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|image=Vin portrait.png
|titles=Heir to the Survivor, Empress<small> (of the [[New Empire]])</small>, Ascendant Warrior
|abilities={{tag+|Mistborn}}, {{tag|Shard|cat=Shardholders}}
|parents=[[Tevidian Tekiel]], [[Vin's mother|mother]]|siblings=[[Reen]], [[Vin's sister|sister]]|spouse=[[Elend Venture]]
'''Vin''' is a half-[[skaa]] [[Allomancer|Mistborn]] from the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]]. She later becomes known as '''Heir to the Survivor''' and the '''Ascendant Warrior''', as well as taking on the alias '''Valette Renoux'''. She was born to [[Tevidian Tekiel]]'s [[Vin's mother|skaa mistress]] in year {{date|1005|FE}} in [[Luthadel]], raised by her half brother [[Reen]] after he discovered that their [[Vin's sister|sister]] had been murdered by their mother. The two lived on the streets and worked in the underground, until eventually coming to work in [[Camon]]'s [[Camon's crew|crew]].
Vin trains in and works with [[Kelsier]]'s [[Kelsier's crew|crew]] after he prevents Camon from beating her to death, infiltrating the nobility under the guise of Valette Renoux, eventually helping to save the survivors of the [[skaa rebellion]]'s army and killing [[Shan Elariel]] before fighting the [[Lord Ruler]] and killing him. After the Collapse, she marries [[Elend Venture]] and sets him up as emperor of the [[New Empire]] - and herself as '''empress''' as a result - during the [[Siege of Luthadel]], wherein she killed [[Zane]] and [[Straff Venture]], saved the city from rampaging [[koloss]] and forcing [[Ashweather Cett|Lord Cett]] to swear his allegiance to them. In the aftermath of the siege, she inadvertently frees [[Ruin]] from it's prison at the [[Well of Ascension]].
Following Ruin's release, Vin helps to secure her and Elend's empire; locating the Lord Ruler's storage caverns, participating in the [[Siege of Fadrex City]], and takes up the [[Shard]] [[Preservation]] shortly prior to the [[Battle of Hathsin]], wherein she gives her life to kill Ruin. In the years following the [[Final Ascension]], she becomes a mythical figure to the descendants of the survivors, known as the Ascendant Warrior.
== Appearance and Personality ==
Due to a life spent on the streets and in the skaa underground as an urchin, Vin is relatively small and thinks of herself as scrawny.{{book ref|mb1|1}}
She is naturally suspicious of others due to the circumstances of her upbringing, and slow to trust people. She initially tends to attempt to make herself seem irrelevant or hide when she is uncomfortable or anxious, and prefers solitude to the company of others, because of the belief instilled in her that no one can betray her if she is alone.{{book ref|mb1|1}}
Often she is alert and watchful, having a tendency to perch on things, or sitting in places where she can best monitor her surroundings.
Though she retains several titles given to her by other people, she does not want them, and even after becoming empress of the New Empire she refuses to wear royal garb in favour of clothing more practical for battle.{{book ref|mb3|15}} She also displays evident discomfort at being revered as the Heir to the Survivor, a religious figure.{{book ref|mb2|5}}
== History ==
==== Attack on Keep Hasting ====
Alongside Zane, Vin launches a brutal assault on [[Keep Hasting]], the keep which [[Ashweather Cett|Lord Cett]] appropriates as his own residence once he enters Luthadel. In minutes, the two Mistborn wipe out three hundred of the one thousand men garrisoned there and make their way to Lord Cett and his son, [[Gneorndin Cett]] to threaten them. Though Vin has suspected ever since she first saw him that Cett is an Allomancer feigning his physical disability, it quickly becomes evident that neither he nor his son are Allomancers, or that they pose any threat on their own, leading Vin to spare their lives. Following the attack, Cett pulls out of the city and withdraws from the siege.
She forces Cett to withdraw from the city after a brutal, all out attack with Zane on his appropriated keep in the city, where she slaughters three hundred of his soldiers in minutes.
==== The Battle of Luthadel ====
