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(Edit tense and phrasing, add links and a tiny bit of content, rephrase some things that were direct quotes of books or WoBs)
|I’m old, son, repeating myself makes me eat the wrong flower.
|Zahel to [[Renarin]] after asking him to jump in shardplate[[Shardplate]].{{book ref|sa2|18}}
Vasher is a tall man{{book ref|wb|19}} who has trouble expressing himself, who lets his anger get the better of him, and who is rough around the edges.{{wob ref|7339}} Vasher's memory has a few holes.{{wob ref|9190}}. He is usually grumpy.{{wob ref|7361}}
During most of the [[Pahn Kahl Rebellionrebellion]], he lookedlooks ragged. He was wearingwears ragged brown clothing, ripped in places, and worewears loose trousers tied at the waist by a simple rope. His facial hair wasis halfway between a beard and just scruff. His hair wasis unkempt and camecomes down to his shoulders.{{book ref|wb|15}}
WhenAs he wanted to show hisa Returned form to [[Susebron]], he startedcan tochange glowhis withappearance anat aurawill.{{book thatref|wb|epilogue}} madeWhen colorshe brighter.wants Heto grew andshow his chestReturned becameform moreto firm[[Susebron]], thefor muscles bulgingexample, andhe thebecomes scruffytaller, beard on his face retreatedmuscular, leaving himand clean-shaven.; Hishis hair turnedcolor becomes golden. Heand stillhe boredisplays thea cutscolor-enhancing on his body, but they seemed inconsequentialaura.{{book ref|wb|58}}
As a Returned, he can change his appearance at will.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
On Roshar his appearance is also long-haired, and he wears a short but scruffy black beard. He wears loose tan clothing tied with ropes with a robust build and a scar on his cheek. His eyes "seem old", but his skin doesn't seem wrinkled enough to match them. He has a low, scratchy, grinding voice.{{book ref|sa2|16}} He becomes a swordmaster and joins the ardents, though he knows he is not good at this second job.{{book ref|sa2|44}} He uses exclamations and phrases involving colors, which often confuse the Rosharans.{{book ref|sa2|i|6}}
On [[Roshar]] hishe appearancealso is alsoappears long-haired, and he wears a short but scruffy black beard. He wears loose tan clothing tied with ropes with a robust build and a scar on his cheek. His eyes "seem old", but his skin doesn't seem wrinkled enough to match them. He has a low, scratchy, grinding voice.{{book ref|sa2|16}} He becomes a swordmaster and joins the ardents[[ardent]]s, though he knows he is not good at this second job.{{book ref|sa2|44}} He uses exclamations and phrases involving colors, which often confuse the Rosharans.{{book ref|sa2|i|6}}
<gallery caption="Images of Vasher">
{{image|DESTROY EVIL!!!.jpeg|Wielding Nightblood|side=left|width=200px}}
=== Returned ===
Vasher isAs a Returned, whoVasher has a Divine [[Breath]], making him automatically of the Fifth [[Heightening (ageless)]].{{book ref|wb|32}} However, over the years he has learned to give away all of his Breath except for thatthe one ReturnedDivine Breath that keeps him alive. As long as he has that one Breath (which he’s learned to suppress and hide), he can stay alive.{{wob ref|7478}}
InOn Roshar, he uses [[Stormlight]] to keep himself alive. and thoughThough he cannot use it to [[Awaken]],{{wob ref|10380}} he can still sense people.{{book ref|sa2|i|6}} He can draw investiture[[Investiture]] from highstorms[[highstorm]]s,{{wob ref|5167}} this, however,but doesn't allow himhave access to [[Surgebinding]].{{wob ref|5727}} The method he uses involves the gap in his [[spiritwebSpiritweb]] left by his [[Divine Breath]].{{wob ref|2912}}
=== Awakening ===
Vasher has a lot of good information, and a handle on what he doesn’t understand.{{wob ref|7352}} He can trivially issue three commandsCommands in one Awakening, which is a difficult task, but for him it had become as simple assome blinkingAwakeners.{{book ref|wb|51}}
Vasher has also developed innovations in the application of Breaths. He created [[Kalad's Phantoms]], a near-unstoppable army of Lifeless stone soldiers. He is also one of two known Awakeners who have created sentient inanimate objects, having created [[Nightblood]].
In Roshar, he uses Stormlight to keep himself alive, butHe has not figured out how to Awaken withusing itStormlight.{{wob ref|10380}}
=== Swordsmanship ===
Vasher is a very skilled swordsman, with three hundred years of practice along with his Returned speed and strength. Though he has admitted that he is not the best swordsman because his temper gets in the way, his ingenuity in combat gives him an edge. He also is open to using "cheap tricks" in combat, such as when he transferredtransferring Breaths to stun his opponent.{{book ref|wb|57}} A clear indicator of his sword-fighting prowess is that on Roshar he is a highly sought-after [[Alethi]] weapons-master, having directly trained both of the Kholin children and [[Kaladin]] in the use of and defense against [[Shardblade]]s. His familiarity with wielding Shardblades presumably was honed by using Nightblood, who is similar to a very powerful Shardblade.{{wob ref|6892}}
== History ==
=== First years and becomingBecoming a Returned ===
Vasher was born on Nalthis,{{wob ref|2768}} and waseventually adied memberand ofReturned. theLike Fiveother ScholarsReturned, (alonghe withcannot [[Denth]],remember [[Arsteel]]anything of his life from before his Return. After he Returned, the [[Shashara]]Cult andof [[Yesteelthe Returned]]) butnamed cannothim rememberWarbreaker anythingthe beforePeaceful hisand Returnkept him alive by giving him Breath.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
Upon being returned, the [[Cult of the Returned]] named him Warbreaker the Peaceful and kept him alive by giving him Breath.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
AllHe offormed the five[[Five scholarsScholars]], werealong with the other Returned [[Denth]], [[Arsteel]], [[Shashara]], and [[Yesteel]]. Vasher, (then known as Talaxin,) and [[Shashara]] created Nightblood some time after [[Worldhopping]]{{ref|text=It is known that Shashara is a [[Worldhopper]]{{wob ref|1548}} but not whether she accompanied Vasher to Roshar.}} to [[Roshar]],{{wob ref|3211}} among other things, while they were both in love. He married Shashara shortly before he slew her with Nightblood. He killed her in order to prevent the knowledge of its creation from being disseminated.{{wob ref|6954}}
=== The Manywar and Aftermath ===
After the fiveFive Scholars split, they all joined different sides. Somein kingdomsthe gained[[Manywar]], theeach usebringing ofdifferent Lifelessspecialized whileknowledge othersto didtheir not. Somechosen kingdoms had weapons others could only envy.{{book ref|wb|32}}
By the time war started, Vasher was known as Kalad. The true origin of the war is a topic of debate among scholars,{{book ref|wb|32}} but it is known that Kalad was the man who had started the [[Manywar]] against the cities of Kuth and Huth. Stories say Kalad had used his knowledge of BioChromatic Breath to create a vast army of Lifeless and seize power in Hallandren. He had protected the kingdom with his armies, yet had shattered the kingdom as well by driving the royals into the highlands.{{book ref|wb|077}}
He later had a change of heart, which was so confusing for people that they thought he was a different person. Because of this, he is also became known as Peacegiver, who stoppeddefeated fighting,Kalad and broughtsent away the Phantoms back to seize control of his own kingdom to stop the Manywar.{{book ref|wb|epilogue15}} However, he had not restored Hallandren to its original rulers. Idris’s histories claimed betrayal and treachery. The monks spoke of heresies that were too deeply ingrained in Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|1532}}
It was too late for Kuth and Huth. Howeverhad already been destroyed, but the other kingdoms—Pahnkingdoms Kahl,agreed Tedradel,to Gys,stop andthe HallandrenManywar itself—werethanks broughtto outPeacegiver's of the conflictdiplomacy.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
Peacegiver’s legacy of the Manywar are two. HePeacegiver left a wealthtreasure of BioChromatic Breath, over fifty thousand Breaths, andwith askedthe tofirst keepGod themKing, safeto (heldbe bykept thesafe God Kings) and warnedbut not to use itused.{{book ref|wb|40}} He also left the Phantoms Invested with enough Breath to hold themstay together but not to move. A big and substantial influx of Breath is needed in, orderready to actuallytake makeaction themagain havewith motion,a tosufficient bringinflux themof enough strength to move and fightBreath.{{wob ref|4500}}
{{image|WB team.jpg|Vasher, Vivenna and Nightblood|side=left|width=200px}}
=== Pahn Kahl Rebellion ===
At some point, Vasher misinterpreted Arsteel's motives in joining with Denth and killed him.{{wob ref|7387}} Due to this, and VashersVasher's killing of Shashara, Denth and Vasher become enemies.
Vasher used a trick to get himself imprisoned in the God King's palace. He escaped his cell and visited a rebel called [[Vahr]]. Vahr gave Vasher his Breath in exchange for a merciful death.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
Vasher found through a priest there was a political HallandirienHallandren group pushing for war against Idris, where the exiled royals lived.{{book ref|wb|5}} Looking for more information on the faction involved, he met with Bluefingers,{{wob ref|6802}} who gave him information whichthat led him into the home of Mercystar, a Returned who was known for her involvement in politics, yet who wasn’tnot all that influentialinfluential. He broke into her palace and; after disabling some guards and Awakeningcreating a lifelessLifeless squirrel as a distraction, he was able to find a secret trapdoor.{{book ref|wb|21}}
He found VivenaVivenna was inadvertently working with Denth onto creatingcreate disturbances and vandalizingvandalize the city, which was making the movement for war stronger. Because of this, he kidnapped VivenaVivenna and took her to one of the slums, where he forced her to take Nightblood to test her heart. As Nightblood cannot tempt the hearts of those who are pure, she felt sick and dropped the sword, feeling sick; thus shethereby passedpassing the test and gotgaining his protection. She however, still believed, however, that Denth and his team were on her side and ran back to them, findingonly to find out they were traitorsnot andwhat ran from them asthey wellseemed.{{book ref|wb|35}} SometimeVivenna after,ran Vasherfrom threwthem Nightbloodand toended someup thugson hiredthe bystreets; Dentheventually, whoVasher were moving againstfound her, and afterrescued they were all deadher, heusing descendedNightblood fromto akill rooftop,thugs securedwho thewere sword and tookthreatening her back with him.{{book ref|wb|41}}
Vasher thenbegan tooktaking herVivenna to his meetings wherewith members of the Idrian community of Hallandren; he had been trying and failing to convince the Idrian community in Hallandrenthem to stop the riots and avoid the war. HeVivenna got Vivenna’sasked helpthe who asked themIdrians to find a way to bring attention to their suffering without bringing hatred as well, and to become heroes to Idris.{{book ref|wb|43}} After that, they continued reaching different groups of people with the same speech in favor of stopping the war.{{book ref|wb|46}}
Vivenna shared some of [[Denth]]'s plans with Vasher. This knowledge tipped him into finding the daughter of one of the priests who was kidnapped to turn her father in favor of the war. During this rescue, Vasher loseslost his temper and killskilled the thugs.{{book ref|wb|49}}
Vivenna and Vasher gowent to the arena to watch the Hallandren vote, iton doesn’twar. goThey very well to the peace cause, and they also findfound out that Siri iswas pregnant.; at Vivenna's pleading, Vasher agreesagreed to help Vivenna to save her.{{book ref|wb|50}} When he broke into the God King’s palace, he was ambushed by Denth’s mercenaries who captured him.{{book ref|wb|51}} When Vasher woke up, he was tied by his wrists to a hook in the ceiling of a stone room and Denth tortured himby Denth.{{book ref|wb|53}}
AtDenth thealso same time,had Nightblood was thrown into thea bay near waterT'Telir, but Nightblood was able to comeget outhimself andretrieved{{book contactref|wb|53}}; Vivenna; togetherfound him and they went to find himVasher.{{book ref|wb|54}} Vivenna came in, freed Vasher from his bonds and gavegive herhim a considerable amount of Breath. toHe himbegan asswordfighting Denth; stuckhe hisappeared swordto intobe herlosing, shoulder.{{bookbut ref|wb|56}}was Sheconfident laterthat recoveredhe somewould ofbe herable Breathto anddefeat threwDenth Vasherin the end. However, he ended up being thrown out the window inbefore anfinishing attemptthe to save himfight. Using Awakening, he survived and found Nightblood, which he used to kill a group of Lifeless that were sent to kill him. Nightblood consumed most of his Breath, and beforebut he was killedable byto it,drop heNightblood letbefore the blade godying. At that time, Denth came in and asked to finish the duel.{{book ref|wb|56}} Vasher was almostat killeda bydisadvantage, Denthbut infinished combatthe butbattle he usedusing his secret maneuver,: he gavetransferred DenthBreaths histo last BreathDenth and duringtook the timeadvantage of “shock”the whenresulting gettingmoment it,of heshock killedto kill him.{{book ref|wb|57}}
By the time Vasher comesfound outVivenna again, the Pahn Kahl had already sent Hallandren’s Lifeless to attack Idris. They wanted both kingdoms to fight and be weakened, making it easier infor hopethem to gain their own liberty. Vivenna finds via Nightblood whoAlthough Vasher reallyfelt is andhopeless theyabout togetherbeing goable to seestop the God Kingarmy, whoVivenna hadfound hisout tongueVasher's healed.true Vasheridentity showedand himselfconvinced ashim Returnedto andgive [[Susebron]] kneltcontrol atof himKalad's Phantoms. Vasher gaveshowed himhimself informationas onReturned hisand oldtold army:Susebron Kalad’show Phantomsto so he could stopactivate the warPhantoms.{{book ref|wb|58}}
The Lifeless were destroyed, and only a couple of the phantomsPhantoms were lost.{{wob ref|7479}}. HeVasher, accompanied by Vivenna, then setsset off to find [[Yesteel]], who was attempting to restore [[Huth]] and [[Kuth]], Vivenna goes with him.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
=== Worldhopping to Roshar ===
{{image|Trained by Master by Ari Ibarra.jpg|Training [[Adolin]]|side=right|width=200px}}
Vasher moved to Roshar and changedtook hison namethe toname '''Zahel'''. His main purpose in returning to Roshar was to have easier access to the [[Investiture]], in the form of ([[Stormlight]]), that he needsneeded in order to survive.{{wob ref|4553}} He partially walked and partially took a vehicle to get from Nalthis to Roshar,{{wob ref|8168}}, making use of a caravan running between the two planets.{{wob ref|11992}} Vasher became aware of the [[Purelake]] at some point and told Nightblood about it and its "magic fish", though it is not known whether that happened during this trip or an earlier one.{{book ref|sa3|90}} Vasher was separated from Nightblood after arriving intoat this worldRoshar.{{wob ref|1714}}
During the [[War of Reckoning]], he served as ardent and swordmaster in the Kholin warcamp. With encouragement from Adolin, whowhom he had trained before,{{book ref|sa2|35}} he became the masterswordmaster for Renarin Kholin.{{book ref|sa2|16}}.
Zahel appreciated Renarin’s enthusiasm, obedience, and nowillingness fearto of lookinglook foolish for the sake of training. He also offered to train Kaladin in using Shards and defending himself from Shardbearers andin helporder himto better protect the Kholins. He tested Kaladin by sparring with him; recognizinghe hisrecognized abilities both inKaladin's skill and tenacity, but lettingstill himfelt knowthat he needed more training wasto neededbe fully effective.{{book ref|sa2|18}} Kaladin didn’t accept the offer at first, but came asking for it after the attempt on the king’s life; he brought three more men from Bridge Four to train with him. Most of the training was given by [[Ivis]], his fellowanother ardent.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
During the [[Siege of Kholinar]], Vivenna (now going by the name of Azure) met both Kaladin and Adolin. Before parting from them, she asked them to warn Zahel that she was looking for him.{{book ref|sa3|110}}
== Relationships ==
=== Denth ===
Vasher knows [[Denth]] as VaraTreledees and Denth knows Vasher as Tax. They werestart out as friends, colleagues from the fiveFive scholarsScholars, and in-laws (when Vasher marriedmarries Denth’s sister, Shashara). However, after the creation of Nightblood, Vasher killedkills his wife thusShashara, making Denth a life longlifelong enemy of Denth.{{book ref|wb|53}}
Denth worked for the Pahn Khal and his payment would be capturing Vasher and make him pay for killing Shashara and Arsteel.{{book ref|wb|51}} Denth did respect Vasher and acknowledged all the good he had done for people throughout his life.{{book ref|wb|52}} Denth wanted Nightblood to kill Vasher, like he did with Shashara; or killed in duel like Arsteel. In the end, Denth was killed by Vasher with the same maneuver used to kill Arsteel.{{book ref|wb|57}}
=== Vivenna ===
At first, Vasher believes [[Vivenna]] is working with Denth and wants war between Idris and Hallandren. He kidnaps her and tests her by asking her to hold Nightblood. {{book ref|wb|49}} Because she feels sick from doing so, he concludes she has a good heart and decides to protect her, even after she ranruns from him.{{book ref|wb|41}} He teaches Vivenna about Awakening,the boththeory theand practice andof the theoryAwakening.{{book ref|wb|46}} He also helps her get a good grip on her sword and gives her some tips on how to act.{{book ref|wb|49}}
Vivenna is turned against Vasher by Denth,{{book ref|wb|19}}{{book ref|wb|28}} an impression that is reinforced by Vasher's rough treatment of Vivenna when he first kidnaps her.{{book ref|wb|35}} However, after he rescues her from the streets and they train and work together, she begins to trust him more and more.{{book ref|wb|49}} After the Pahn Kahl rebellion, she chooses to leave behind her life as a princess to travel the world with Vasher.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
To Vivenna, Vasher was rough. He was brutal. He had a terrible temper. But he was a good man. And, walking beside him, she felt safe.{{book ref|wb|49}}
=== Shashara ===
[[Shashara]] wasworks Denth’swith sister,Vasher and onethe rest of the Five Scholars andin atheir Returnedresearch alsointo knownAwakening. asThey Glorysingereventually byfall thein Cult of the Returned. Shelove and Vasher wereget married.{{wob ref|6954}}
She drewdraws Nightblood at the battle[[Battle of Twilight Falls]], andhorrifying Vasher was horrified bywith the result.{{wob ref|6954}} It’sShe because of her insistence on usingreveals the swordcommands infor battle,creating andLifeless inwith givinga awaysingle theBreath{{book secret to creating more, that Vasherref|wb|53}} and shewants fought.to Hereveal endedthe upmethod killingused herto withcreate Nightblood, whichas they’dwell, createdboth togetherof duringwhich theVasher daysopposes; they werefight inand love—hehe marriedkills her ausing short time before their falling out. That marriage ended with him slaying his own wifeNightblood to keepprevent hermore from creating moresuch abominations likefrom Nightbloodbeing and loosing them upon the worldcreated.{{wob ref|6954}}
=== Nightblood ===
Vasher and Shashara createdcreate [[Nightblood]] during the days when they wereare in love{{wob ref|6954}} based uponon the [[Shardblade]]s they hadhave seen on [[Roshar]].{{wob ref|5107}} He changedchanges his name after using him to kill his wife. Vasher has a bitsomething of a blind spot whenand itsome comesbias toregarding Nightblood. Heand makes assumptions he wouldn’twouldn't make regarding other people or elements of Awakening. It’s hard for him to regard the sword without biasothers.{{wob ref|7373}}
He doesn’t usually draw him,Nightblood; all Vasher has to do is throw in Nightbloodhim and let him do what he does. To Vasher, that’sif often all the justification he needs. If the swordsomeone can makebe themcontrolled killby each otherNightblood, then they weremust be guilty.{{wob ref|6963}}
Nightblood can sense where Vasher is. This is because Nightblood has ingested and fed off ofon Vasher’s Breaths in the past, which is also the reason why he isdoes not become sick when touching it.{{wob ref|7404}} In Roshar, it is implied he still talks to Nightblood expecting hisan answer back, though there hasn’t been an answer in years.{{book ref|sa2|i|6}}
=== Dalinar Kholin’s familyFamily ===
Vasher considers [[Dalinar Kholin]] and his sons to be his friends.{{book ref|sa2|44}} He speaks fondly to Adolin and addresses him as a student, despite the distinct hierarchical difference between them. Adolin often remembers Zahel’s (Vasher’s) advice and speaks fondly of his training with him.{{book ref|sa3|15}} Vasher also considers it to be a pleasure to train Renarin due to his enthusiasm, obedience, and lack of fear of looking foolish, something that Vasher says is not easy to teach.{{book ref|sa2|18}}
Vasher trains Kaladin and his men to be better bodyguards to the Kholins. {{book ref|sa2|44}} He wouldsometimes go to watchwatches Adolin duel and shoutshouts advice to him.{{book ref|sa2|56}} Vasher also gavegives Dalinar advice on how the ardents must feel about having to choose between him and their religion when Dalinar pushes for testing the moreboundaries of [[Vorinism]]. Presumably thanks to his broader worldview and lack of actual adherence to Vorinism, he pushedaccepts forDalinar's breakingactions somemuch rulesmore readily than the other ardents.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
=== Kaladin ===
|But boy, you’ve got red on your ears like I’ve never seen.
|Zahel to Kaladin and his men{{book ref|sa2|44}}
Vasher, as Zahel, trains [[Kaladin]] and is able to understand him, knowing that he is a profound person who asks many questions. Kaladin trusts Vasher enough that he soughtlater seeks his advice when he wasis bothered with the moral decision of letting King [[Elhokar]] be killed.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
== Trivia ==
