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The [[Fused]], however, are now trained to watch for him - most likely to capture him and deliver him to [[Odium]].
==== The Queen's Wit and Counselor ====
At some point following his time in Kholinar, Hoid returned to Urithiru. By 1175, he had returned to his role as Wit, serving Jasnah in the same capacity as he had Elhokar. Hoid became one of her most trusted advisors, conferring often with her in meetings, and he confided in Jasnah at least something of his true nature. During this time, the two also began a romantic relationship. While this fact was not publicly known, their obvious closeness inspired rumors in the Alethi court. Despite the fact that his title of Wit remained the same, Hoid's demeanor was markedly different then during his tenure under Elhokar, often remaining quiet and serious in meetings, although often with a hint of mockery in his expressions. After the Mink was extracted from [[Hearthstone]], Hoid attended the following strategy meeting. He arrived with Jasnah, listening to the Mink's thoughts and seemingly impressed by his perception. When the group discussed Dalinar's thought that giving up Alethkar might be necessary to make peace, Hoid disagreed, stating that Odium would not accept anything less than a total surrender, if not the absolute destruction of humanity. Wit then went to fetch Taln and Ash from their confinement, returning to the meeting with them for questioning.
Prior to coalition's expedition to Lasting Integrity, Hoid met with Pattern,{{book ref|sa4|21}} who had grown concerned with Shallan's worsening mental health.{{book ref|sa4|78}} Hoid told Pattern that he was funny, but did offer to help. He told Pattern that if he became worried, Pattern could use the box containing the seon to speak to Hoid via his own box and helped Pattern obtain a copy of the key to Shallan's trunk. Hoid then accompanied Jasnah to the Oathgate platform to see off the expedition.{{book ref|sa4|21}} Sometime before the main campaign began in Emul, Hoid left Jasnah on an unknown errand, promising to meet her later in Azir.{{book ref|sa4|27}} During this time period he spoke to Pattern via the seons on at least x occasions, providing the spren with advice, and incidentally leaking information to the Ghostbloods via the [[Sleepless]] spy that had replaced on of his pens. At some point Hoid began planning with Jasnah to replace the insuboordinate Highprince Ruthar, speaking to his son Relis about the abuse Ruthar's children experienced at the hands of their father.
Weeks later Hoid accompanied Jasnah to a planning meeting, joining her in examining battle maps.{{book ref|sa4|50}} He was by Jasnah's side when Dalinar spoke to her about his desire to further explore his powers as a Bondsmith to successfully end the war with Odium and regain Alethkar. When Jasnah wondered if they might be used to push Odium to agree to terms of a duel, Hoid replied that Odium would never agree to terms unless he truly feared that he might lose the war in order to limit his losses. When Dalinar expressed his wish for total victory, Hoid mocked this hope. Dalinar expressed that he thought his powers might be used to trap the Fused or refound the Oathpact and he felt they were leaving options unexplored, Hoid agreed with him, claiming that his value was greater as a Bondsmith than a general. After Jasnah agreed to consider Dalinar's plan, Hoid mocked Dalinar again for his positive view of the monarchy and warned him to watch the highprinces, as Jasnah was about to move against Ruthar.
Later at that same meeting, after Jasnah goaded Ruthar into insulting her, Jasnah called upon her Wit to return the insults to Ruthar.{{book ref|sa4|50}} With Jasnah repeatedly ordering him to be harsher, Hoid mocked Ruthar's manhood, his honor, and ultimately revealed to the man that he'd spoken with Relis about Ruthar's abuse. In his rage, Ruthar challenged Hoid to a duel by swords, which Hoid accepted. Before the duel could begin, Dalinar reminded Ruthar that by killing Wit he risked his title and exile. Unable to harm another, Hoid agreed to allow a champion to face Ruthar in his place, offering his blade to Jasnah so that she could fight the man herself. After Jasnah defeated Ruthar and the man's life was saved by Renarin, Wit reclaimed his Blade from Jasnah and cleaned it of blood with his handkerchief. He then dropped the bloody handkerchief and mocked Ruthar again, stating that his bullying ways had left him devoid of any willing to show loyalty. After the fight Hoid's demeanor grew serious, his face expressionless and his eyes appearing as deep voids in the light.
Weeks later, when Jasnah fought in a major battle against the singer forces, Hoid served as her valet when she retreated from battle for rest.{{book ref|sa4|64}}During her first rest, she remarked to him that she had been less successful in battle than she had expected and could not beat a Fused in a fair fight. Hoid expressed his belief that fair fights were a lie, as one person is always superior to another in skill, training, or luck. Hoid sympathized with her desire to prove herself in combat, but told her that there was no shame in making use of her powers. Hoid also updated her on the state of the battle. The two discussed the potential end of standard battlefield formations, with Hoid saying that he felt it was unlikely they would persist as the powers of the Radiants became more commonplace. He offered to massager her sword hand, but Jasnah refused, preferring to return to the fight. Hoid visited her several more times over the course of the battle. However, at some point he returned to Jasnah's tent and discovered that one of his pens had been replaced by a Sleepless and all his conversations with Jasnah and correspondence had been compromised. Hoid began writing letters to those he communicated with to warn them of the breach, as well as his contacts among the Sleepless. He was interrupted by Jasnah returning from battle. When she refused to rest before an an explanation, he told her what had happened and that he suspected the Ghostbloods. He then told her more of the Ghostbloods and their leader [[Thaidakar]] than he had previously shared.
=== Post-Catacendric Scadrial ===