off with him inside.