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=== Vasher's Companion ===
'''Countering the Rebellion'''
After the end of the Manywar, Vasher wandered Nalthis carrying Nightblood, attempting to attone for his percieved sins.{{cite}} He avoided using Nighblood when possible, but would periodically draw him at the cost of his store of Breaths. He used Nightblood to kill someone several months before the [[Pahn Kahl rebellion]].{{annotation ref|wb|chapter=49}} In order to restore his supply of breaths, Vasher started a brawl in a bar and allowed himself and Nightblood to be captured and taken to the God King's dungeons.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} One of the guards drew Nightblood slightly and killed all of the other guards, as well as himself. This gave Vasher the opening to escape from his prison and convince [[Vahr]], a captured Pahn Kahl rebel, to give him his Breath. Vasher recovered Nightblood as he escaped the prison.
'''Rescuing Vivenna'''
After Vivenna returned to Denth's safehouse, she discovered that Denth had been attempting to trigger the war rather than prevent it and fled to the streets.{{cite}} Weeks later, Vasher and Nightblood managed to find her just as a group of thugs was capturing her for the bounty Denth had placed on her head.{{book ref|wb|41}} Vasher threw Nightblood among the thugs, and they killed themselves with him. Vasher recovered Nightblood and carried an unconscious Vivenna to his safe house in order to keep her out of Denth's hands.
'''Rescuing Vasher'''
From the bottom of the bay, Nightblood managed to communicate with Old Chapps, a slightly deranged fisherman and criminal.{{book ref|wb|53}} Nightblood spoke in his mind, guiding the man's fishing net to his location. Chapps pulled Nightblood up in the net and admired him. Afterwards, he had Chapps bring him back to shore and clean him.{{book ref|wb|54}} Soon afterwards in the slums, Chapps used Nightblood to kill three other men as well as himself. Vivenna, who was looking for Vasher, heard word of the commotion and found Nightblood there, who recognized. Nightblood told Vivenna that Vasher had been captured in the Court of the Gods. Vivenna brought Nightblood with her to the Court of Gods to rescue Vasher.{{book ref|wb|55}} After being turned away at the gates, Vivenna and Nightblood used Awakening to scale the walls but they were sighted by guards. Nightblood used his bond to Vasher to guide Vivenna to his location. Vivenna threw Nightblood to the guards at the entrance to the God King's palace as a distraction as she scaled the exterior of the palace. Vivenna managed to distract Denth long enough to free Vasher and in the ensuing struggle Vasher was shoved from a window.{{book ref|wb|56}}