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Historians were confused by his sudden change of heart. This led to the Hallandren calling Vasher Peacegiver. Eventually, this led to the belief that they were separate people. At the end of the Manywar, Vasher gave his store of Breaths (approximately fifty thousand) to the priests of Hallandren. It was passed down from God King to God King, all of whom had their tongues removed so that they wouldn't use the Breath. This was known as [[Peacegiver's Treasure]].
=== The Pahn KhalKahl Rebellion ===
Much later,Arsteel attempted to disarm Vasher so as to talk sense into him to attempt to make him reconcile with Denth, Shashara's brother. Arsteel, however, was slain by Vasher in their duel for at first unknown reasons. As Arsteel was the superior swordsman, Vasher was forced to use a trick to win the fight. When, during the events of Warbreaker, he fought Denth, we learned how he defeated Arsteel: He passed on a small quantity of Breaths to Arsteel, and slew the other Scholar when the shock of receiving Breath stunned him. Vasher used the same tactic to kill [[Denth]].
At the beginning of [[Warbreaker]], Vasher used a trick to get himself imprisoned in the God King's palace. He escaped his cell and killedvisited a rebel called [[Vahr]],. inHe exchangeexchanged his Breath for Vahr'sa Breathquicker death and ensuring it would not go to his enemies.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
He later on rescued [[Vivenna]] and taught her to awaken. He helped Vivenna undo her work of trying to get the Idrians to start a war. Later on, he broke into the God King's palace and got trapped by [[Denth]]. He killed Denth and told the [[God King]] how to use Vasher's army to stop the army of [[Lifeless]] which the [[Pahn Kahl]] had sent to attack [[Idris]].
Vasher got a priest to find out Hallandren’s politics, finding there was a group pushing to move to war towards Idris, where the exiled royals lived, and pushed to find more about the factions in the city who wanted the war. {{book ref|wb|5}} After talking to Bluefingers, {{book ref|wb|annotation21}} knowing the returned kept secrets, Vasher sought out the home of Mercystar, a Returned known for her involvement in politics, yet who wasn’t all that influential. He broke into her palace and after disabling some guards and awakening a lifeless squirrel, he was able to find a secret trapdoor {{book ref|wb|21}}
He then sets off to confront [[Yesteel]] who was attempting to restore [[Huth]] and [[Kuth]].{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
He kidnapped Vivena and took her to one of the slums, where he forced her to take Nightblood to test her heart. As Nightblood cannot tempt the hearts of those who are pure, when she drops the sword feeling sick, she passed the test and got his protection. She however, still believed Denth and his team were on her side and ran back to them, finding out they were traitors and ran from them as well. {{book ref|wb|35}} Sometime after, Vasher threw Nightblood to some thugs hired by Denth who were taking her, and after they were all dead, he descended from a rooftop, secured the sword and took her back with him.{{book ref|wb|41}}
Vasher then took her to his meetings where he had been trying and failing to convince the Idrian community in Hallandren to stop the riots and avoid the war. He got Vivenna’s help who asked them to find a way to bring attention to their suffering without bringing hatred as well, and to become heroes to Idris.{{book ref|wb|43}} After that, they continued reaching different groups of people with the same speech in favor of stopping the war.{{book ref|wb|46}}
=== Zahel ===
