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No longer able to hold on, Waxillium Ladrian died.{{book ref|mb6|27}}
Immediately, Wax found himself in the presence of Harmony. Face to face with the god he had shunned for so long, Wax did not shirk away; instead, Wax layed into Harmony for his inaction that had led to so many people suffering. He chastised him for using Wax all these years, with what appeared to be so little regard. He demanded an explanation for what happened to Lessie. Together, the two of them philosophized on the nature of cause and effect. Harmony patiently explained that his workings were larger in scope than Wax could currently understand. He expanded Wax’s worldview, literally showing him a representation of the planet and allowing him a small glimpse of the greater conflict in which he was currently embroiled. Allowing Wax to choose, Harmony offered him a chance to return to life and duty, which Wax accepted.{{book ref|mb6|28}}
Wax opened his eyes and screamed, throwing the rubble from his body with the pure strength of steel itself. His body instantaneously healed, Wax focused his view on Marasi who had placed something like an oversized spearhead in his hand: the real Bands of Mourning, an unkeyed metalmind of nearly limitless power. It had been found.{{book ref|mb6|28}}
Wax chooses duty and is revived by tapping the power in the Bands of Mourning, using the powers he heals and frees himself and then goes after Mr. Suit and Telsin. {{book ref|mb6|28}} Wax intercepts Suit as he tries to escape, after a brief conversation they fight with Wax coming out as the winner.{{book ref|mb6|29}} {{book ref|mb6|30}}Wax and his group take the [[Southern Scadrian|southerner's]]'s ship back to Elendel where he hands over the Band of Mourning to Kandra for safe keeping. Wax then asks Steris to marry him. {{book ref|mb6|31}} While on his honeymoon with Steris, Wax is woken up by an explosion and sees the coin that was given to him at the party, recognizing the structure of the coin Wax taps the investiture in the coin and then taps the coppermind, showing him a memory.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
Wax chooses duty and is revived by tapping the power in the Bands of Mourning, using the powers he heals and frees himself and then goes after Mr. Suit and Telsin. {{book ref|mb6|28}} Wax intercepts Suit as he tries to escape, after a brief conversation they fight with Wax coming out as the winner.{{book ref|mb6|29}} {{book ref|mb6|30}}Wax and his group take the [[Southern Scadrian|southerner's]]'s ship back to Elendel where he hands over the Band of Mourning to Kandra for safe keeping. Wax then asks Steris to marry him. {{book ref|mb6|31}} While on his honeymoon with Steris, Wax is woken up by an explosion and sees the coin that was given to him at the party, recognizing the structure of the coin Wax taps the investiture in the coin and then taps the coppermind, showing him a memory.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==