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739 bytes added ,  8 years ago
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Later when she took the shard of Preservation, Vin was imbued with a large amount of power. She was shown to be able to augment the powers of ALlomancers as seen when she strengthened Elend's Alomancy abilities.
Vin has also shown herself to be adequate in disguising herself as seen when she inserted herself into the court lifestyle under the guise of Valette Renoux. (HELP!!)
Despite Vin's amazing displays of allomancy and melee prowess, she is still extremely small in stature. When deprived of allomantic metals, Vin is left weak and nearly defenseless. When forced to burn aluminum, she was unable to achieve any reasonable resistance against her captors.
Additionally Vin's friends can be used against her. Her desire to protect them pushes Vin into situations where she is disadvantaged. This is more evident when Elend is concerned. Fearing assassination attempts Vin used pewter and tin to allow her to remain awake for extreme lengths. This could have bordered on pewter dragging had she not been convinced to rest occasionally. The fatigue caused her to naturally be in a weakened state.
== Quotes ==
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