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== Power & Abilities ==
Being an Allomancer, Vin has the ability to access and burn all of the Allomantic metals. Vin showed proficiency in using her abilities with even Kelsier mentioning her talent surpassing his own. However due to the limitations of the Final Empire, Vin had no experience burning Nicrosil, Chromium, Cadmium, or Bendalloy. In addition Vin’s natural curiousity and ingenuity allowed for extreme demonstrations of her power. A great example of Vin’s ingenuity is the discovery of Duralumin. Knowing that every pure allomantic metal had a supplementary alloy, Vin contracted mettalurgists to develop multiple alloy variations for testing.
Vin demonstrated varying proficiencies in her allomantic usage. This is primarily caused by Vin’s predilection toward combat oriented metals.
'''[[Iron]] and [[Steel]]-''' Vin was extremely proficient in the use of both steel and iron. Being able to combine both the aspects of steel pushes and iron pulls allowed for far greater mobility and offensive potential when compared to the average Coinshot or Lurcher. Vin’s naturally more powerful allomancy further enhanced her external physical metals, as she was able to match Kelsier in strength when pushing against a coin, despite Kelsier being nearly twice her weight. Vin’s control over steel and iron allowed her to use horseshoes as a means of continued motion.
'''[[Pewter]]-''' Vin used pewter almost constantly and subconsciously. Having subconsciously burned the small amount she absorbed in drinking water as a child to heal her daily wounds her body has grown accustomed to doing so. This is needed to assist in recovering from the many injuries she sustains, even after falling unconscious. Having been trained by Hammond to flare pewter to assist with individual strikes and maneuvers, Vin became a skilled hand to hand combatant. Vin has used pewter to lift and use a Koloss sword. Vin has been able to complete pewter drags.
'''[[Tin]]-''' Vin often burns a small amount Tin at all times. The heightened senses give her an advantage over those that would try a sneak attack. Vin also flares tin when needed to assist in sight or hearing, often when she is spying.
'''[[Brass]] and [[Zinc]]-''' Vin does not often use the emotion influencing metals. This is due largely to her lack of finesse in using them. Unlike Breeze who is almost impossible to detect, Vin is often discovered. She has used them however to demonstrate her power, such as when she scared Straff Venture by stripping away all his emotions using a Duralumin powered Brass push.
'''[[Copper]] and [[Bronze]]-''' Vin burns both metals constantly. Copper to hide her own allomancy, and Bronze to detect others using allomancy near her. Originally Vin thought that she may be stronger at using Bronze than other allomancers as she was able to pierce copper clouds. This was however cause by her earring which was in fact a Hemalurgic spike.
'''[[Duralumin]]-''' Having discovered duralumin herself Vin kept it a secret. This is because of duralumin’s enhancing abilities being extremely powerful. Duralumin enhanced steel pushes have allowed Vin to leap extreme distances, as well as throw several horses into the air by their horseshoes. Duralumin enhanced Zinc and Brass also allow Vin to control Koloss.
'''[[Gold]]-''' Seeing her past self and alternate versions of what Vin could have been unnerved her to the point that she never wanted to attempt it again.
'''[[Atium]]-''' Due to the power and rarity of atium Vin held it in a form of reverence, both appreciating and fearing its use. Vin also understood atium’s flaws, allowing her to defeat two atium powered Mistborn.
Electrum- The “poor man’s atium” Vin uses electrum to fight Steel Inquisitors when it appeared the supply of atium had depleted.
'''[[Electrum]]-''' The “poor man’s atium” Vin uses electrum to fight Steel Inquisitors when it appeared the supply of atium had depleted.
Later when she took the shard of Preservation, Vin was imbued with a large amount of power. She was shown to be able to augment the powers of ALlomancers as seen when she strengthened Elend's Alomancy abilities.
Vin has also shown herself to be adequate in disguising herself as seen when she inserted herself into the court lifestyle under the guise of Valette Renoux. (HELP!!)