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|abilities={{tag|Returned}}, {{tag+|Awakener}}
== Peacegiver's Treasure ==
At the end of the Manywar, Vasher gave his store of Breaths (approximately fifty thousand) to the priests of Hallandren. It was passed down from God King to God King, all of whom had their tongues removed so that they wouldn't use the Breath.
== Vasher in Hallandren ==
At the beginning of [[Warbreaker]], Vasher used a trick to get himself imprisoned in the [[God King's]] palace. He escaped his cell and killed [[Vahr]], in exchange for Vahr's [[breaths]].
He later on rescued [[Vivenna]] and taught her to [[awaken]]. He helped Vivenna undo her work of trying to get the [[Idrians]] to start a war. Later on he broke into the God King's palace and got trapped by [[Denth]]. He killed Denth and told the [[God King]] how to use Vasher's army to stop the army of [[Lifeless]] which the [[Pahn Kahl]] had sent to attack [[Idris]].
== Notes ==