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m (feeds off of Stormlight)
== History ==
=== Return ===
Vasher was born on Nalthis,{{qa ref|1114|2}}, but nothing is known about his natural life. Upon being returned, the [[Cult of the Returned]] named him "Warbreaker the Peaceful."
=== Five Scholars ===
== Powers & Abilities ==
=== [[Returned]] ===
Vasher was one of the first [[Returned]], he has a Divine Breath; however, over the years he has developed abilities unique from other Returned. He is capable of altering his appearance, including altering his height as well as removing the Returned natural glow. Because he possesses a Divine Breath he automatically has the Fifth Heightening. In addition he also has extended life and agelessness. It is speculated that sourcesSources of investiture other than Breaths, such as [[Stormlight]], can sustain Vasher.{{cite}}
=== [[Awakening]] ===