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It’s because of her insistence on using the sword in battle, and in giving away the secret to creating more, that Vasher and she fought. He ended up killing her with Nightblood, which they’d created together during the days they were in love—he married her a short time before their falling out. That marriage ended with him slaying his own wife to keep her from creating more abominations like Nightblood and losing them upon the world. (annotation 26)
=== Dalinar Kholin’s family ===
He considers this part of the Kholins as his friends. {{book ref|sa2|44}} He speaks fondly to Adolin and even knowing his status, he talks to him as student. He also considers a pleasure to train Renarin who has enthusiasm, obedience, and no fear of looking foolish which is not easy to teach. {{book ref|sa2|18}}
He trains Kaladin and his men to help them take care of the Kholins. {{book ref|sa2|44}} He would also see Adolin duel and shout advices at him. {{book ref|sa2|56}}
=== Kaladin ===
Vasher as Zahel trains Kaladin and is able to read him. Knowing that he is a profound person that makes questions. Kaladin on the other side, trusts him to the point of going to seek his advice when bothered with the moral decision of letting King [[Elhokar]] be killed. {{book ref|sa2|81}}
== Quotes ==
