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Hoid travels between various planets within the cosmere by making use of perpendicularities,{{wob ref|1472}} places usually created by the presence of a Shard on a planet where the sheer power of Investiture causes the borders between the realms to be weakened.{{au ref|drominad}} A knowledgeable person such as Hoid is able to transition from the Physical Realm to the Cognitive Realm.{{wob ref|1472}} Hoid can then travel to a different world's subastral, as the distances between worlds in Shadesmar are much smaller than in the Physical Realm.{{wob ref|4132}} Hoid is very proficient at traveling in Shadesmar.{{wob ref|5981}} He can easily travel to any world that has an active [[perpendicularity]], even those worlds where the perpendicularities are dangerous to pass through such as the [[Well of Ascension]].{{msh ref|2|1}} Hoid is known to be aware of perpendicularities on Scadrial,{{msh ref|2|1}} Sel,{{book ref|Elantris|part=postscript}} and Roshar,{{book ref|sa2|46}} and likely knows of Nalthis's perpendicularity as well.{{book ref|wb|32}}{{wob ref|9501}} While Hoid typically makes use of natural perpendicularities in his travels, later in life he may also have access to an ability that essentially allows him to generate his own personal perpendicularity, much like the [[Surge]] of Transportation.{{wob ref|9294}}
=== ExtremelyImmortality longor life and time dilationAgelessness ===
Hoid is far older than any human could really live. He also hasn't lived through all those years. He can move swiftly forward in time, but has not yet traveled backwards in time.{{qa ref|622|106}}
|Other men . . . other men, as they age, merely grow stranger. I fear that I am one of those. I am the bones of a foreign species left drying on the plain that was once, long ago, a sea. A curiosity, perhaps a reminder, that all has not always been as it is now.
|Hoid on his age{{book ref|sa3|68}}
Hoid is far older than any human could really live. He also hasn't lived through all those years.,{{wob Heref|6585}} caninstead movemaking swiftlyuse forwardof insome time,-dilation buttechnique hasthat notmay yetrender traveledhim backwards in timeunconscious.{{qawob ref|622|106}}
He can move swiftly forward in time, but has not yet traveled backwards in time.{{qa ref|622|106}}
Hoid's immortality is known to have come from some remnant of the weapon the original sixteen Vessels constructed in an attempt to kill Adonalsium.{{wob ref|10439}}
=== Healing Factor ===