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Due to getting captured by Denth, whom she viewed as a friend and spent weeks with, Vivenna gradually loses her haughtiness and starts to realize that she was being unfair. She begins to want to learn so that she will no longer be helpless. She does not wish to be powerless any longer and learns Awakening after realizing that it had nothing to do with her Idrian beliefs. After realizing that Vasher is an exceptional Awakener with highly technical knowledge, she realizes that judging people by their appearances does not make any sense.
Gradually, Vivenna becomes a capable young woman who even realizes that kingshiprulership is not for her. She gives up her throne to her siblings and travels with Vasher.
In Oathbringer, when [[Kaladin Stormblessed]] berates her for not doing her duty to her kingdom, she tells him that that is the one thing she does not regret.