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[[File: Zahel-the-Swordmaster.jpg|thumb|A depiction of Zahel by [[User: Botanicaxu]].]]
Vasher worldhops to [[Roshar]], where he is known as '''Zahel'''.{{qa ref|1076|12|When you were planning Zahel being Vasher, how long did you do that?|date=Mar 6th, 2014}} He is a reclusive warrior [[ardent]] who teaches the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] princes and [[Kaladin]] how to sword fight. He uses exclamations and phrases involving colors, which generally confuses the Rosharans.
==Powers & Abilities==
Vasher was one of the first [[Returned]], he has a Divine Breath however over the years has developed abilities unique from other Returned. He is capable of altering his appearance, including altering his height as well as removing the Returned natural glow. Because he possess a Divine Breath he automatically has the Fifth Heightening. In addition he also has extended life and agelessness. It is speculated that other sources of investiture other than breathes can sustain Vasher.
Vasher is one of the greatest awakeners to ever live. Having been alive for as long as he has, as well as dedicating large amounts of his life to study and experimentation, Vasher has extensive knowledge of awakening. Vasher can issue highly advanced commands to aid in combat, mobility, or espionage. He often does this using the minimum amount of breathes required, as he knows exactly how much is needed. Vasher has also developed innovations in the application of breathes. He created [[Kalad's Phantoms]], a near unstoppable army of lifeless stone soldiers. He also is the only living person to know how to create sentient inanimate objects. Having created [[Nightblood] an extremely powerful sword.
Vasher is a prolific swordsman. Though he has admitted that he is not the best swordsman, his ingenuity in combat gives him an edge. He also is open to using "cheap tricks" in combat, such as when he transferred breathes to stun his opponent. A clear indicator of his sword fighting prowess is that on [[Roshar]] he is a highly sought after [[Alethi]] blade master. Having directly trained both of the Kholin children and [[Kaladin]] in the use and defense against shardblades. His familiarity to using shardblades most likely stems from Nightblood having similar abilities to shardblades.
== Notes ==
Anonymous user