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Vaceslv is trained in using a side sword, truncheon, and small round shield while on patrol.{{book ref|sa3|73}} He is also trained in the use of a tower shield and pike in a defensive formation.{{book ref|sa3|73}}
== History ==
== Acquaintance with Kaladin ==
Vaceslv comescame to know Kaladin as a fellow soldier in his squad. Vaceslv and another member named [[Alaward]] trytried multiple times to get Kaladin to play cards with them; Kaladin declinesdeclined, thinking of his experiences with [[Sah]] and the other [[Voidbringers]].{{book ref|sa3|73}}
After a raid by the [[Fused]], Vaceslv iswas noted as having taken a gash to the chest that required assistance from surgeons,{{book ref|sa3|73}} but he iswas able to recover. Noro's squad, likely including Vaceslv, iswas present when Highmarshal [[Azure]] revealsrevealed how she suppliessupplied food for the army.{{book ref|sa3|81}}
Vaceslv followsfollowed Kaladin into [[Kholinar Palace]] with his squad and fightsfought in the [[Siege_of_Kholinar#Battle_of_Kholinar_Palace|Battle of Kholinar Palace]].{{book ref|sa3|84}} Most of his squadmates, including Noro and [[Beard]], arewere killed in the fighting.{{book ref|sa3|84}} There arewere a few survivors, but Vaceslv is not mentioned as being one of them, and may have died in the battle.
== Notes ==