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== CreationFormation ==
There are a few common ways for a Splinter to come into existence and most require the will of a Shard on some level. Perhaps the most common is that a Shard creates a Splinter by intentionally separating a bit of its power from itself.{{wob ref|9511}} This may be done for the purpose of creating some sort of synthetic race, such as the spren or seons. Another reason to create a Splinter is if a Shard wishes to prevent a soul from passing on to the [[Beyond]] by making it into a Cognitive Shadow, as is the case with the [[Fused]] and the [[Returned]].{{wob ref|5995}} It is uncertain whether or not an avatar of a Shard could be considered to be a Splinter, or if there is some other qualitative difference. There are some planets that only have Splinters present on the world,{{wob ref|4777}} as in the past Shards have gone to planets within the cosmere and left behind a Splinter before leaving.{{wob ref|8763}} Adonalsium also once left behind Splinters on various worlds before its death.{{cite}}
A Shard may also Splinter another Shard, tearing off aone or many chunkchunks of its power, typically for the purpose of diminishing it. If a Shard is completely destroyed in this way it is said to be '''Splintered'''. Typically either a Vessel may be killed and then their Shard subsequently Splintered,{{msh ref|6|4}} or more commonly the Splintering may happen as one titanic event that kills the Vessel and disperses the power.{{msh ref|3|2}} A Splintered Shard cannot have a Vessel while it remains in such a state, although it may be reconstituted into a full Shard via an unknown process,{{wob ref|1070}} although it will not restore the original Vessel.{{wob ref|5993}} Whether or not a Shard can Splinter another Shard is dependent upon the amount of raw [[Investiture]] that Shard is able to make use of at the time{{wob ref|9540}} and its knowledge of the process.{{msh ref|3|2}} There are more and less efficient ways to Splinter a Shard and it may grow easier with practice.{{wob ref|9563}}{{wob ref|9616}} Even a successful Splintering is taxing on athe Shard performing the Splinter and may require some recovery by the [[Shard]] afterward.{{wob ref|9881}} In some cases whether or not a Shard is Splintered may be a somewhat vague term.{{wob ref|5072}} A Shard left on its own without a Vessel may also Splinter of its own accord, although that is not the only possibility.{{wob ref|1877}}
== Vulnerabilities ==
As Splinters are fragments of energy and energy is conserved in the cosmere,{{wob ref|6984}} they ultimately cannot be reduced to true nothingness. They may be damaged sufficiently to destroy their minds, if they are self-aware in the first place. It seems one source of vulnerability of a Splinter is any bonds it may have formed with another being. One of the primary examples of this are the deadeyes of the Knights Radiant who betray their oaths. These spren are immortal, their essence cannot be destroyed, but they suffer physical disfigurement as well as some sort of constant agonizing experience. This betrayal ripped out portion of their chunk
Also talk about the mindless seons, stay close to their master
Killed Vessel and then Splintered or other way around? Remember and cite
|Spren are . . . power . . . shattered power. Power given thought by the perceptions of men. Honor, Cultivation, and . . . and another. Fragments broken off.
|Syl on spren{{book ref|sa2|24}}}}
Splinters are perhaps most populous in the Rosharan system, residing in the form of spren and Cognitive Shadows on at least two of the planets there. On Roshar itself, Splinters most commonly take the form of spren comprised often of some mixture between the Investiture of both [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]]. The Shard [[Honor]] itself has actually been Splintered,{{wob ref|9810}} resulting in a much higher population of spren than before its destruction.{{cite}} Notably powerful Splinters includerange in power from the true spren capable of forming [[Nahel bond]]s andto the massive spren such as the [[Stormfather]], and the [[Nightwatcher]]. Splinters of Odium are also present on that world, such as the [[Unmade]].{{wob ref|1672}} Voidspren and the [[Fused]], Cognitive Shadows of ancient [[singer]]s are also considered to be Splinters and may be found on both [[Roshar]] and [[Braize]].